Monday, April 10, 2023




With Embodied Language (EL), everything is very simple, but with Disembodied Language (DL), things become more and more complicated. As you get better at stopping your DL and preventing yourself from participating in and contributing to it, a magnificent process of simplification is unfolding.


This writing illustrates, that my EL connects with you, although, probably, you have never consciously had any EL. Of course, you have had EL, but you never knew it, because you didn’t differentiate between those moments, in which you spoke and listened to yourself and those, in which you spoke, but weren’t aware about the sound of your voice.


In EL, you will naturally say or write exactly what you are able to say and write, but in DL, you are different from who you are and your language indicates, that you are out of touch with yourself. Neither religion, politics, philosophy, psychology, therapy, music, art or biology has addressed the   enormous difference between DL and EL, so what you read here is simple, but incredibly important.


Paying attention to the obvious requires awareness, but this awareness is missing, due to how you deal with your language. In DL, you keep making it seem as if it doesn’t matter, how you deal with language, but, of course, it matters, as it always determines what your life will be like. You remain unconscious about how your language creates your reality, since you never talk with yourself, to listen to yourself.


While trying to escape from their own messed-up, problematic, conflicted reality and attaining some sense of simplicity, many people have – totally in vain – practiced all sorts of austerities. Everyone with DL is basically ascetic, as they, unknowingly, but continuously, abstain from the simple instant gratification pleasure, comfort and self-indulgence of enjoying their own sound, while they speak.  


People seek to escape their vacuous lives with all sorts of exciting, distracting, stimulating activities,  and by going to all sorts of places – physically, but also psychologically, spiritually, intellectually and emotionally – but they never pay attention to the simple fact, that they suffer the consequences of speaking with a sound, which they really don’t like.


In spite of our so-called freedom, individualism and pursuit of happiness, our self-denial, harsh restraint, inflexibility and absence of warmth or comfort, is way more common, than we are willing to admit, as doing so, would require us to become conscious about our mechanical way of dealing with language, which sets the stage for all our other behaviors.


Even if, somehow, we have become, miraculously, capable of acknowledging the immense difference between our own DL and EL, the chances that we will continue with our EL and permanently abandon our DL, are very small, as this will only happen, if we fully accept, that our Language Enlightenment (LE) is the real reason, why we prefer our EL over our DL.   


The simple, hopeful, hilarious truth is, that our LE is already the case, even when we don’t realize it and are endlessly side-tracked by our DL. Surely, EL and LE is possible for everyone, however, only someone who talks often enough with him or herself, will be able to realize this. Since talking with others seems to be more important than talking with ourselves, we keep missing out on the most simple, beneficial, delightful behavior of our life. We can only behave gracefully and intelligently, once we are guided by our EL, which reveals our LE, each time we have it.                   

Sunday, April 9, 2023




I find it funny, that you can’t laugh and that I am not helping you very much either. I know, I only make things worse, but that is what comes natural to me. Have you ever noticed, that I use the word that very often? I want you to pay attention to that. Plenty of that, has helped me a lot. I am always busy with that. Whether you like it or not, I am determined to continue with that. There is a choice between this and that, but I prefer that. I don’t care what you say about that. Yes, let that sink in for a moment.


This is overrated, but that is underestimated. Why do you do that? Why can’t you acknowledge, that you are still upset about that? You are so stuck on this, as this is your escape from that, but that is not something, you are willing to talk about. I get that, but I don’t agree with that. By speaking about this, you neglect that, but that is not what I want. I am very persistent with that. I am dissatisfied with that. Don’t you forget about that. That is all I want to say to you. Can you imagine that? My answer is, of course, no. If that pisses you off, I’m fine with that.


Listening to yourself while you speak, that is what I’m talking and writing about. That, at the beginning of a sentence, is a determiner, as in: That is my goal. That needs to be more elaborated. Since I talk and write about the facts of how we use our language, I also often use the plural form of that, as those facts matter a great deal, but nobody seems to get that.


