Monday, April 10, 2023




With Embodied Language (EL), everything is very simple, but with Disembodied Language (DL), things become more and more complicated. As you get better at stopping your DL and preventing yourself from participating in and contributing to it, a magnificent process of simplification is unfolding.


This writing illustrates, that my EL connects with you, although, probably, you have never consciously had any EL. Of course, you have had EL, but you never knew it, because you didn’t differentiate between those moments, in which you spoke and listened to yourself and those, in which you spoke, but weren’t aware about the sound of your voice.


In EL, you will naturally say or write exactly what you are able to say and write, but in DL, you are different from who you are and your language indicates, that you are out of touch with yourself. Neither religion, politics, philosophy, psychology, therapy, music, art or biology has addressed the   enormous difference between DL and EL, so what you read here is simple, but incredibly important.


Paying attention to the obvious requires awareness, but this awareness is missing, due to how you deal with your language. In DL, you keep making it seem as if it doesn’t matter, how you deal with language, but, of course, it matters, as it always determines what your life will be like. You remain unconscious about how your language creates your reality, since you never talk with yourself, to listen to yourself.


While trying to escape from their own messed-up, problematic, conflicted reality and attaining some sense of simplicity, many people have – totally in vain – practiced all sorts of austerities. Everyone with DL is basically ascetic, as they, unknowingly, but continuously, abstain from the simple instant gratification pleasure, comfort and self-indulgence of enjoying their own sound, while they speak.  


People seek to escape their vacuous lives with all sorts of exciting, distracting, stimulating activities,  and by going to all sorts of places – physically, but also psychologically, spiritually, intellectually and emotionally – but they never pay attention to the simple fact, that they suffer the consequences of speaking with a sound, which they really don’t like.


In spite of our so-called freedom, individualism and pursuit of happiness, our self-denial, harsh restraint, inflexibility and absence of warmth or comfort, is way more common, than we are willing to admit, as doing so, would require us to become conscious about our mechanical way of dealing with language, which sets the stage for all our other behaviors.


Even if, somehow, we have become, miraculously, capable of acknowledging the immense difference between our own DL and EL, the chances that we will continue with our EL and permanently abandon our DL, are very small, as this will only happen, if we fully accept, that our Language Enlightenment (LE) is the real reason, why we prefer our EL over our DL.   


The simple, hopeful, hilarious truth is, that our LE is already the case, even when we don’t realize it and are endlessly side-tracked by our DL. Surely, EL and LE is possible for everyone, however, only someone who talks often enough with him or herself, will be able to realize this. Since talking with others seems to be more important than talking with ourselves, we keep missing out on the most simple, beneficial, delightful behavior of our life. We can only behave gracefully and intelligently, once we are guided by our EL, which reveals our LE, each time we have it.                   

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