Saturday, February 10, 2024




Being here – or being who you are – is much more, that you previously believed it to be. You have never had the language to be who you are, so once you have that Embodied Language (EL), you will realize, how incredibly wonderful it is, to just be you.


With Disembodied Language (DL), you believed, you were already yourself, but that was false. Only when you have ongoing EL, can you be yourself. Since this is such a lasting experience, you have never really had it. If you would have had it, there is no turning back from it. You have only had the assumption of what it is like to have it, but you were never able to consciously and deliberately approach your own EL.


You couldn’t skillfully, reliably and continuously have EL, as you never knew the difference between your DL and your EL. The reason you can’t let go of your DL, is because you believe, it is important, it has value and you fear, you can’t live without it. The fact is, however, that your DL is a dreadful problem and a tremendous burden. Your DL is the source of suffering, which has undermined your life all along.


You have never been able to surrender with your verbal behavior, to the nonverbal reality of your own experience. If you would have done that, your verbal behavior would have become flexible and fluid enough, to match your nonverbal experience, but this could never happen, because you never took the time, to listen to yourself while you speak.


Only when you talk out loud with yourself, so you can begin to hear and enjoy your own voice, can you really adjust what you say to how you say it. Yet, this delightful fine-tuning happens, not because you do something, but because you no longer do what you did before. Thus, the more you don’t do, what you used to do – with your DL – the more you will have EL and be able to do, what you always wanted to do, but never paid attention to, because all your energy got drained by your involvement in DL.


When you engage in EL, you disappear, but when you have DL, it seems as if you matter. Everyone wants to matter, because the ultimate reality of DL is: they don’t matter and they can’t accept that. Of course, they can, but they don’t, because they find ways to avoid that reality. One way to do that, is by making it seem, as if they matter more than others. They still don’t matter, but at least, they have the illusion that they matter. In EL, on the other hand, we are happy, we don’t matter, and we don’t pretend, as if we do. It is a great relief, as we were having such a hard time, acting as if we were important.


The realization of our own unimportance with our EL sets the stage for our liberation. We are grateful, we feel blessed with this new knowledge, which we have been defending against for so long. We are so lucky; we can let it go and our unimportance is our salvation. We can close our eyes and be at peace.


With our EL, we accept the fact, that there really is no language inside of us. Therefore, we are without any language, by simply not speaking with ourselves or with anyone else; by not listening to ourselves or to anyone else; by not writing to ourselves or to someone else; and, by not reading our own writing or the writing of someone else.


To be who we are, we have to have ongoing EL, to be able to be without language. In other words, we must be with our language first, before we can be without our language. This is the greatest paradox we have ever experienced: during EL, we produce language, which takes us beyond our language.


Another way of formulating the aforementioned, is that we can only be without our language, when we have accurately, verbally and joyfully addressed our nonverbal or direct experience. All our words are lost in our EL, and this is our Language Enlightenment (LE).


Our LE is our freedom and with our EL, we find out, we have nothing to say, as we have said everything, we wanted to say and we have written everything, we wanted to write. It is an exquisite experience, to be who we are without any language. The beauty of our LE is that we can speak or not speak, we can write or not write, we can hear or not hear, we can read or not read. Nothing is missed, if we don’t speak, if we don’t listen, if we don’t write, if we don’t read.


Our LE, which is expressed by our EL, makes us say everything we are capable of saying; makes us hear, what we have always heard, but which we couldn’t respond to with our DL; makes us write, in our own words, about why the difference of our own DL and our own EL matters to us and why speaking with ourselves, is such an enriching process; and, makes us read about, what we didn’t and couldn’t say, what we didn't and couldn't hear, what we didn't and couldn't understand and what we didn't and couldn't write without our EL. Our LE is the dissolvement of our EL.    

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