Wednesday, April 24, 2024




Everyone who still engages in Disembodied Language (DL) is a coward. Turning-Your-Back-O’Drama-Always-Crying-For-His-Mama is as good an example as any. He is the definitive proof, that any needy coward can become president. Surely, Joke-By-Gone-Hiding was anointed by this previous expert in Jerckology, Stupology and Filthology (JSF), three new disciplines, taught, in one course, at all major universities, online on Tik-Tok, as the inevitable next level of DEI and Critical Race Theory, instead of science.


The Always-Playing-With-Words-On-Emotions, Israel-Jew-Hating, Melo-Drama-O'Bamboozle had the audacity to write a slimy Passover message. I have read it and here is my comment. He talks about Jewish families, as if he has any empathy for those, who got taken hostage or were harmed and killed by Hamas, but the fact is, he is hyper-actively, virtue-signaling to People-Of-All-Religions, which, of course, We-The-People-Who-Are-Still-Here know, that this means, Muslims-In-The-United-States, to which the Pedo-Panderer-In-Chief is in vain trying to reach out, to win the next election.


Oh, yes, let’s talk about celebrating Passover and invoke feelings of togetherness, during the traditional seder meal – why is this not spelled with capital letters? – because, after all, the Democrats, in general, are such traditionalists?  Throw in That-All-Important-Speech-Word: Love, as you harp on your ever-lasting-happy memories in the Miraculously-Still-Called-White-House – how is it even possible, that name hasn’t yet been changed by your Corrupt-BLM-Friends? – where you and your communist’ comrades were creepily laughing about the Awfully-Tasting-Political-Language-Soup, you are still trying to serve, with its Upbeat-Hope-Giving focus on what should be said softly, kindly and understood as one Big-Inter-Sectional-Magic word: Resilience-Redemption- Even-Renewal-In-The-Face-Of-Persecution-And-Uncertainty.


The-Man-Who-Always-Hides-Behind-His-Wife is a coward, as it doesn’t ring true, to anyone with half a brain, the Snake-Oil-Salesman and his Anonymously-Target-Shopping-Wife-Michelle don't give a damn about those hostages, who are still alive. All they have ever really cared about, is to score Insidious-Political-Society-Demolishing points. Surely, there aren’t any Muslims, who care about Passover, because they want to wipe Israel and the Jewish people off the map. This Former-Religiously-Flip-Flopping-President, like the current, presumably, Democracy-Uniting-Saving-Scranton-From-Tyranny-President, wants to make it seem, as if Muslims are interested in Remembering-Everyone-Who-Is-Unable-To-Celebrate-The-Holiday-With-Their-Loved-Ones. This is such disingenuousness. Reading these words, let alone saying them out loud, so you would hear your own nasty voice, would make you want to Throw-Up-Inside-Of-Your-Mouth.


Another coward, Noam Chomsky, the hero of the left, who in a conversation with me – yes, I got a brief phone-conference with him, because he was, apparently, a little bit interested, in the importance of Embodied Language (EL) – simply refused to listen himself, when I let him know, that he wasn’t listening to himself and then he hung up on me. Being-Tirelessly-Humanistic-And-Uncompromising-With-DL (!) is where we got ourselves today. Like so many people, primarily on the left, Chomsky, as a speaker, wants others to listen to him, but is not interested in listening to himself and being able to have ongoing EL. In essence, Chomsky just wants to dominate the conversation and he has done this, by writing many books, which perpetuate the assumption, that something is going to change about human interaction, by reading and studying what has been written. This hoax is taught in all the colleges and universities. Also, few people still remember, this Incendiary-Linguist-Turned-Political-Activist, this Communist-Atrocity-Denying-Apologist was vehemently against B.F. Skinner’s Radical Behaviorism, the scientific approach to human behavior. This coward became the leader of the Utterly-Failed-Phony-Cognitive-Revolution, the academic movement, which is against science, but in favor of perpetuating DL, at any cost.    


Going back to the Loss-Suffering-You-Find-Your-Bed-As-You-Make-It-Gaza-Loving coward, who is trying to manipulatively and provocatively use Passover – an occasion on which people want to peacefully come together – once again, to pretend, as if He-Reaffirms-His-Commitment-To-The-Jewish-People, by merely Speaking-Empty-Words-And-Calling-For, what all these Crazy-Israel-And-America-Hating protesters are calling for, namely a cease-fire. Seder Meal is not the occasion to mourn the loss of Gazans.


I don’t care about any religion, as they always make it seem, as if religion is more important than our actual interactions with one another. As a freedom-loving individual, I don’t believe that Brutal-Fanatical-People-Who-Are-Willing-To-Destroy-Everyone-To-Have-Their-Way, have any right on safety or security, to practice their Aggressive-Disrespectful-Backward-Religion. So, to wish the Jewish people Chag Sameach, which means Happy Holiday, is an insult, because it is used to divert attention, to score political points with Muslims. It is the act of a coward, who was the president and who continues to incite violence. Likewise, Bernie Sanders, who said, you can’t negotiate with Hamas, is also a Coward-Without-A-Backbone, as he only said that to score political points.                         

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