Friday, September 22, 2023




I have the impression, that I am massaging myself with the message of my Embodied Language (EL). What is the message of my EL? It is my Language Enlightenment (LE). I am not imagining, I am really doing this. I tremendously enjoy speaking, writing, hearing and reading about my LE everyday and the only way to do that, is to express my EL. Except my dear Dutch friend, AnnaMieke, nobody else is doing this. Everyone is unknowingly getting stressed and worn out, because of Disembodied Language (DL).


Usually, a massage is given by a massage-therapist, that is, by someone else, who helps us to relax our tense muscles, but with EL, we massage ourselves. And, we are not manipulating soft tissue by hand, but we are speaking and listening to words and we are also writing and reading, about matters, which we are able to express and enjoy expressing, with our language. Moreover, in EL we are very clear, we are not massaging our minds, but our language. In doing so, our EL induces an experience of pure joy.


I don’t write metaphorically about massaging myself with my EL, I mean this quite literally. You would feel   incredibly good, if you did what I do. Of course, you can do it too. And, I don’t use any snake-oil, because I am not selling you some cheap feel-good trick, but I present you with a real possibility, you have never even considered. I wouldn’t describe engagement in EL as a massage from within, as it is truly about words, that come out of your mouth and your ability, to listen to and experience your very own language.


The massaging-effect of our own language doesn’t and cannot occur, as long as we are trying to have this effect on others. Although others may believe the glib sooth-sayers and the slick actors, who yank our emotions around with the sound of their voice, this belief is not the same, as the effect of listening to ourselves while we speak and, thus, engaging in EL. We don’t act, as if we are enlightened, but we really are enlightened, once we can continue to speak with the sound, with the vibration of our own wellbeing. Moreover, when we write about this, we will read something, which is profoundly satisfying, as we express our own truth – our LE – with our EL.


A nice massage certainly helps to relieve stress, but you have never acknowledged, your way of dealing with language creates and perpetuates stress. As a matter of fact, the way of talking, which we are all used to – and which, subsequently, determines how we commonly deal with our language for the rest of our pressured, miserable, conflicted, chaotic lives – is one big permanent struggle for attention. Our DL is not only disconnecting us from our experiences and, therefore, creating social problems, but it also is physically extremely harmful and exhausting. One day, when we are all on the same page, regarding DL and EL, we will have to acknowledge the role our DL plays in many psychological and physical illnesses.


A good massage will always make you more aware about your body. Our insensitivity to our own body, stems from our almost permanent involvement in DL. By talking out loud with yourself and by listening to how it sounds, you hear your numbness, pain, trauma, anxiety, strain and burden. Moreover, you can hear a very distinct change in the sound of your voice, once your negative experience dissolves. This is a beautiful and fascinating phenomenon, which would continue, if you would learn how to have EL.  


People hold a lot of stress in their necks. When we say, someone is a real pain in the neck, we describe how our body responds, to how someone talks. It is also a very clear example about how we disembody our language, with our way of talking. It is our own neck, we are talking about, but, presumably, it is the other person, who, as we say, got under our skin.


When we experience the change from DL to EL, we clear our throats, we get things off our chest, as we speak from the heart and all our muscles relax, in a way, they have never before relaxed, as they could only do so with our EL. It is astonishing, that nobody is interested in exploring this, by talking with me. I write this to invite you, but you keep missing out, on how your EL would change your life for the better.


You would not only loosen up, but also calm down, slow down, unwind, lighten up, settle down and let go, if you would begin to express your EL. Moreover, you would rest in your LE, which is so exquisite. Only when someone is dead, we say, may he or she rest in peace, but why not say this, while you are alive? People, who stay in hotels, are lured into some spa, with advertisements that say: why not spoil yourself with a relaxing, fragrant massage? The wording of the advertisement reminds us, we need to indulge and get pampered. Since feel guilty, we are also sold on cosmetic surgeries, which also claim to enhance our wellbeing. Likewise, we seek relief from liquor, drugs and comfort-food, which make us unhealthy.


If you want a full-body massage, you don’t need oil, but the verbal, aural expression of what genuinely matters to you. In DL, you could never get to that, so you have to take time, to talk with yourself, so that you can say what you want to say. In EL, you say what you couldn’t say in DL. And, you will also hear things very differently in EL. With EL, you hear, that you don’t listen to yourself whenever you engage in DL. Nobody is in touch with their body, because it is not allowed to feel good about yourself in DL. Your EL pays attention to everything, that asks attention and you can do a complete body-scan, by simply describing, what you feel in any part of your body.


There are no different massage-techniques in EL, as everything you are capable of expressing to yourself is important. Your ability to cry is equally relaxing as your ability to laugh. Talking about DL with your EL is a lot of fun. EL is not a technique, but in DL, you keep on throwing the kitchen sink, in the idle hope, it will solve your problems. Supposedly, you use all your resources, to get to the bottom of things, but you are just exhausting yourself. Generally speaking, DL is in its final stages. No massage can give you any relief from the painful consequences of your DL. If you give EL a try, you boldly have to face the fact, that you have been using your language negatively and your body has suffered greatly because of this.     

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