Tuesday, July 23, 2024



When you speak, there is no you, who speaks, but there is only speaking. When you speak about your so-called experience, there is no you, who speaks and you, who experiences, but there is only your expressed experience. When your language doesn’t match with your experience, it appears, as if there is a difference between your language and your experience, but your language expresses exactly, the experience of your confusion, distraction or feeling disconnected, troubled and conflicted.


When your language expresses your experience correctly, your language and your experience will dissolve, while you speak, but when your language incorrectly expresses your experience, you can’t help, but repeat your experience and your language, until they match. When you have said, what you are able to say, there is nothing anymore to say. Then, you will say things, you didn’t believe you were capable of saying. You use your language correctly when you speak without fear. To speak without fear, you must begin, to speak with fear and then, let yourself know, what it is like, to speak without fear.   


When feel you get energy, because someone says something, this indicates, it is important to you, but when you start to get tired of listening to what someone is saying, it doesn’t matter to you. The same rule applies, when you listen to yourself. When what you say to yourself gives you energy, you should definitely continue to explore it to it fullest, but when what you say to yourself sucks, you should stop it, immediately.


When you feel energized, by what someone is saying, it may be Embodied Language (EL), but it only is EL, if it is something you have first said to yourself and have heard yourself say. Thus, when you hear someone sounds like you, when you have EL – alone, with yourself – only then, do you know for sure, you are having EL with someone else. Certainly, EL with someone else is an event, which happens very rarely. Quite likely, you mistake your Disembodied Language (DL) for EL, as you hope to have EL with others.


When you have EL, you have already stopped your DL. The big challenge is to stop your DL, not to have EL. You can only have EL when your DL has been stopped. Everyone, unconsciously, engages in DL, so when you talk with others, you engage in it as well. When you want to be able to stop your own DL, you will first have to move away from all the people with whom you engage in DL. In other words, you will have to be alone; to be able to explore what it takes to stop your own DL. When you remain together with those with whom you get involved in DL, you will not be able to stop your DL, as you remain busy with the DL of others.


When you talk out loud alone with yourself, it is relatively easy to differentiate between your DL and your EL. However, we are so entrenched in our DL, that even after we have several times, on our own, determined what is DL and what is EL, this clarity disappears very quickly, when we get together with others. Stopping our own DL depends on our ability, to fully acknowledge, that our DL contains all our beliefs, convictions, everything we know and desire. It is easier and also more effective, to admit this to ourselves, than to divulge this to others, who haven’t yet identified their own DL and EL, who, therefore, still keep engaging in DL. When you accept, that what you call your mind or your thinking, is actually your DL – which wears you out, drains you and depletes your energy – your DL stops.


When you have stopped your DL, you know, the continuation of your EL was never a problem, as it was always the continuation of your DL, that prevented you from having EL. Thus, when you manage to stop your conditioning – that is what you do when you stop your DL – EL happens by itself, naturally and effortlessly. Therefore, there is no need to be busy with EL, which takes care of itself. The thing to pay as much attention to as you can, is your own DL, which always asks, demands, holds and exhausts your attention.


When you listen to your own DL, you’ll notice it isn’t any fun to listen to your struggle, conflict, confusion, stress, depression, fear, arrogance and hate. No one wants to hear your negative DL and you don’t want to hear it either. When you listen to how your DL sounds, it turns you off. Your DL, which you engage in every day, is always about you being unhappy, dissatisfied, anxious, disillusioned, frustrated, unconscious, lost and meaningless. You are only going to end your DL, when you have no more energy for it.


When you stop your DL, you put an end to your conditioning history. It is like and end of life situation. Your survival struggle has made you stay alive, but it always prolonged your DL. When your DL at long last stops, you finally can understand, you have always been reacting in a survival mode. Unless you are motivated, to die to your past, to how you have been – which is not the same as sacrificing yourself on the altar of your beliefs – you will go on repeating yourself and you will continue with your DL.  


When you have DL, you are always fighting, arguing, hiding, fleeing, escaping, pretending that you are not here, defending, posturing or you believe to be all-powerful, immortal, your truth is eternal, you are so special, chosen and anointed. All of this has happened down the ages, this is the history of mankind, and this is why DL is still happening everywhere today. No one, except me, is capable of letting you know about EL, because DL has never been stopped. We have only believed, we have stopped it, but our so-called civility, politeness or respect isn’t the same as stopping our DL. I am truly special not because I want to be special, but because I have stopped my DL. I just got tired of it. Everything I have described, I have myself done and these words derive from my EL. When you can stop your own DL, you can speak with your EL about your own DL and about everyone’s else’s DL.           

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