Sunday, January 1, 2023




I really appreciate having developed my own ability, to always say, to myself, exactly what I want to say and can say. I do this because, for the most part, I am not in the position, to be able to say it to you. I would like to say to you, what I can say to myself, but you don’t want me to do that, as you only know how to engage in Disembodied Language (DL).


Even when you let me talk and, presumably, agree with me, you ask me questions, which indicate, that you are not ready to have Embodied Language (EL) with me. For instance, you would ask: how do we teach this to others? The entire notion of others doesn’t arise in EL, as the other, is always perceived, as our own experience, our own memory, our own belief, our own description, our own explanation, our own opinion and our own fear or our own happiness. In other words, when you have EL with me or with yourself, you will certainly notice, that  there really is no difference between me and you.


Shockingly, in EL, our identity – our belief in who we are, in who we have been and in who we are going to be in the future – dissolves. This will predictably happen, as EL is the inescapable expression of our Language Enlightenment (LE). Our EL announces the unavoidable transcendence or death of everything we have falsely assumed about our reality. You are already enlightened, although you haven’t acquired the necessary way of talking, to properly express it.


Another indication, you still only want to have DL, is that you believe and talk to defend and impose that belief, that you think there is an inner voice, which is your consciousness. However, there is no private speech, as this is merely the way in which we speak about the irrefutable fact, that we are seldom, if ever, in the preferable circumstance, in which we can fully verbally express ourselves. Certainly, we would be in that situation much more often, if we would repeatedly talk out loud with ourselves and listen to ourselves, as doing that, would allow us to say and consider everything we had wanted to say and were able to say. It would be very clear and self-evident to us, that we don’t think before we speak or even hear what we say, as we would listen to ourselves while we speak, that is, we would speak and listen simultaneously, at the same rate.


What we call our mind, our thoughts, our feelings, our experiences, our memory or our perception, is our language, which we now fully express and hear or, as with this writing, read. The issue of having a consciousness, therefore, is an indication, that we haven’t talked with ourselves and so, we believe in many things, which aren’t true. Simply stated, there never was a me, who was having an experience, as there is only our way of speaking or writing, which  happens in such a way, this appears to be the case.


The whole separation between the experiencer and the experience, is merely a fictitious verbal concept, which causes us many complicated problems. Thus, DL, is simply an incorrect way of talking about our reality, while EL is the only correct way to speak or write about our reality. DL is incorrect, in that, we believe in the division between an inner, subjective world and, an outer, objective world. Again, these are just illusions, which are created and maintained by the way in which we speak and, inevitably, write.


Since all of mankind is still trapped, by the old way of talking – DL –  in which we continue to imagine things to be true, which are patently false, we also produce writings, which reflect this fallacy. In effect, all the writing that has been done, derives from DL and this writing, is one of the very first versions of what has derived from EL. In DL, our emphasis on morality itself, is the inevitable mistake we make in our ability to distinguish between right and wrong. There is no right or wrong other than our EL and our DL and, indeed, EL is right and DL is wrong.  It is that way, even though we were not yet aware about it.


The possibility of EL has always been with us, and has always, albeit in minimal ways, had its positive effects. Each time we were peaceful with one another, each time we were friendly, sensitive and open to having real conversation, we were already, unknowingly, engaging in EL. However, it was never really clear to us, what EL was, therefore, our most important behavior - which is our verbal behavior (speaking, listening, writing and reading) - still causes us tremendous problems. EL is the expression of who we naturally are, when we say what want and are able to say and, thus, our EL is essentially the only way for us to come to know our own LE.    

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