Friday, April 12, 2024




Let's finally get personal. Contrary to what everyone believes and says about this, in our everyday conversations, we are completely impersonal, since we are all used to talking with Disembodied Language (DL). People say that talk doesn't fill holes (Dutch expression), but it is and has always been a blatant lie, that merely talking won't do anything. There is, indeed, always a negative consequence of our usual, negative, unconscious way of speaking and it is high time that we dare to take personal responsibility for this.


Even though no one wants to admit it, the fact is, in our ordinary - but required - way of speaking, we do not listen to ourselves and continue to pretend that others should listen to us or we pretend, that we are listening to them . In DL, we unknowingly pretend to listen to others or we assume that others should be listening to us. This remains an unaddressed phenomenon of enormous proportions, because we deal with DL, day in, day out and are, therefore, absolutely incapable of distinguishing between our DL and our Embodied Language (EL).


From our conditioning history, 
no one is capable of having EL. 
So, we are all in the same boat 
and it is actually not something
 personal, that we have DL. Only
 someone with EL is truly personal.
 With DL, we can only pretend, 
that something is personal to us.
Moreover, when – with DL – 
we talk about our grievances 
or passions, we are always
 unknowingly faking it. As
 speakers, during DL, we 
demand the listener's attention. 
In DL, speakers always demand 
attention, but in EL, speakers
 give attention to the listener. 
The difference is enormous. 


Even though everyone, from the impersonal conditioning history, remains busy with DL, we, in Western, individualistic, democratic societies, apparently still agree, due to the freedom of speech - which in the United States is enshrined in the First Amendment of the Constitution – that we should be allowed to speak about anything, no matter how confrontational or uncomfortable it may be when we strongly disagree. Nevertheless, the difference between DL and EL is avoided by everyone like the plague. 


I have lived in the United States for many years and now want to say something about the left- and right-wing politics. Exclusively left-wing, 'liberal' activists prefer to avoid conversation or even make it impossible. Due to the lack of communication and the complicity of school administrators, teachers, doctors, psychologists, therapists, politicians and social media companies, thousands of children are changing their sexuality and pretending this is okay, while nothing indicates, life is improving for those who, because of confusion, have taken on a different  gender. It is very personal, that children have been indoctrinated and that in recent years, trans-clinics have suddenly appeared everywhere. That a female judge, of the Supreme Court, is unable to say what a woman is, is pure madness, but it is the predictable, inevitable consequence of how people – with their superstitious, insensitive DL – talk to each other.


The American philosophy of life,
liberty and the pursuit of 
happiness, does not come
 – according to me – from
 the English, but from the 
Dutch colonists. The vast 
majority of Americans - if 
they’ve learned anything 
about it at all - do not know
 any better that their history
 only begins with the Pilgrim
 Fathers, but they have no 
idea, that a Dutch colony 
existed in the seventeenth 
century, called New Netherlands
 or New Amsterdam, which
 was later renamed New York
 by English colonists. The term
 Yan-kee – a resident of New 
England, and later, American – 
is a corruption of Jan-Kees, 
two common Dutch names
and dollar, comes from the 
Dutch thaler (daalder), which
 is undoubtedly a reference to
 the tolerant Dutch commercial
notion that we can profit from trade 
and become rich, which  
became an important part of the 
American national character.


The Dutch - liberal - influence is of a completely different nature, than the puritan influence of the English colonists, who, to avoid persecution, first fled to the Netherlands and after that, founded their fundamentalistic Christian colony in America. However, those British, who first came to the Netherlands, they wanted to leave very soon, because they took offense to the Dutch mentality, they believed was too loose. Of course, it was also their adventurer's or freedom's urge, that made them dare to take the dangerous crossing across the Atlantic Ocean with the May Flower. I dare say, the change from DL to EL is equally monumental. 


I have the feeling - even though I only emigrated to America in 1999 - I embody something of the Dutch colonists at the time, because I was born and raised in the Netherlands. The exam that you take as an emigrant contains some questions about English Pilgrims, but not a word about Dutch colonists. The Dutch influence is also not mentioned anywhere in any history book, and I find it important, to once more write about it here.