Words are not objects, but behaviors. Yet, we keep referring to what we say, hear, read or write, as if we are dealing with objects and that is a gigantic problem. I say: that, there, is my house. Obviously, that, refers to my house, but are you listening to me? Are you looking in the direction of where I’m pointing? As you read, that I really make a big deal out of that, is that reading doing something to you? Is that making you wonder: why, in the hell, did he write that? Can you admit, to yourself, that that, which I’m always writing about, that that, what I’m speaking about, is that, which you can only read about, unless you talk with me, as that is absolutely necessary, to be able to hear me? That’s not just my thing, but that’s your participation in your language.


Is that, who you want to be? Someone, who doesn’t give a damn about that? Will you continue to be someone, who remains afraid to explore, that how he or she deals with his or her language, determines everything. Surely, how you do anything is how you do everything. It means that you always carry your attitudes and your beliefs – about your language – into every single action you take in your life. My  words potentially can bring your attention to that.


That is about work ethic. Everyone knows, that I’m a hard worker and that my diligence, of course, refers to how I live my life. That is about completing what I have started and taking accountability for what I do. That is about honesty and dependability. That refers to my Embodied Language (EL), which can be relied on and is calming and comforting. That shows you why your Disembodied Language (DL) is a complete disaster. It was always your habitual way of dealing with language, that made you lie and concoct bigger and bigger lies. That is about self-care. Who would you rather talk with: someone, who is alert, happy, sensitive and presentable or someone, who is disheveled, who hasn’t had enough sleep, who is addicted, depressed or frustrated? If you knew the difference between EL and DL, you would readily admit, that they represent different lifestyles. And, your competence and confidence can only derive from your EL. It is true that people have always noticed my enthusiasm and my positive energy, but  seldom do they find out, that this has nothing to do with a mind-set, but with my ability to go on with my EL. How is it possible that I can do that, while everyone has DL? I don’t have that question, as my Language Enlightenment (LE) makes me want to have EL. Funny how, that is true for me and for you.

Saturday, April 8, 2023




Hoewel ik bijna nooit mijn oude geschriften herlees en het meeste heb weggegooid, kreeg ik er vandaag plotseling zin in. Wat ik heb verwoord is fantastisch en het schrijven van niemand anders komt in de buurt van wat ik onder woorden kan brengen. Ik schrijf en zeg dit, omdat ik zou willen dat iedereen die mijn schrijven leest, het met zoveel mogelijk mensen deelt, aangezien ik het niet ga doen. Het ligt in de aard van Belichaamde Taal (BT), dat het zich alleen verspreidt via mond-tot-mond reclame – dat wil zeggen, door woorden, die uit je mond komen en die daarom door jou worden gehoord. Dus, het delen van mijn geschriften met andere mensen, gaat over het delen van jou BT met hen. Ik steek geen energie in dingen die niet vanzelfsprekend voor me zijn en laat het schrijven van een boek, artikel of het maken van podcasts of video's aan anderen over.


Ik geniet enorm van schrijven op de manier waarop ik dat nu doe. Mensen die het lezen snappen het of niet. Hoogstwaarschijnlijk snappen ze het niet en daarom praten ze niet met mij. Mijn schrijven is een selectieproces, om alleen die zeldzame individuen aan te trekken, die bereid zijn om BT met mij te hebben. Het enige dat nodig is, is je bereidheid, niet je vaardigheden, je opleiding, je geld, je platform of je overtuiging. Ik vind het prima dat je me niet kunt geloven, maar als je bereid bent om eens met me te praten, zul je merken dat je ongeloof verdwenen is.


Als wat ik schrijf en zeg niet gebeurt, precies zoals ik het schrijf en zeg, was je sowieso niet bereid om met me te praten. Ik spreek ook deze woorden uit om je te ontmoedigen om tevergeefs contact met mij op te nemen, aangezien ik jou of mijn tijd niet wil verspillen. Mijn geschriften zijn buitengewoon nadrukkelijk, expliciet, consistent en mooi. Ik ben tevreden met wat ik heb bereikt en ik voel me zo gelukkig om de gevolgen van mijn BT te ervaren.


