Monday, January 1, 2024




Anyone who engages in Disembodied Language (DL) is my enemy, because they do not want to have Embodied Language (EL) with me. Don’t assume this is my problem. Actually, it is not my problem at all, because I know, how to avoid everyone with DL like hell. I am very good at avoiding you, almost perfect.


The Latin saying, amicus meus, inimicus inimici mei,  means: my friend, the enemy of my enemy. It is an ancient proverb, which suggests, two parties can or should work together against a common enemy. We don’t realize, however, that DL is our common enemy and as long as we keep participating in it, we will never be united against it. Only when we have EL, will we be together against DL, as we agree how horrible DL is.


When it comes to having EL, you are either with us or against us. Paradoxically, with DL, we keep fooling ourselves and each other, into believing, that people are with us, who, in fact, are against us. Moreover, with EL, we are our own best friend, but with DL, we are, unknowingly, our own worst enemy. This is why our so-called cooperation, with people – whom we do not like or necessarily agree with – to combat a common enemy, has never resulted in lasting peace.


The phrase, know your enemy, derives from an ancient Chinese book, The Art of War, which was written by the strategist Sun Tzu. With regard to our own as well as someone else’s DL, we must know its strengths and its weaknesses. Knowing ourselves is as important as knowing our enemy. Strikingly, we never approach or attack DL, because we either escape it or avoid it. Our escape from DL indicates, we weren’t able to avoid it. Ideally, we are so good as avoiding DL, there is no need to escape it. With EL, we approach only EL and we recognize and avoid all DL, whenever it is masquerading itself as EL.


While everyone with EL knows DL is their mortal enemy, our advantage over people with DL, is that they don’t view us as their enemy, as they only view other people with DL as their enemy. Also, people with EL never attack people with DL, and that is why they don’t see us as their enemy. People with DL are inherently weak and vulnerable, since they lose a lot of energy, while being busy defending themselves or attacking others, but with EL, we conserve energy.


The enemy of anyone with, who knows EL, is not someone else, but our own history of conditioning with DL. To the extent that we fully accept and thus, understand our own inclination towards DL, we are unaffected by DL of others. There is no such a thing as a public enemy, there is only our personal enemy, which will only be defeated, if we ignore our DL. 


Our enemy retreats, because we listen to ourselves while we speak. Yet, we are not inclined to listen to our own DL, as we don’t like to hear it. However, as long as we don’t listen to ourselves, while we speak, we enter, unconsciously, into hostile and dangerous enemy territory. We remain hidden from the enemy to the extent, that we don’t speak with anyone, who has DL. Of course, this isn’t always avoidable, and we must practice small talk, to remain incognito. Also, we must admit, we don’t like ourselves, to have DL and take distance from our history of conditioning.


Countries, religions and races have never been at war with each other, because it was always people who were each other’s enemy. However, although it always seemed – due to our DL – as if one group was the enemy of another group, it was, in fact, always about each individual, fighting with him or herself, that caused the war. Yet, there was never such a thing, as an inner struggle, as there was only our wrong use of language, in which our experience could not be expressed. Certainly, our DL is and has always been enemy number one of the individual.    

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