Saturday, April 8, 2023




Although I almost never re-read my old writings and have thrown away most of it, today, I suddenly felt like it. What I have verbalized is superb and no one else’s writing comes close, to articulating what I am able to put into words. I write and say this, because I would like anyone who reads my writing, to share it with as many people as possible, as I am not going to do it. It is in the nature of my Embodied Language (EL), that it only spreads by word of mouth – that is, by words, which are coming out of your mouth and which, therefore, are heard by you. So, sharing my writings with other people, is about sharing your EL with them. I don’t put any energy into things, which don’t come natural to me and leave writing a book, an article or making podcasts or videos to others.


I tremendously enjoy writing in the way I currently do. People who read it either get it or they don’t. Most likely, they don’t get it and that is why they don’t talk with me. You see, my writing is a selection process, to attract only those rare individuals, who are willing to have EL with me. All that is needed, is your willingness, not your skill, your education, your  money, your platform or your belief. I am fine with your inability to believe me, but if you are willing to talk with me, you find, your disbelief will disappear.


If what I write and say doesn’t happen as I write and say it, you weren’t willing to talk with me, in the first place. I also express words, to discourage you from contacting me in vain, as I don’t want to waste your or my time. My writings are exceptionally emphatic, explicit, consistent and beautiful. I am satisfied with what I have accomplished and I feel so fortunate, to experience the exquisite consequences of my EL.


While reading my writing – rather than writing my writing, as I usually do –  I find myself stepping back a little bit and realizing how wonderful it is, I can express myself so completely, with my ongoing EL. With Disembodied Language (DL), by contrast, this wouldn’t be possible. Everyone, inevitably, imagines to have a mind and to be stuck in their so-called thoughts, because they cannot be fully verbal about themselves. Stated differently, there is a reason why people keep believing in nonsense, which, just like something you dream about, is gone, the moment you wake up. Our circadian rhythm – our biological cycle, to sleep at night and to be awake during the day – also applies to our language. If we can’t sleep, we don’t feel good and we don’t do well during the day and if we can’t express ourselves – verbally – we  experience a variety of negative consequences, such as so-called mental illness, addictions, relationship problems, our idiotic belief in politics or our fanatic faith in an imaginary power higher than ourselves.


With DL, we can’t be sane and no matter how much we twist and turn with our language, it never makes us feel blissful. Only if we acknowledge this, will our  DL stop and can we have some EL, which appears to restore our sanity. However, our EL doesn’t undo what we have done with our DL, as it is an entirely different way of behaving, which has nothing to do with DL. With EL, there is a discontinuity, that is, a complete break from our conditioning history with DL, which heralds our Language Enlightenment (LE). It is so clear and so coherent. If you read this, you must admit, you don’t read anyone else, who writes about language with such fervor and knowledge.


Since EL involves the total abdication of your history with DL, you can now imagine what a great taboo it is, for you to do what I have done. You can’t be my or anyone’s follower, as that would indicate the continuation of your DL. Only when you direct all your attention to your own language – by speaking, again and again, out loud, alone, with yourself, by listening to yourself and by telling yourself, what is going on in your life – will you come into your own.


There is no other way, than taking responsibility for your life. As long as you can’t and don’t own up to yourself – verbally – your life will remain a chaos, a struggle or a conflict. Your language either sets the stage for real order or for real disorder, as both are equally impactful. You will always experience the consequences of your actions. Certainly, also what you don’t do, what you believe, you can’t do, what you tell yourself, you shouldn’t do or what you are not allowing yourself to do, will always either have positive or negative consequences, which you can only come to hear and know, once you attain LE, which informs and convinces you, that talking with yourself, is more important than talking with others.                  



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