Tijdens het lezen van mijn schrijven - in plaats van mijn schrijven te schrijven, zoals ik gewoonlijk doe - merk ik hoe geweldig het eigenlijk is, dan ik mezelf zo volledig kan uitdrukken, met mijn voortdurende BT. Met Ontlichaamde Taal (OT) echter zou dit nooit mogelijk zijn. Iedereen beeld zich onvermijdelijk in een zogenaamde mind te hebben en vast te zitten in hun zogenaamde gedachten, omdat ze niet volledig over zichzelf kunnen praten. Anders gezegd, er is echt een reden, waarom vele mensen in klink-klare onzin blijven geloven, die, net als iets waar je over droomt, weg is op het moment dat je wakker wordt. Onze circadiane ritme – onze biologische cyclus, om 's nachts te slapen en overdag wakker te zijn – geldt eveneens voor onze taal. Als we niet kunnen slapen,  dan voelen we ons overdag niet goed en dan  functioneren we niet optimaal en als we ons niet – verbaal – kunnen uiten, ervaren we onwillekeurig allerlei negatieve gevolgen, zoals die zogenaamde geestesziektes, verslavingen, relatieproblemen, ons idiote vertrouwen in de politiek of ons fanatieke geloof in een denkbeeldige macht hoger dan wijzelf.


Met OT kunnen we niet gezond en helder zijn en het maakt niet uit hoeveel we draaien en keren met onze taal, het geeft ons nooit een gelukzalig gevoel. Alleen als we dit erkennen, zal onze OT stoppen en kunnen we eindelijk wat BT gaan hebben, wat ons gezond verstand lijkt te herstellen. Onze BT maakt echter niet ongedaan wat we met onze OT hebben gedaan, aangezien het een geheel andere manier van gedragen is, die niets met OT te maken heeft.  Met BT is er een discontinuïteit, dat wil zeggen, er is – ook al geloof je het niet – een volledige breuk met onze conditioneringsgeschiedenis met OT, die onze Taal Verlichting (TV) inluidt. Het is zo allemaal zo duidelijk en zo samenhangend. Als je dit leest, moet je wel toegeven, dat je niemand anders leest, die met zoveel aandacht en kennis over taal schrijft.


Aangezien je met BT volledig afstand doet
 van je geschiedenis met OT, kun je je nu 
voorstellen wat een groot taboe het is, om
 ook te doen zoals ik heb gedaan. Je kunt
 niet mijn of iemands volgeling zijn, omdat
 dat de voortzetting van je OT zou impliceren. 
Pas als je al je aandacht op je eigen taal richt 
– door keer op keer hardop te spreken, alleen,
 met jezelf, door naar jezelf te luisteren en 
jezelf te vertellen wat er in je leven speelt – 
kom je tot je eigen taal.  


Er zit niets anders op dan verantwoordelijkheid te nemen voor je leven. Zolang jij jezelf niet verbaal kunt of wilt erkennen, zal je leven een chaos, een strijd of een conflict blijven. Jouw taalgebruik vormt de basis voor echte orde of voor echte wanorde, want beide hebben een enorme impact. Je zult altijd de gevolgen van je acties ervaren. Zeker, ook wat je niet doet, wat je gelooft niet te kunnen, wat je tegen jezelf zegt, wat je niet moet doen of wat je jezelf niet toestaat, zal positieve of negatieve gevolgen hebben, die je alleen kunt horen en weten, als je je eigen TV omarmt, die je informeert en overtuigt, dat praten met jezelf belangrijker is dan praten met anderen.






Although I almost never re-read my old writings and have thrown away most of it, today, I suddenly felt like it. What I have verbalized is superb and no one else’s writing comes close, to articulating what I am able to put into words. I write and say this, because I would like anyone who reads my writing, to share it with as many people as possible, as I am not going to do it. It is in the nature of my Embodied Language (EL), that it only spreads by word of mouth – that is, by words, which are coming out of your mouth and which, therefore, are heard by you. So, sharing my writings with other people, is about sharing your EL with them. I don’t put any energy into things, which don’t come natural to me and leave writing a book, an article or making podcasts or videos to others.


