Thursday, April 6, 2023




This is my response, to those, who only know how to react: I feel fortunate, I am not like you. Although I was like you, I am no more like that. Things have changed for me in ways you are unable to imagine. I don’t see any problem, comparing myself with you, as it is very clear to me, why I am so different from everyone else. With my Embodied Language (EL), I create and maintain my own reality, while you, with your Disembodied Language (DL), create, live in and are imprisoned by, your own so-called psychological nightmare. It feels really good to write about this, as my EL makes me happy, but DL makes you suffer the negative consequences of your own reactions.


The creative, response-able, sensitive, novel act, which is the very essence of my delightful EL, is completely absent in your mechanical, dreadful, primitive DL. You always react to me, as if I have done something wrong, because I can’t help being aware of what you are doing. You don’t want to be or talk with me, because my presence makes you uncomfortable, since you begin to feel, that you are not what you pretend to be. For a long time, I felt responsible, that I – even if I didn’t want to – was  having that effect on you, but I have changed. I don’t take any responsibility for your DL, as I am only responsible for my EL. Moreover, I can afford to do this because of my Language Enlightenment (LE).


I sense, you are infuriated, that my words are never about you, but always about me. You believe, I owe it to you, that my words validate your existence, but I reject you, as my EL and your DL don’t coexist. You can’t stand it, but I live by this absolute truth. Unlike you, I stay with myself, even though, of course, I can feel all your confusion, conflict and madness. I can’t do anything about it – only you can – and that’s why only you can come to me, when you acknowledge, I actually represent what you have always wanted.


My LE makes me continue with my EL, even though everyone engages in DL. It is so powerful, to know  this, that my heart, so to speak, transcends all the problems, which are created by your DL. I don’t have any problems, as my EL creates order, which is natural and indestructible. I don’t even need to be protected from your DL, as I know what it is, but you seem to have to defend yourself against my EL, by acting more extreme and outrageous than before.


The saying, actions speak louder than words, is used when people are more inclined to take action rather than just talk about it. This is exactly what you and everyone with DL does. You just talk, but your way of dealing with language undermines the kind of action, which is needed to create your wellbeing. The phrase is also used to point out the hypocrisy of someone, who talks about doing something good or morally right, but then doesn’t actually do it themselves. Again, this defines the empty promises of your meaningless DL, you never do as you say, to the contrary, all your talk about love, respect and togetherness is make-believe. Another meaning of the proverb is to acknowledge someone who did a good deed without bragging about it. Why is would it be considered wrong, to let others know, that you did a good deed? Why would it be wrong for me to tell you, I have EL, while you are stuck in your DL? It is because your dumb, forceful, fragmented, dull DL, expects and requires me, to deny that we could actually engage together in EL and celebrate our LE.


Why are actions said to speak more truthfully or louder than words? Obviously, it is because of the self-defeating idea, promoted by your unintelligent DL, that your language presumably is not a behavior and that your words, supposedly, are not an action. And, surely, the argument can be made, that words are actually louder than actions, because let’s face it, we hear DL, everywhere, twenty-four-seven. Yet,  someone like me, who knows how to consciously have ongoing EL, creates and maintains his own environment. I am not getting involuntarily sucked into your DL anymore, as that is my LE.

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