Friday, February 16, 2024




When you have found your own truth, because you have acquired self-knowledge – with your Embodied Language (EL) – of course, you are right. Moreover, you want to be right, even if no one believes you. It is total nonsense, that self-realized or enlightened people don’t want to be right or, that for them, being right, presumably doesn’t matter. I say with 100% certainty, that anyone who speaks or writes about the truth, consciousness, meditation or self-knowledge, but can’t even explain the difference between Disembodied Language (DL) and EL, is always someone, who is verbally coercing others into accepting, he or she is right. They don’t know what the hell they are talking about, as they can’t handle the real self-knowledge, which can only be acquired with their ongoing EL.


Anyone who has ever talked with me, knows very well, that I am right. The fact, that they don’t want to admit it, is their problem. They rather go to fake people, who tell them what to do, so that they can go on imagining, they are living in la-la-land. You are damn right, that I am right, and that I am not hiding my truth. However, I don’t speak truth to power, as that would be a waste of my time. I speak my truth to myself and that is all I do. I am my own authority.


I’ve heard and read so often, that if a person wants to be right, or insists, that he or she is right, this is a sure sign, they are ignorant, because – according to all the wise and well-meaning gurus – someone who claims to be enlightened, cannot be enlightened. It is so incredibly stupid, as all of these creepy, holy people, sneakily keep asserting their own, presumably, humble, but always boring, lifeless verbiage. Only someone like me – who is so convinced, he is right, that he audaciously accuses all the world’s religious leaders, their so-called religions, and their psychologically sleepy, fanatic followers of being full of shit – who is never ever allowed to be right. Someone like me, with real self-knowledge, is always ignored and refused.  This is why we engage, as we have done since time memorial, in DL and create more chaos and conflict.


I have discovered the difference between DL and EL, but my self-knowledge is taboo for anyone who has DL. Nothing changes the fact that I am right, as I deal with my language correctly, while everyone with DL, unknowingly, engages incorrectly with their language. I always have positive consequences of my EL, but with DL, we always experience negative consequences. The fact that everyone with their DL always keeps denying this, only makes things worse.


It is very easy to ignore me and, most likely, even if you read and understand this or listen to and watch you my You Tube videos, you will still continue to do what you have always done. I know this, because I have found out about my Language Enlightenment (LE) with my ongoing EL. I want everyone who reads this to know, I am right. Everyone who continues with DL is completely in the dark about themselves, because of how they deal with their language. My being right, is not about convincing anyone, but about my being. There is no need to convince anyone, as you are here with me, right now, whether you like it or not. You read this and you understand these words.


You need to convince yourself, you can – and you should – stop your own problematic DL and engage in intelligent EL. I am right, you must do for yourself, what no one can do for someone else. I am right, being busy with someone else, is a waste of your time and energy. You have your family, your social network of friends and colleagues, your community you imagine belonging to or being obliged to, your team, your religion, your professional and political affiliation, but you are never just verbally busy only with yourself. You cannot be, because your dull DL wouldn’t let you. You are not free and when you talk about freedom, you get stuck in your DL, which is a group-behavior, that denigrates your individuality.


It has been said, many times – one wonders why? Oh, I get it, it was always said with DL – man exists for and in himself alone and that his highest end is self-knowledge and self-realization in conformity with the dictates of his reason, apart altogether from the state and society. Yes, yes, yes, bla, bla, bla, and, Plato said, in 399 BC, an unobserved life isn’t worth living, yet millions of people have kept on living like that, with automatic, unconscious DL.


The absence of self-knowledge and of the absolute certainty that we are right, underlies many of our weaknesses and problems. We have endlessly tried to fix or improve on our so-called blind-spots, but the difference between DL and EL isn’t a matter of observing something that is visible, but of hearing something that we didn’t listen to. We have never listened to ourselves, as we were all conditioned, to listen to others or to make others listen to us. During DL, listening, means listening to someone else, and, therefore, we continue to lack any self-knowledge.