I tremendously enjoy writing in the way I currently do. People who read it either get it or they don’t. Most likely, they don’t get it and that is why they don’t talk with me. You see, my writing is a selection process, to attract only those rare individuals, who are willing to have EL with me. All that is needed, is your willingness, not your skill, your education, your  money, your platform or your belief. I am fine with your inability to believe me, but if you are willing to talk with me, you find, your disbelief will disappear.


If what I write and say doesn’t happen as I write and say it, you weren’t willing to talk with me, in the first place. I also express words, to discourage you from contacting me in vain, as I don’t want to waste your or my time. My writings are exceptionally emphatic, explicit, consistent and beautiful. I am satisfied with what I have accomplished and I feel so fortunate, to experience the exquisite consequences of my EL.


While reading my writing – rather than writing my writing, as I usually do –  I find myself stepping back a little bit and realizing how wonderful it is, I can express myself so completely, with my ongoing EL. With Disembodied Language (DL), by contrast, this wouldn’t be possible. Everyone, inevitably, imagines to have a mind and to be stuck in their so-called thoughts, because they cannot be fully verbal about themselves. Stated differently, there is a reason why people keep believing in nonsense, which, just like something you dream about, is gone, the moment you wake up. Our circadian rhythm – our biological cycle, to sleep at night and to be awake during the day – also applies to our language. If we can’t sleep, we don’t feel good and we don’t do well during the day and if we can’t express ourselves – verbally – we  experience a variety of negative consequences, such as so-called mental illness, addictions, relationship problems, our idiotic belief in politics or our fanatic faith in an imaginary power higher than ourselves.


With DL, we can’t be sane and no matter how much we twist and turn with our language, it never makes us feel blissful. Only if we acknowledge this, will our  DL stop and can we have some EL, which appears to restore our sanity. However, our EL doesn’t undo what we have done with our DL, as it is an entirely different way of behaving, which has nothing to do with DL. With EL, there is a discontinuity, that is, a complete break from our conditioning history with DL, which heralds our Language Enlightenment (LE). It is so clear and so coherent. If you read this, you must admit, you don’t read anyone else, who writes about language with such fervor and knowledge.


Since EL involves the total abdication of your history with DL, you can now imagine what a great taboo it is, for you to do what I have done. You can’t be my or anyone’s follower, as that would indicate the continuation of your DL. Only when you direct all your attention to your own language – by speaking, again and again, out loud, alone, with yourself, by listening to yourself and by telling yourself, what is going on in your life – will you come into your own.


There is no other way, than taking responsibility for your life. As long as you can’t and don’t own up to yourself – verbally – your life will remain a chaos, a struggle or a conflict. Your language either sets the stage for real order or for real disorder, as both are equally impactful. You will always experience the consequences of your actions. Certainly, also what you don’t do, what you believe, you can’t do, what you tell yourself, you shouldn’t do or what you are not allowing yourself to do, will always either have positive or negative consequences, which you can only come to hear and know, once you attain LE, which informs and convinces you, that talking with yourself, is more important than talking with others.                  



Friday, April 7, 2023




Ook al schrijf ik deze woorden alleen voor mezelf, ik ben er vrij zeker van, dat veel mensen zich kunnen identificeren met waar ik het over heb. Iedereen heeft – in meer of mindere mate – ervaren hoe het is om zich afgewezen te voelen, terwijl je tegen alle verwachtingen in eerlijk probeert te zijn, maar er toch niet in slaagt, ofschoon je donders goed weet dat iedereen – ook jijzelf – continu aan het liegen is, dingen onder het tapijt aan het vegen is, een overdreven drama aan het opvoeren is of anderen proberen to imponeren met, een pompeuze show, een saaie lezing of een afleidend verkooppraatje. Met andere woorden, we weten precies hoe het is om ons niet geaccepteerd, niet erkend of niet gerespecteerd te voelen, voor wie we werkelijk zijn.