My cultural contribution, to my new country, is my fearless ability to demonstrate the difference between DL and EL. In fact, it was the Dutch, who created The American Dream, not the English. I view my ability to have EL, as a connection to the irrefutable Dutch influence on American culture. Numerous translated documents show, that the multi-ethnic immigrant society had its origins in New Amsterdam. It was only there, that everyone, regardless of skin color or origin, could climb the social ladder. Things were very different in the intolerant English colony. Like their modern-day, narrow-minded descendants, who are still obsessed with Christianity, they also condemned the Dutch at that time, who enjoyed their life. The Dutch mirrored to the English, how stuck and unhappy they are.


Please, consider the foregoing as an introduction and a setting of the stage, for the issue I want to talk about in this writing. The difference between DL and EL, is a vast topic that, just like the unknown, but very important, Dutch influence on American history, is pushed aside by everyone. Other topics are apparently of greater importance; therefore, we never get around to recognizing and admitting that the great difference between DL and EL exists, and that the future of America as well as the rest of the world, depends on whether we are going to accept and explore the importance of this difference or not.


By not recognizing the difference between DL and EL, we are involuntarily and unconsciously talking about our own experience, but if we keep endlessly busy, with those weighty topics (politics, religion, philosophy, sports, economics, immigration, art, entertainment, etc., etc), which prevent us from addressing the difference between DL and EL, then we - as individuals - without realizing, continue to hide behind some group, we supposedly represent or belong to. Supposedly, we always speak on behalf of others, but never on our own behalf. However, EL is the language of the individual. The naturalization process should mean, that every new immigrant should be able to distinguish between DL and EL and is able to choose EL, the language of freedom.


Only when we start discussing the difference between DL and EL, does everything suddenly become personal. Moreover, after recognizing the difference between DL and EL, it becomes clear to us that only with EL – and never with DL – can we understand why so much goes wrong in so-called communication, in peace-talks, in negotiations, and in all of the conversations, in which the difference between what we personally experience and what we keep harping on, as participants of one faith or another, is mixed-up and intertwined and during which personal experience or own way of looking at things, always wins out over presumed 'advocacy' due to membership and allegiance to some group.


During DL, we are unknowingly speaking from our personal experience about what we believe to be dealing with as a group. In fact, in DL, we hide our individuality behind the group process and abuse that group process to our own 'benefit'. Although it is always only about power and influence, this normal, customary, accepted exploitation of the group process for one's own gain, never results in any clarity about the major difference between DL and EL. On the contrary, people continue to turn away from anything personal, as taking it personal, is considered by everyone, who wants to take a higher step to gain status on the social ladder, as a weakness. Persistence in safely representing the pretended group interest, is best defense against any criticism of our own personal behavior, which is conveniently ignored as an ad-hominem attack.


The higher one climbs on the social ladder, the less chance there is, that one will be held accountable for something that is personal. Everyone protects and defends themselves politically or strategically. People sometimes babble about the politicization or weaponization of all kinds of issues or institutions, but they run away from the indisputable fact, which is visible – and audible – to anyone, that everyone in DL does not listen to themselves and only acts as if they listen to others and are actually trying to force others to listen to them or simply try to make them do what they say. In DL, we manipulate, dominate, humiliate, intimidate and argue, but we never speak naturally, honestly, sincerely, as an individual.


By competing for attention – the basis of DL – we are and will always remain impersonal. We also demand a lot of attention by saying nothing and by avoiding any form of interaction. The victim's role very effectively commands the attention of others. This is also done during verbal the acrobatics in the courtroom or in politics. Lawyers, like priests and many other so-called leaders, always insist that they speak on behalf of others. Legislators and lawyers control the entire public discourse and determine what is acceptable. However, when we ourselves determine the difference between our own DL and EL, it turns out, that nobody knows anything about their own DL and EL and that we have relinquished our power to others, to our own detriment. I would say, it is un-American to do this. With EL everything we say and do is personal, not because we take it personal - as they accusingly say in DL - but because it is truly personal and because, from our DL, there has always been a rigid condemnation about what we ourselves experience. I consider EL to be the currency of the future, as it signifies the dignity of the person who has it. With our continued EL, we revive The American Dream, because our Language Enlightenment (LE), means Living in Freedom and creating the spoken realization of our Happiness.


Everything is personal, due to EL, as that is exactly where our challenge lies. Only in EL is there is real progress and innovation. Finally, our individualistic, personal approach, will emphasize and guarantee honest, dignified, conscious objectivity – our LE – and will not, as in DL, condemn, abhor and deny it.

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