Anyone who, like me, can have ongoing EL, is not only against DL, but he or she is also against all the group-behavior, which was created and maintained by our unaddressed involvement in DL. So, yes, I am right, because I am conscious of the self-defeating behavior everyone is involved in. I am not trying to get people involved in EL – I admit, I have done that, but I no longer do that – but everyone with their DL, keeps trying to get me involved in their DL. I hate DL and I despise everyone, who is pushing their agenda on me and on others. I don’t have any agenda and my EL shows what matters, each time I engage in it.


When I don’t engage in EL, I am nowhere or rather, I am now-here, without language. This absence of my language is my presence. I’m as fine without my EL as with it. I like to go wherever my EL takes me and my silence isn’t some future ideal, but my everyday reality of how I deal with my language. I am proud of what I’ve achieved, as I’ve abandoned everything and everyone that relates to idiotic DL. Surely, it is very significant that hardly anybody reads my blog, watches my videos or talks with me about the importance of EL, the language of self-knowledge, which, whether we are willing to admit it or not or conscious or not, of course, applies to everyone.


Many people talk these days about nonduality and have latched onto what is known in India as Advaita. This ancient philosophy identifies the individual self or atman, with the ground of reality or brahman. Supposedly, we gain self-knowledge, by studying this rotten old doctrine, which is said to take us from duality into unity. Nothing is further from the truth, as the difference between our DL and EL is never talked about. Therefore, these overrated, mystical, Vedic scriptures, like any other writing, are of course, a product of our cross-cultural, dumb DL. Indeed, all writing, which is considered to be more important than speaking, is a stand-in-the-way to our EL. In EL, duality is not an issue and neither is our listening. We make a big deal of these matters, due to our DL.


Our lack of attention for our own spoken language – by listening to ourselves while we speak – shows us,  how constantly distracted we are, by everything that is competing for our attention. Luckily, I gave up on this dreadful struggle, to get anyone’s attention for EL. I am no longer sad or disappointed about it, that almost nobody cares about their EL. Actually, I am very happy and relieved, that I no longer care whether you will ever be able to have EL with me. It was a great burden, I have carried for very long. Yet, I still like to be more emphatic about the undeniable fact, that I know something nobody knows or even wants to know. Go ahead and quote me on that. I write and speak about my own self-knowledge, which could only be acquired with my own ongoing EL.


You waste your time, energy and money on people, who don’t know themselves, let alone others. You can only acquire self-knowledge, if you speak with yourself and tell yourself, what is going on with you. I don’t tell you what you need to tell yourself. I am not into any debates, discussions or even so-called dialogues. I have found, to my own astonishment and great disbelief, that none of our well-intended efforts, to really communicate with one another, have ever resulted in our ongoing EL.


You either stop your own DL and, then, you can talk with me and have EL with me or you continue doing what you have been doing and things will – as they always do with DL – get worse and worse, although you will try to do everything you can, to prove to yourself and to others, that you are doing fantastic. Perhaps, you even succeed in fooling others, but if you read this, you will have to admit, that you have  never succeeded in fooling yourself. There really is this possibility of genuine self-knowledge, but you haven’t discovered, experienced or explored it yet. You still have a chance, as long as you are alive. You can do it right now and acknowledge that I am right. However, the great difference between your DL and your EL has nothing to do with working on yourself. You will only continue with your EL, if you enjoy it.


If you weren’t seeking self-knowledge, you wouldn’t be reading this. Yet, this text or what I or someone else is saying, cannot give you self-knowledge, as you need to tell yourself – with your EL – what you know and what you don’t know. Self-knowledge is like EL, you either have it or you don’t. When you have it, you know that you have it and if believe that you don’t have self-knowledge or that you only have limited self-knowledge, this simply means, that you are still engaging in DL. In EL, your self-knowledge is unlimited and constantly renewing itself. There is no such thing as wrong self-knowledge. You were never having any self-knowledge in the first place, if your self-knowledge turned out to be completely bogus. And, this is the situation you are in, due to your DL.


When you have had EL, you will have expressed your self-knowledge and, then – only then – can you sit in contentment and be empty. As I have stated in my other writings, this has nothing to do with meditation – which is an outdated construct – as this is an entirely different process of, first, having been busy with language and, then, being without any language. The immaculate silence and peace, we are experiencing, is a product of our EL. As we stabilize in EL, we are aware of our LE, our presence, which is there, while we are having EL and which continues, after we are we are done with our EL.  

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