Wednesday, July 10, 2024



Why are so many horrible things happening? Why does no reporter have the guts to say that Machine Jean-Pierre is an arrogant, nasty, celebrity bitch? Why aren’t there any peace-talks between Russia and Ukraine? Why is America sending millions of dollars to Ukraine, which is a devastating, corrupt mess, under its current leadership, which has whipped out a generation of young men? Why are there many countries in the UN, which are in blatant violation of human rights? Why is Turkey in the democratic EU, while it’s president is an antisemitic, autocrat? Why are there so many anti-Israel demonstrations, but not a word about the massacres, committed by Muslims against Muslims in Syria and Yemen or Muslims against Christians or Hindus? Why am I the only one, who is talking about the obvious difference between our Disembodied Language (DL) and Embodied Language (EL)?


My answer to all the aforementioned questions is: people simply lack the skill to have ongoing EL and, therefore, haven’t and couldn’t have acquired the necessary self-knowledge, to make decisions, which result into better outcomes. Stated differently, our outdated DL, in which we, as speakers, don’t listen to ourselves ruins everything, that is beautiful and meaningful in life. Our DL creates and maintains our absurd beliefs, which prevent us from having the EL, which I am talking about. Moreover, I am the only one, who is talking and writing about the DL/EL distinction, because people don’t have the sincerity to acknowledge this major truth.


Why don’t you have any EL? You can’t have EL, as long as you don’t listen to yourself while you speak. Why don’t you listen to yourself while you speak? You don’t listen to yourself while you speak, because you were taught to listen to others, to authority outside of you and, yes, you were punished for speaking with and listening to yourself, you were – in DL – condemned for being an individual. Why do we all abide by the rules for communication, which were set by DL? We seem to be having no other choice, than to conform to the social hierarchy, in which only a few manage to become superior, while the rest is inferior. This is why even today only a handful of people do all the talking, and, supposedly, do the talking on behalf of the millions of people, who are merely reduced to listeners or readers.


Why do I have ongoing EL, while everyone else engages, day in, day out, in DL? I was supposed to have DL, just like everyone else, but I failed. Somehow, DL wasn’t working for me. Before I knew about the DL/EL distinction, I wondered, desperately, for many years, why everyone was always getting away with their DL, but I didn’t? It seemed so unfair, that I always got punished, rejected, ridiculed, ignored, humiliated, judged, avoided or disrespected, but I found out people just couldn’t stand it, whenever I spoke up and raised my voice. Why are all hateful protesters on college and university campuses allowed to scream hysterically and make any conversation impossible, while my DL isn’t tolerated? I know when I have DL, but others don’t. I can engage in DL with you and still admit, that we are both having DL, you can’t. Since I am the one, who is willing to admit it, I always got blamed for DL, while I was merely addressing it was happening. Why did I stop addressing DL with DL? I didn’t like the outcome and I rather go on with my EL.


Why does Nancy Peligroso look so pale, all of a sudden? Why is no democrat willing to answer any reporter anymore? Why is the democratic party in disarray? Why is the dam breaking on the many lies, which have been told about Joe Biden’s health? Why is the Left-wing media in a panic? Why has Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) spread so quickly among democrats and Republicans In Name Only (RINO’s)? Why are the democrats in favor of letting all the illegals vote? Why is Joe Biden still pretending as if he is going to be the next president? Why has no one in academia or in science – in spite of my many years studying psychology, working in psychology and teaching psychology – admitted that all these questions have different answers, depending on whether we engage in DL or EL, whether we have real of phony conversations?


Why are people, who were chosen in leadership positions by the Biden administration, because of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) a disaster for the Unites States? Why does it matter, Kamala Harris is so unpopular? Why is DEI, like religion, a failed attempt at having EL? Why is your way of talking, in which you don’t listen to yourself, having far-reaching horrendous consequences? Why all the fuss about someone’s fake-genitals, fake-butt, fake-tits, fake-eyelashes, fake-lips, fake-hair or tattoos, nails and piercings? Why do we only pay any attention to those who instill fear in us, who intimidate, overwhelm and dominate us? It is because we were only reinforced for our DL.


Why would you explore the possibility of talking with yourself and listening to yourself? It is only because someone – like me – stimulates you to do this, because he or she is able to show you the positive consequences of having done so him or herself. Why is DL, like the power of Joe Biden, coming to its end? It is because people want a different way of talking, a different way of governing, a different way of relating. Why is Joe Biden a bad father? His daughter wrote in her diary, that he took inappropriate showers with her; his son’s laptop – which, supposedly, was Russian-planted disinformation – showed, he was a perverted junkie, who refused to pay childcare for his child with a prostitute, which Joe Biden refused to acknowledge as a member of his family. Why is Biden a racist? Look it up and find out for yourself, the many sickening racist things he said. Why did no one hold him accountable for his fabrications, his plagiarisms, his disgusting hair-sniffing and touching? Why has no one ever apologized for covering for Joe Biden? It is because everyone is complicit with their DL.                   

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