Wednesday, April 10, 2024




When someone has the evidence, something is true, it is not because that this person has something to prove, but because he or she is right. So, I am one of those people, because I am right, because unlike everyone else who has Disembodied Language (DL), I have Embodied Language (EL). Yes, I have the proof, but I have nothing to prove.


When you start having EL, everything will be in order. Your EL has a ranking effect. Your logic is the result of your correct way of speaking. The correct way to talk, EL, is when you finally produce the sound you want to listen to. In order to have the voice we can enjoy, it is first important to recognize that the sound we despise, must be acknowledged and stopped.


Your supposed need for proof is no more important than the presumed need for proof of others. Our EL never takes place while we are proving ourselves, to ourselves or to others. Proof of EL is self-evident and if you don't understand that, then you don't have it, then you're still fiddling and messing around with your DL, which still hasn't stopped.


Not you, but your conditioning 
has made you produce DL, in 
which you produce the sound 
you do not want to listen to. 
So, in DL, you always speak 
with a strange sound, which
 alienates you from yourself.
 Stopping this negative behavior
 can only happen, if you admit 
to yourself - because you can
 clearly hear it - that you 
actually don't want this.


The ridiculous idea, that you have to be convinced to have EL, is complete nonsense. However, if it ever comes to the point, that you have EL, it will not be because you have been convinced by someone or because you would have convinced yourself. Your EL happens because it can happen. If it can happen, it will happen, but if it isn't possible, then it won't happen. If this is the case, then you can be sure that you are still honking your horn with DL. This must first be accepted, only then can it stop.


Proof that you have EL never has to be provided and there is nothing to prove to others. As soon as one asks for proof, one is actually saying, one is not interested in experiencing what it is. Curiously, we are all used to speaking with an acted voice that does not suit us and always represents our anger, confusion, struggle, loneliness, fear and sadness.


Even though, in our unconscious DL - since others require us to provide evidence - we are trying to prove ourselves, this tendency suddenly disappears, when we have, without having done any practice, suddenly, just like that, EL, with ourselves. Even though, out of old habit, we still may try to prove to ourselves that we have EL, it turns out, no proof is needed, as we feel perfectly good and nourished.


There are all kinds of reasons, why you feel so upset in DL, because you are never in touch with yourself as long as you have DL. The reason you continue with DL and never get around to your EL is because, due to your usual way of speaking, you deal with your language in such a way, that your language itself implies the continuation of the disorder. In other words, participation in DL creates chaos in your life. You only acknowledge this to yourself, when you start talking – out loud – with yourself and listening to yourself and, thus, determine for yourself that, based on your conditioning, you continue to have DL, again and again, because this is simply what is expected of you. You now expect of yourself, what others have expected of you.


Since we cannot trust anyone in DL, including ourselves, we have to sign, so that it is in black and white, that we are not lying. Since we, in spoken language, apparently cannot be trusted, our signature, in written language, is the so-called proof that we have agreed to some kind of agreement.


When you have EL, you start to hear yourself saying and doing things, that were imposed on you, which you no longer want to do. In DL, the speaker does not listen to him or herself, as the listener is always someone other than the speaker him or herself. Because of this, the listener in DL is, by definition, forced to listen to the speaker. If you talk out loud to yourself and listen carefully to the sound of your own voice and feel the intonation of your voice with  your body, you can’t avoid admitting - to yourself –  normally, you speak with unpleasant, false voice.


So, when we talk, we do 
something with the sound
 of our own voice, that 
makes us not want to hear it. 
This happens unconsciously 
and only during DL and once
 we become aware of this, 
we stop using our voice in
 that unnatural way. When
 that happens, it comes as
 a great relief, that we have
 stopped doing something 
that was detrimental. We 
were our own worst enemy,
 as we had the wrong voice, 
which kept us out of touch 
with our own experience.


You could also say that stopping DL and allowing EL is the restoration of our sound-experience, while we speak. The resonant sound that we feel so good about, which we cannot even produce in DL, makes us able to say all kinds of things, that we could not say before, with the sound of our negative emotions.


You produce a different vibration or energy in EL than in DL, which can be produced effortlessly and without any preparation, but which is nevertheless forgotten and disappears every time, because your old conditioning, with OT, takes over again. It is a matter of catching yourself time and time again, that you are apparently not listening to yourself most of the time and, therefore, you get stuck in your DL.


When you bring attention to your language and take time for yourself, to talk out loud with yourself, so that you can listen to yourself, you will experience again the liberation, relaxation and meaning of the frequency of the voice, that really suits you and that makes you whole and completely at peace.


The order of EL arises from the soothing silence which is expressed and heard by us. So, we do not talk to ourselves in order to become silent, but speaking with ourselves, makes us aware that in EL, we always speak from our silence. You could also say, we speak from love, peace, clarity, insight and the experience, that we are filled with energy. Even though it often happens, that we let go of our sound of well-being and end up back in DL, each time we go back to our sound, there is a sensation of ecstasy.


It is remarkable, that people talk so often about the so-called hard evidence of one thing or another. Why do we use hardness as an adjective to show the truth? It's because in DL we keep beating each other over the head with what - according to us - is the truth. Certainly, the truth, during EL, is not hard and that is why we are open, to be sensitive and honest.


Becoming attuned to the sound of your own EL, is a process that immediately lets you know, you always get out of it what you put into it. If you would just try it once, you will have a good experience, but that temporary change is not of lasting significance and requires more. However, if you do not respond to this challenge, by talking to yourself again and again and picking up the thread of your EL, you will forget about it and continue with your DL as before. Many people have been introduced to EL, but abandoned it, because it is so radical and so all-encompassing. Even though it takes a lot to have EL instead of DL, it is worth it and you will continue to be amazed at how wonderfully it improves everything in your life. This is unmistakable proof, that your EL works.


I often hear people often talk about overwhelming evidence. This means what is said is true, because everything indicates that it is so. Nothing indicates that DL – our usual, problematic way of speaking – is true, but everything shows that EL, the language that creates space, which you can hear me speak so exuberantly (on my two You Tube channels, maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw and Maximus Peperkamp) is true. Just convince yourself and start talking to yourself and listening to yourself. No, you don’t need to do that, remember…

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