Niemand wordt meer afgewezen, geweigerd, genegeerd, uitgesloten, vermeden en beledigd, dan   een zeldzaam, uniek, authentiek mens, zoals ik, die in staat is om door te gaan met zijn Belichaamde Taal (BT), die niet vast zit in waar iedereen in vast zit, in Ontlichaamde Taal (OT) en wat vasthoudend blijft beschreven als ons denken. Dus voor mij is het volkomen natuurlijk, begrijpelijk en realistisch, om me afgewezen te voelen en hypergevoelig te zijn over die gehele kwestie van afwijzing als zodanig, want ik word nou eenmaal iedere dag, overal en dus voortdurend door iedereen afgewezen. In plaats van dit als mijn trauma te beschouwen, behandel ik het als een vermomde zegen. Ik heb me mijn hele leven zo gevoeld, omdat ik altijd al BT wilde hebben.


Iedereen die het verschil tussen OT en BT herkent, wil met BT verder en voelt zich vervolgens, net als ik, afgewezen, omdat behalve een andere oprechte, zeldzame, intelligente, moedige persoon, helemaal niemand erin geïnteresseerd is. Ik weet, dat jij dit niet kunt geloven, dat dit waar is, maar dat is dus omdat jij het verschil tussen OT en BT niet kent. Bovendien wil je natuurlijk ook helemaal niets weten van dit onthutsende verschil, omdat je er doodsbang voor bent. Als je deze woorden leest, dan kun je – net zoals je je eigen sterfelijkheid niet kan ontkennen – niet ontsnappen aan de waarheid van wat ik zeg. Je wijst me dan wel af en praat nooit met me, maar dit heeft bevestigd wat ik altijd al heb gezegd: zodra je eenmaal het verschil gaat erkennen tussen OT en BT, ga je onherroepelijk stoppen met je OT, om door te kunnen gaan met BT, omdat je jezelf herkent en verheugd over je Taal Verlichting (TV), waardoor je je gedraagt zoals je doet.


Al die dingen, die ik hiervoor heb beschreven, gebeuren echter niet in de tijd, opeenvolgend, maar direct, gelijktijdig en continu. Je zult werkelijk versteld staan ​​hoe verbluffend je nieuwe ervaring met je taal zal zijn, nadat je herboren bent als een ander mens.  Terwijl je oude conditionering natuurlijk nog steeds doorwerkt, ben je al blijvend veranderd in iemand die altijd nieuw is. Je kunt nog steeds huilen, klagen en een paar belachelijke beweringen maken over - wat dan ook - zoals je altijd al gewend was, maar de bodem is er echt uit gevallen, je kunt niet meer terug en je kunt niet meer doen alsof je niet weet wat je, over jezelf, aan de weet bent gekomen, aangezien je BT echte zelfkennis heeft onthult, die - in één klap - alle valse veronderstellingen over jezelf heeft uitwist.


Het maakt helemaal niets uit, of je nou zogenaamd dacht, dat je beter was dan anderen, succesvoller, capabeler, moreler, activer, sterker, creativer, spiritueler, intellectueler, of praktischer, of dat je slechter af was dan wie dan ook, het grootste slachtoffer, de meest hopeloze, zwakker verliezer -  wiens behoeften alleen door anderen zou kunnen worden vervuld, maar niet door jezelf - geen van deze ideeën en concepten over jezelf zijn waar. Terwijl je dit leest, heb je waarschijnlijk nog steeds de indruk – die je altijd al hebt gehad - dat jij jezelf al kent en dat er voor jou eigenlijk niets anders te weten valt, dan wat je al weet. Je herhaalt dit aftandse patroon, omdat jij jou taal nooit alleen voor jezelf hebt overwogen, door – alleen – hardop met jezelf te spreken en door dus echt te luisteren naar wat jij tegen jezelf te zeggen hebt.


