Friday, July 12, 2024

 No longer,


For some time I no longer feel like being friends with AnnaMieke - with whom I have had so many pleasant, wonderful conversations on Skype - because she does not want to talk about politics.


Actually, I had known about her position for quite a while, but I enjoyed our contact, which was possible, as I had never so far felt a strong impetus to talk about politics.  


Now that it has been a while since I broke off our contact, I realize how important it was for me to take this step, to be able to continue talking about what I want to talk about. Initially, I didn't find it that objectionable, although I already knew that AnnaMieke automatically viewed politics as something that would distract from Embodied Language (EL). Since I live in the United States, where politics is something very important, which everyone talks about it day in, day out, I cannot avoid talking and writing about it with my EL.

Since I no longer speak with AnnaMieke, I have become convinced, politics plays an incredibly important role in the fact that everywhere in the world - not just in America - we do not have EL, but only Disembodied Language (DL). 


I simply cannot escape the impression, although DL is the basis of every culture, the opposite is also possible. In fact, I am convinced, this is precisely where the real future lies for our EL. And, it seems to me, EL is ultimately going to determine politics, because it is the language of the future.    

I'm not imagining anything, because I know all too well what the current state of affairs is. For me, it is as clear as day, that left-wing politics fits with DL, but right-wing politics aligns with EL. I find it absolutely ridiculous, that even someone like AnnaMieke still does not want to acknowledge this. It points to an unwillingness to admit, that the worldview she had with her DL still influences her and she wants to make it seem as if her EL could continue in concert with this horrible perspective. It will probably never happen that AnnaMieke admits, I am not merely expressing my opinion. This is why I no longer speak with her or anyone else who wants to continue with DL.


Fortunately, I have given up trying to make it clear to others, they have DL, because I believe they can and should do this themselves. I am only interested in the progress of EL and will not let anyone hinder me in this.


It is important for me to be clear about EL's political implications, because, due to my conditioning, that clarity was not there until quite recently. So, there is no possibility of having ongoing EL and at the same time adhering to left-wing, socialist, Marxist, communist, individuality-oppressing politics. It is also impossible to have EL, if one still lives in the illusion, that one is a Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu or atheist, or when one considers oneself as someone important, because of meditation, consciousness, sensitivity, creativity, education, weapons, science or economics. Who we believe to be, is always tied to the continuation of DL. I don't believe I have EL, but I have it and I know I do and that is my Language Enlightenment (LE). My EL and LE have nothing to do with faith.


I have nothing to say and, therefore, I can say what I really want to say. I always start with nothing and speak and write only from there. Left-wing politics is the biggest obstacle to individuality and anyone who has listened to themselves, should be able to admit, this is unquestionably true. In other words, only capitalism – and no other view – has enriched humanity and resulted in individuals being given rights in Democratic Western societies. However, all the enemies of capitalism are – always – against the freedom of the individual.


DL is the history of mankind, in which group behavior has repeatedly suppressed individual behavior. It is an indisputable fact that EL could only emerge from the prosperity created by capitalism. Yes, I am a product of the society in which I grew up. I foresee the possibility, with our EL, we will one day create a completely different society, based on wealth and well-being.


My view is simple and realistic.  Everything we created and maintained with DL will gradually disappear and be replaced by something better with our EL. Only the behavioral repertoires that fit EL remain, which means, that our lives will become increasingly simpler and more satisfying.


Everyone can experience and acknowledge how everything becomes more difficult and complicated. This is the inevitable consequence of our unconscious participation in and approval of DL. Especially in DL, there is pretense of simplicity and comfortable living, but these are just empty slogans, that have no support in reality. We are merely told something - by others, but also by ourselves - with the help of DL, which is not true, but we believe it, because others have believed it too. This is our historic group behavior, which, to this day, continues our devastating, unnatural DL, but this comes to a decisive end with our natural EL.

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