Monday, April 29, 2024


Mental Illness?


There is no such a thing as mental illness. Due to our unintelligent, mechanical, unconscious, unaddressed, involuntary, careless involvement in Disembodied Language (DL), we speak about certain behaviors as mental illness, addiction or criminal, but these categories aren’t helpful, as we are simply referring to negative behaviors, which need to be reduced or, ideally, stopped.


It is common, in communistic countries, such as China or Russia, to consider anyone mentally ill, who opposes the propaganda of the oppressive regime. Although – because we all unknowingly engage in DL – it may not be so obvious, a very similar thing is happening in Western psychiatry or psychology, where everyone still believes in the myth of a chemical imbalance in the brain, which can be remediated with medications. The pharmaceutical lobby is as authoritarian as any autocratic government and only someone, who has ongoing Embodied Language (EL), knows what an insidious crime is being committed.


The term Anti-Psychiatry (AP) is more relevant than ever, because, nobody has been willing to acknowledge the difference between DL and EL and, consequently, everything we claim to know about human behavior is grounded in our inability to stop our own stupid, insensitive DL. Only EL can be in favor of AP, as it debunks the false notion, that there is language inside of us (please, also read my other writings or listen to my two You Tube channels, Maximus Peperkamp or maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw).


The big problem with the construct of mental illness, isn’t necessarily, that it is falsely based on a medical model or on a disease model, but that there exists no such a process as what we call our mind or thoughts. What we consider to be mental, is as much a fantasy, as psychosis or dreams, but it is only once we are able to have EL instead of DL, that we can acknowledge this.


If we are ever going to fully explore and understand the great difference between DL and EL, this is not going to come about, due to another, idiotic, convoluted, contentious debate, about whether to fix or completely overthrow the way in which we talk about and then, supposedly, treat, this fabricated, so-called mental illness. To be able to have EL, we must end DL and all the lies we were told with it. Psychologists, psychiatrists or therapists, will be shocked once they have EL.


I have a Master of Arts and a Master of Science in Clinical Psychology and almost achieved my PhD. I withdrew, because I felt betrayed by Palo Alto University, who, initially, promised, I would be able to choose my own research topic for my dissertation, but forced me, to follow along the boring research of some arrogant supervisor. I should have achieved my Ph.D. for my discovery of the DL/EL distinction, but nobody there had the integrity or the courage, to let me reveal, what is going to be the future of psychology. EL is the future, but not DL, which is accepted as normal, because people are ignorant about EL.


From my perspective – with ongoing EL – I want to make it unequivocally clear, that it is a crime, psychiatrists push medications on people, who have lived through challenging circumstances. Everything looks different with EL and there is potential for recovery, once our DL is stopped by us and not by someone else. Once we know the difference between our DL and EL, we want to stop our DL and go on with EL. I have studied psychology for many years. I have worked in this dysfunctional, useless, undermining and pretentious field of mental health for many years, as 1) a mental health worker, 2) crisis counselor, 3) group-home worker, 4) therapist. I have taught psychology classes, as an instructor at Butte College for many years. Anyone who reads this, should know psychology or psychiatry is a hoax.


Nobody recovers. Nobody gets back on their feet. People are indoctrinated and medicated, while society is wasting millions of dollars for programs, which absolutely do not work, and nobody is really checking for results. Likewise, getting people of the street and giving them homes, is supporting dependent behavior, which makes people even more demanding, than they were before. I have seen problems only getting bigger and more complicated and I claim that this is all the result of our refusal to acknowledge the difference between DL and EL.


Anyone with any honesty, who witnessed how many troubled people go, in vain, through this sordid, mental-health-revolving-door – which, no matter how you put it, is good for business – must admit, that things are only getting worse. There is no reason to idealistically believe that anyone is going to get better. To the contrary, the mental health business keeps on expanding, to serve more and more people, while nobody addresses, the illusion of inner language.


I am no longer working in the field to which I dedicated my life. I am now retired, and I am so glad, I didn’t become just another psychologist. In this writing, I let readers know, mental illness is one of the many fabrications of DL. I say on my own authority, DL, our usual way of talking, is dissociative in nature. All our problems result from our habitual, unquestioned participation in DL. A society that brands people as mentally ill, is a society in decline. Likewise, a society, who accepts as normal – do you not see these gallons of cheap whisky, or vodka at the local supermarket? Only for alcoholics! – that people may get addicted to drugs and alcohol; steal or may commit all sorts of crimes, without any consequences; scream antisemitic hatred, on university campuses, in the name of freedom of speech; or live filthy lives, in tents, trash parks,  public spaces and shit and piss on the streets; such a society is doomed, as its citizens don’t want to accept, that they have let this happen.


Nobody can ever accuse me, that I have never been exposed to psychotic, manic, depressed, delusional or suicidal people. I have noticed, how each of the people, who I have met, have always positively responded to my EL. The proof of EL was always in the pudding and the reason I write this, is because nothing has ever made me doubt about the validity and necessity of EL. Moreover, it has always been the professionals themselves, who didn’t want to believe me and interact to verify the difference between their own DL and EL. Mental illness is as much a myth today, as it was when, in 1961, the psychiatrist Thomas Szazs stated, the irrefutable fact, there is no medical basis for so-called mental illness. Szasz supposedly alienated himself from his field, but I say, he was 100% correct. To this day, nobody in the field has the guts to say it, as it would still get them 'alienated'.   


In closing, EL is not some therapeutic technique or some tool in your toolbox. EL is only going to happen for those who learn how to have it. I am convinced, anyone, who can talk and listen can engage in EL. You have already done it, but not consciously, deliberately, skillfully and most importantly, continuously. Your problems don’t prevent you from talking out loud with yourself and listening to yourself while you speak. You don’t do this, when you engage in DL, but you only do this when you engage in EL. You know when this is the case, as you suddenly feel, your problems seem to melt, like snow in the sun.  

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