Zeker, jou gebrek aan controle over je taal heeft je eindeloos opgezadeld met niets dan onzin, maar jij bent er heilig van overtuigd dat al die waanzin jou identiteit zou zijn. In die zin, is iedereen met OT dus een ongelovelijke zeikerd, die, op de een of andere manier, altijd maar alle aandacht van anderen blijf opeisen en helemaal nooit iets positiefs bijdraagt. Integendeel, in naam van OT – onze gebruikelijke, ongeadresseerde manier van omgaan met taal – zijn we allemaal onbewust doorgegaan met domheid, dwangmatigheid, wreedheid, perversie en bijgeloof. Hoe kan jou gebrek aan zelfkennis, jou zogenaamde onbewustheid – jou eindeloos herhalende, valse, oppervlakkige, energieverslindende manier van omgaan met spreken, luisteren, lezen en schrijven – een wenselijk resultaat hebben? Dat kon het niet hebben en dat gaat het ook nooit hebben. Je wilt het niet geloven, maar je gaat, net als iedereen, toch een keertje dood. Evenzo, net als iedereen, die BT gaat ontdekken, ga ook jij je niet verontrust voelen over het onomstotelijk feit, dat je door vrijwel iedereen wordt afgewezen, omdat jij je verheugd in je TV.





Even though I write these words only for myself, I am quite sure, many people can identify with what I’m addressing. Everyone has – to a greater or lesser extent – experienced what it is like, to feel rejected, when you are, against all odds, trying to be honest, but not succeeding, although you know damn well, that everyone – including yourself – is continuously lying, sweeping things under the rug, putting up an exaggerated drama, a pompous show, a boring lecture or a distracting sales-pitch. In other words, we all know, what it is like, to feel not accepted, not recognized or not respected for who we really are.


Nobody gets more turned down, refused, ignored, excluded, overruled, discounted and disrespected, than some rare and unique human being, like me, who is capable of and vocal about continuing with  Embodied Language (EL), rather than being trapped by Disembodied Language (DL), in what everyone  vehemently describes as their so-called mind. So, for me, it is perfectly natural, understandable and realistic, to feel rejected and to be hyper-sensitive about the issue of rejection, because I am rejected every day. Instead of considering this as my trauma, I treat it as a blessing in disguise. I’ve felt this way  my entire life, as I have always wanted to have EL.


Anyone who recognizes the difference between DL and EL, wants EL and, subsequently, feels rejected, because, except for some other sincere, intelligent,  courageous individual, nobody is interested in it. I know, that you can’t believe this to be true, since you don’t know the difference between DL and EL. Moreover, you don’t want to know about this great difference, as it scares you to death. However, in the same way, you can’t deny your own mortality, when you read these words, you cannot escape from the truth of what I say. You reject me and you never talk with me, but this has actually confirmed, what I’ve been saying all along: once you know the difference between DL and EL, you will stop your DL, continue with EL and recognize and rejoice in your Language Enlightenment (LE), which makes you act as you do.


The things I just described don’t happen over an extended period of time, sequentially, but instantly, simultaneously and continuously. You are going to be amazed, by how absolutely mind-blowing your new experience with your language will be, after you have been reborn, as a different person. While your old conditioning, will, of course, still continue to have its effects, you have already permanently changed into someone, who is always new. You may still cry, complain and demand about – whatever – as you were used to, but the bottom has fallen out, you can’t go back and you can’t pretend anymore, you don’t know, what you’ve come to know, as your EL reveals real self-knowledge, which obliterates – in one stroke – all false assumptions about yourself.


Whether you believed yourself to be better than others, more successful, capable, moral, creative, spiritual, intellectual or practical or whether you imagined yourself as worse off than anyone else, the greatest victim, the most hopeless loser – the one, whose needs, presumably, can only be fulfilled by others, but not by yourself – none of these ideas and concepts about yourself are valid. As you read this, you probably still have a strong notion – which you have always had – you know yourself already and that there is really nothing else to know beyond what you already know. You repeat this old pattern, as you have never considered your language only for yourself, by yourself, by speaking out loud with yourself and by listening to what you say to yourself.


