Wednesday, September 6, 2023




Nobody has written or spoken about this, but I am speaking and writing about it. Being a nobody, is of tremendous significance and those who know about it and can have Embodied Language (EL), have no problem with it, because it is the expression of our Language Enlightenment (LE). Everything that has been said and written about enlightenment before, was wrong, as it didn’t and couldn’t result in EL. So, while others consider us as unimportant, we view ourselves as very important, as only we address our LE with our EL. You, who read this, don’t know you engage in Disembodied Language (DL), as your   language makes you imagine you are somebody.  


I insist, it is empirically true, there is no me inside of me, who writes or says this. This whole business of fancying yourself being a somebody, of making up your mind – with your thoughts – is a result of your involvement in DL. There is no inner being, deeper self or eternal soul – who knows – but, there surely is your DL, which makes you believe in nonsense.


Hardly anyone wants to read this or hear this, but I read it, while I write it and I hear it, while I say it. The tremendous possibilities of EL are known to me, but you are, unknowingly, stuck with the limitations of your DL. Of course, you too have some sense, EL must exist and is necessary, but you are literally too full of yourself, to be able have it. Due to your DL, it never dawned on you, that moving beyond your conditioning or – as they like to say in scientific or academic circles – not being biased, requires you to be and talk like a nobody. Only those, who have EL, are able to leave their conditioning with DL behind.


In spite of all my problems, I have discovered how to continue my EL. Whether you believe me or not, the challenge of this discovery is still waiting for you, it doesn’t go away. I know, you postpone it and probably never get to it. This is why your life is such a tremendous mess. You can’t fool a nobody, as it is very clear to me, that you never do as you say. This difference between saying and doing, is because, for you, saying isn’t doing and the denial of your nature. Your LE, your happiness, your success, your health or your truth, cannot be expressed with your DL. As I feel very proud to be without any tribulations, my emptiness effortlessly expresses, every day, my LE.


Continuing with EL, means, I act on what I say and that is why I write so extensively about my EL and reap the fruits of making the right choices. I have felt so hesitant to write or say this, but my shame is gone, as it is really true: I only experience positive consequences of my actions. Why does anyone want to be or claim to be somebody so badly? I know why I wanted it, although claiming it, never worked for me: it is because we are ashamed of who we are.


My life wasn’t always this blissful. For a long time, I didn’t know what I wanted in my life. I was afraid, to miss out on something of tremendous importance, but I didn’t know what it was. Only just yesterday, I was still waiting for the other shoe to drop, waiting for my next failure. I failed, as I expected myself to fail, but now I succeed and witness millions of small things, which couldn’t happen, as long as I was still engaging in DL. I write this, because it is true and I like to read it. I know, that you, who reads this, have never been able to continue with your EL. Although, at some point, you might have kind of recognized it, you never trusted your natural way of dealing with your language, to carry you through your struggles.


You have never spoken, alone with yourself, in order to be able to hear your own voice. This is a big deal: the speaker, who him or herself is the listener, hears him or herself speak and recognizes his or her happy   sound. This tremendous event transforms you and what you say to yourself, with a voice of wellbeing, is your truth, your LE, which, from then on, will always be with you. And, this initiation into EL and LE, changes you from somebody into nobody. This is how you were born and this is how you will die. As a nobody, you experience and hear your eternity.


Coming home to oneself, always goes hand in hand with a verbal expression, which is utterly satisfying. EL truly is our own language, as there is no concern about what others might say about it. Others will say, about their own EL, it is equally nourishing and enlightening and that will be the new reality, we are creating with our authentic language. What hasn’t happened is happening with EL. When it does, we feel so blessed, as we are speaking power and love to our own truth, in stead of bullshit truth to the fake power of someone, who believes to be someone.


EL is a tremendous breakthrough. We embark on a new era of human behavior, in which it is possible to behave positively, effectively and consistently. For such a long time, we have suffered the consequences of undesirable behaviors, which are now understood, neutralized and dissolved, as we really have better things to do. EL makes us aware about what we are capable of, which is totally different from what we wanted to be, because we couldn’t be ourselves. It is such a joke, that being ourselves, is being a nobody.


When we get to do, what we are actually capable of,  we discard what we tried to be, as what we tried to be, was always a reaction, to not being able to be who we are, that is, to being a nobody. It is simple, yet – because we didn’t allow ourselves to have EL, to follow where it would lead us and to comprehend, how different this would be, from our usual DL – we are always in confusion, about who we are and what we want our language to be. With EL, however, we are perfectly satisfied being a nobody, as it allows us to do what we want to do and to live a peaceful life.   


In our house, we want things placed in a certain way. We want our table near the window, our TV in the corner, a bed against the wall, a couch in the middle. We like it to be clean, so we vacuum or dust things off, once in a while. However, when it comes to how we are dealing with our language, we never decide where we place anything. And, yes, we never do any cleaning. We do different things, in different places, in our house. There is a place, that is better than any other place, where we can speak with ourselves and hear our own reasoning. We have our own questions and our own answers, because we have our own EL.


The reason, nobody has ever written or spoken about EL –  in the way anyone would, if they knew, EL is the expression of our LE and of being a nobody – is because we are all afraid of death and the unknown. While people go out of their way, to prove to others, what a dare-devils they are, how important they are, how very special, skillful, knowledgeable, spiritual or kind they are, we refuse to engage in EL, as it signifies the end of our verbal shenanigans. There can be no EL, without first having stopped our DL. Supposedly, some people are wiser than others, but this was never the issue. The issue was, that they had their own language. I feel such a tremendous joy, to have found my own language. Reading my texts or listening to me, you can’t avoid the conclusion, that you don’t have your own language. Of course, you too have your own language, but you haven’t gotten to it yet. By admitting that, you will get to your own language and stop wasting time with what others have said or written. You have your own EL and by saying it, by hearing it, by writing it and by reading it, you will come into your own LE with your EL.        

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