Sunday, April 7, 2024




Our judgement is off, due to the way in which we talk. We engage, almost permanently, unknowingly,  in Disembodied Language (DL). This is why we consider DL as normal and find Embodied Language (EL) abnormal. Our so-called conversation is viewed as a battle or competition for attention, rather than a process, in which we let things happen, naturally.


Regardless of what we claim about our judgments, we are in DL not in touch with ourselves, because we don’t listen to ourselves while we speak. As a result of our DL, we remain busy with others, but not with ourselves. Consequently, we all trust the judgment of others more than our own judgement.


Our own judgement is based on our self-knowledge, but in DL, we never acquire self-knowledge. In DL, we are driven by negative emotions, and we defend, pretend, manipulate, fight, flee or freeze. We can only acquire self-knowledge in EL, because in EL we can express our emotions and experiences correctly.


General knowledge – such as physics, chemistry, biology or mathematics – which is taught in schools, colleges and universities and learned mostly from books, is in DL, considered to be more important than self-knowledge. Thus, it is no exaggeration to say, that general knowledge is the stand-in-the-way to self-knowledge. In absence of self-knowledge, we use our general knowledge to make ourselves look important, but our knowledge takes us further and further away from ourselves. Only to the extent that our general knowledge can be applied positively to ourselves, is it of any use to us. In other words, only when there is a connection between the two, does our general knowledge enhance our self-knowledge.


In EL, we find talking with ourselves more important than talking with others, and as a result, we have no judgement about our self-knowledge, which works for us. In DL, on the other hand, we feel troubled by our self-knowledge, because talking with others is seen as more important than talking with ourselves and then we judge our self-knowledge as anti-social.


Having faith in your own judgement is the same as having self-knowledge. Actually, self-knowledge has nothing to do with faith. In general knowledge, the scientist never does anything on faith. Likewise, the person with self-knowledge, knows what he or she is doing. In self-knowledge, the issue of confidence never arises, because the immediate consequences of EL are positive and the long-term consequences are even better than how it was before. The person with EL, knows whether he or she, him or herself, has EL or DL or whether someone else has DL or EL.


In DL, everyone, in one way or another, tries to control or dominate the conversation, as only that will get them attention. In DL, only those get to speak, who win the battle for attention. They get to speak and others are listening, because they are in power. However, the reality is, they are not really speaking, as they are not listening to themselves and those who are listening, there aren’t listening either, as listening to someone who doesn’t listen to him or herself, isn’t really listening, but obeying, being intimidated, afraid or overwhelmed, by those who, supposedly, are more important than them.


The court weighs all the facts of a case and decides. This judgement is based on evidence. The facts of our self-knowledge are our own experiences, but always expressed by our EL, not by our DL. With DL, we can’t get to the facts, as we are simply making things up. We can lie to others, but not to ourselves, as we can hear exactly, when we switch from in DL to EL or from EL to DL. Thus, in DL, we are our own worst enemy, due to hash self-judgement, but in EL, we comfort ourselves and acquire self-knowledge.


In DL, we act as if we speak, we act as if we listen, but we basically behave out of fear, out of how we were conditioned to behave, which means, we talk or listen according to our status in the social-power-hierarchy. Those who are presumably better than us, because they have more power than us, are treated by us with respect and civility, while those who are below us are disrespected, ignored or mistreated. In DL, we don’t tolerate equals and we battle extra hard with anyone, who is similar to us. We put them down, so that we can put ourselves above them.


In EL, we don’t battle, as we are at peace with ourselves. We feel so confident we are right with our EL, that we don’t get into any unnecessary discussion, which is uninteresting DL to us. We acquire self-knowledge with EL, which makes us assert our truth. Our self-knowledge isn’t shared with everyone but is cherished and only made available to those who have also acquired their own self-knowledge. Anyone who reads this or listens to my You Tube videos, knows where this is going.


Our EL goes into silence, blissfulness, our wellbeing or Language Enlightenment (LE). EL always takes us beyond language, to the reality, here and now. Who we are is not defined by our words. Our ability to have EL allows us to be and remain undefined. This means, there is no behavior-causing entity, no self, no center, but only an undefined presence. In EL, we speak a powerful language, because we don’t talk with others, but with ourselves. Stated differently, we know that the other, is always our own experience, our own memory, our own perception, our own judgement and our ability to be and express who we are. Therefore, if we ourselves can be who we are with our EL, we can let others be who they are and, yes, we can also say when this isn’t the case, as we always feel that. 

You can hear me speak on my You Tube channel about judgement and self-knowledge, please check out maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw. If you like to talk, please email me at and we make an appointment. 

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