Certainly, your lack of control over your language has endlessly burdened you with nothing but crap, yet, you still consider that to be your identity. In that sense, everyone with DL, is a drag, who – in one way or another – always demands attention, but doesn’t contribute anything positive. To the contrary, in the name of our DL – our common, but unaddressed way of dealing with language – we have continued with stupidity, cruelty, perversion and superstition. How can your lack of self-knowledge, your so-called unconsciousness – that is, your repetitive, phony, superficial, energy-draining way of dealing with speaking, listening, reading and writing –  have a desirable outcome? It hasn’t, it never had and it is never going to. You may not want to believe it, but you are going to die, like everyone else. Likewise, like everyone else, who is going to discover EL, you don’t feel troubled, by the fact, you are rejected by basically everyone, as you will rejoice in your LE.

Thursday, April 6, 2023




This is my response, to those, who only know how to react: I feel fortunate, I am not like you. Although I was like you, I am no more like that. Things have changed for me in ways you are unable to imagine. I don’t see any problem, comparing myself with you, as it is very clear to me, why I am so different from everyone else. With my Embodied Language (EL), I create and maintain my own reality, while you, with your Disembodied Language (DL), create, live in and are imprisoned by, your own so-called psychological nightmare. It feels really good to write about this, as my EL makes me happy, but DL makes you suffer the negative consequences of your own reactions.


The creative, response-able, sensitive, novel act, which is the very essence of my delightful EL, is completely absent in your mechanical, dreadful, primitive DL. You always react to me, as if I have done something wrong, because I can’t help being aware of what you are doing. You don’t want to be or talk with me, because my presence makes you uncomfortable, since you begin to feel, that you are not what you pretend to be. For a long time, I felt responsible, that I – even if I didn’t want to – was  having that effect on you, but I have changed. I don’t take any responsibility for your DL, as I am only responsible for my EL. Moreover, I can afford to do this because of my Language Enlightenment (LE).


I sense, you are infuriated, that my words are never about you, but always about me. You believe, I owe it to you, that my words validate your existence, but I reject you, as my EL and your DL don’t coexist. You can’t stand it, but I live by this absolute truth. Unlike you, I stay with myself, even though, of course, I can feel all your confusion, conflict and madness. I can’t do anything about it – only you can – and that’s why only you can come to me, when you acknowledge, I actually represent what you have always wanted.


My LE makes me continue with my EL, even though everyone engages in DL. It is so powerful, to know  this, that my heart, so to speak, transcends all the problems, which are created by your DL. I don’t have any problems, as my EL creates order, which is natural and indestructible. I don’t even need to be protected from your DL, as I know what it is, but you seem to have to defend yourself against my EL, by acting more extreme and outrageous than before.


The saying, actions speak louder than words, is used when people are more inclined to take action rather than just talk about it. This is exactly what you and everyone with DL does. You just talk, but your way of dealing with language undermines the kind of action, which is needed to create your wellbeing. The phrase is also used to point out the hypocrisy of someone, who talks about doing something good or morally right, but then doesn’t actually do it themselves. Again, this defines the empty promises of your meaningless DL, you never do as you say, to the contrary, all your talk about love, respect and togetherness is make-believe. Another meaning of the proverb is to acknowledge someone who did a good deed without bragging about it. Why is would it be considered wrong, to let others know, that you did a good deed? Why would it be wrong for me to tell you, I have EL, while you are stuck in your DL? It is because your dumb, forceful, fragmented, dull DL, expects and requires me, to deny that we could actually engage together in EL and celebrate our LE.


Why are actions said to speak more truthfully or louder than words? Obviously, it is because of the self-defeating idea, promoted by your unintelligent DL, that your language presumably is not a behavior and that your words, supposedly, are not an action. And, surely, the argument can be made, that words are actually louder than actions, because let’s face it, we hear DL, everywhere, twenty-four-seven. Yet,  someone like me, who knows how to consciously have ongoing EL, creates and maintains his own environment. I am not getting involuntarily sucked into your DL anymore, as that is my LE.