Friday, July 5, 2024



I enjoy my life, because my language fits with my experience. To be able to have Embodied Language (EL) is to know, I can always speak with myself and listen to my voice and hear what really matters to me. However, there cannot be any joy in Disembodied Language (DL). I am too joyful, to get involved in or to remain busy with DL. My joy wins from my misery. In the past, my DL took over again from my EL, but these days, my EL always takes over from my DL. All of this happens by itself, my life unfolds like this.  


My biggest joy of my EL is that there is nobody who does it. During DL, by contrast, there is the illusion of an inner me, who, presumably, does or decides what I do. In EL, it is clear this entity doesn’t exist and has never existed. There is joy and relief, in the realization, I can go on with my EL, although nobody wants to engage in it.


Certainly, joy is more than happiness. People tend to habitually link joy to some so-called spiritual or moral experience, but whenever we refer to these, presumably, deeper, revealing psychological events, we, inadvertently, talk about inner language. However, there are no words inside of us, there is no private speech.  Everything we have assumed to be happening inside of us – in our mind, thoughts, memory or consciousness – is a fabrication, a fantasy, an imagination, which is the inevitable result of our involvement in DL. When our DL is stopped and we have EL, our joy is more than happiness.


Joe Biden is happy, if he is eating an ice-cream, but such happiness is fleeting and gone after he finished eating. There can be no joy for Joe Biden, who, like most people, engages, day in, day out, in DL. Of course, Jill Biden, is not to be blamed for this, because she is as ignorant as everyone else with DL. Dr. Jill – as she insists to be called – and her frustrated husband, are classic examples of people, who desperately claim to be someone, they are not. It is painful, to see and hear, again and again, the Biden’s utterly failed appeal to, America’s deeper emotions, to what people, superstitiously, have called, our better angels. Joe Biden couldn’t be the joyful ‘uniter’, he, at the outset of his presidency, vowed to be, as everyone can hear there is no joy in his DL.


People with DL, who can’t have, and, therefore, can’t know joy, will argue – yes, they will even argue – and say, joy is very complex, but that is utter bullshit. Joy is simple and true, but simplicity and truthfulness requires, that we listen to ourselves, while we speak, so we can stop our DL and engage in ongoing EL. There is no such thing, as the study of joy, because we can only have joy, if we have ongoing EL and EL is not about studying it, but about enjoying it. I myself have studied, worked in and taught psychology for many years, but found to my big disappointment, that nobody is interested in EL, because joy is really a threat to their ambition.


Joy is not, as some crazy psychologists – who presumably did important research and wrote another stupid book – want to make us believe, a practice, you can cultivate and make into a habit. There is no such thing, as deep delight, which is full of significance. We talk about our natural wellbeing in this inflated, imaginary manner, because we are used to unconscious DL, and we don’t know how to stop it. In EL, everything we say is significant, but in DL, everything is phony. Joy, the effortless outcome of our involvement in EL, isn’t covered in psychology, because our EL isn’t about collecting data about others, but is about being busy and staying with ourselves.


Joy has absolutely nothing to do with becoming authentic, conscious, meaningful, contributing to or empathizing with others or living more aligned with one’s ethical or spiritual ideals. All this useless stuff is regurgitated, but it doesn’t address the difference between your DL and EL. If you succeed in stopping your DL, it is because you talked with and listened to yourself. Once you have EL, you feel joy, which is incomparable to anything you have ever experienced with DL.  


Only our ongoing EL provides the occasion for joy. The short-lived joy of an accidental moment of EL, is actually a disruption of our otherwise stable commitment to misery and conflict with our habitual DL. Ongoing EL is our ultimately joy, as it reveals our Language Enlightenment (LE), which means, we finally use our language correctly, to describe our own experiences. Of course, there is joy in speaking our own truth. Our joyful energy signifies if we have EL.

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