Tuesday, July 9, 2024

 Political Speech,


I am in favor of Embodied Language (EL) and against Disembodied Language (DL) and, this is why I write and speak – from the point of view, afforded by my ongoing EL – about what each human being, individually, should and shouldn’t do. However, my EL is not an argument for or against something, as that would be more of the same DL, which is happening everywhere. I am not having any relationship, with those who have DL, as I only relate to those who have EL.


Surely, EL will make your life better, because you finally get to attend to yourself, with your own language. In effect, EL marks the end of your allegiance to DL, the group-behavior, that has been going on since time memorial, which still continues until today, in the name of Left as well as Right-wing politics. Unless DL is stopped, there can be no EL. Both parties keep trying to address DL with DL, but that has never worked.


I want everyone to take action: start speaking with yourself and listening to yourself and begin to hear the great difference between your own DL and EL. Only you can stop your DL and if you do, you will be able to have EL and experience a better way of life. I write my blog and speak on my You Tube channels – 1) Maximus Peperkamp and 2) maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw – because I only want to engage in political speech with EL. I have nothing to say, politically, with DL, as for me, EL is not a contentious or contested issue.


I don’t merely speak – as everyone with blunt, scripted, unconscious DL does – with my EL about politics, but I engage in an instance of politics, which, therefore, isn’t aimed at any group, but only at those rare individuals, who are receptive to my perspective. I’m not trying to win support for a proposition concerning some community, party, counsel or country, as I am only concerned with the genuine interaction between one person and another. The issue of persuasive speech is irrelevant and absent in EL.


Although I would like you to stop your own DL, so that you can have EL with me and others, I am not thinking that should happen. To me thinking is a false concept, which refers to our long, dreadful, problematic history with DL, in which we stubbornly believed in the occurrence of inner language or private speech. EL is not about changing the so-called minds and hearts of people, because these are useless concepts, which came about due to our DL. EL is about changing the way, in which you, as an individual speak and this will alter all your other behavior.


Once you have ongoing EL, you acknowledge, it is not about supporting or opposing this or that idea, because any so-called idea is just another fabrication of your DL, in which you never could say what you wanted to say and were capable of saying. Therefore, ideas are fantasies about language, inside of us, which we call mind. This illusion is created and maintained by your DL. I give you reason and motivation, to stop your DL: with DL, you cannot be yourself. I don’t care if you agree or disagree with me, because EL or DL is about whether your language agrees or disagrees, fits or doesn’t fit, with your behavior.


A so-called political stump speech is a standard speech used by a politician running for office. Typically, a candidate, who schedules many appearances, prepares a short, standardized stump speech that is repeated verbatim to each audience before opening to questions. The stump speech is an early American custom, in which candidates campaigned from town to town and stood upon a sawed-off tree stump to deliver their speech. Usual, scripted, political stump speech is of course, very different from unusual, unscripted speech, in which we speak with one another, as an individual. This is the gigantic difference between our DL and EL.


Real communication is unscripted, but phony speech is always scripted. Joe Biden is clearly into the old, scripted speech and he falls apart, each time he speaks off the cuff. Donald Trump is so refreshing, because he shows us, political speech doesn’t have to be boring and scripted. He speaks as a real individual and he is funny, but angry Joe Biden virtue-signals, he is saving democracy, while the Left is blatantly against the freedom of speech, the founding principle of the United States. Although people on the Right also don’t know about the difference between DL and EL, they are in favor of the freedom of speech, and they are more open to what I am talking about than the Left. This conclusion is inevitable, to anyone who has EL. Those who don’t want to admit and talk about, that political speech of the Left and the Right, map - not coincidentally - onto the DL/EL distinction, are against individual freedom.  

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