Monday, February 12, 2024




The time has come to discuss Disembodied Language (DL) in the manner it could only be discussed, if you can have Embodied Language (EL). People talk – in DL – about so-called spiritual or mental health, but of course there is no such thing.


As long as we still continue to have DL, all this fuss about the presumed importance of religion, psychiatry, psychology, philosophy, education or culture makes no sense at all. Regardless of who we claim or believe to be, we are all, because of our conditioning with DL, stuck in all kinds of concepts that are not true and therefore only cause problems.


It is quite an humungous undertaking, to untangle the ridiculous nonsense of our own DL, which was pushed down our throats. If we really acknowledge, there is no language anywhere inside of our bodies, then, there is no other option, than to also admit, that everything – yes, everything – that has emerged from our mechanical DL must be revised, repaired, revoked, rewritten, reopened and rediscovered. Yet our EL has nothing to do with rethinking, repeating or rehashing our DL, as it comes to an end, simply, in one fell swoop, in one moment of our action.


When we talk – with our usual DL – about a person, who believes, he or she has psychological problems, who assumes, that he or she has obsessive, dark, confused thoughts, who complains about depressed feelings, because he or she has experienced many horrible, painful situations, we no longer refer to it as depression, trauma, psychoses, hallucinations, lack of self-confidence, but we immediately know, that this person is talking about DL, which has influenced and gravely impaired him or her.


Any negativity, experienced by us an individual, is due to our involuntary participation in DL. When we deal with all of our problems – that we say or seem to have – in this way, we take the bull by the horns, because we immediately express the real cause and we can experience it, listen to it and understand it.  


In telling - to ourselves - what is going on, we are not searching for why things are going the way they are in our lives, but we are immediately aware, that we are in trouble because of our DL. We are trapped by our DL. Every problem is yet another reason, to stop our own DL and to admit, to ourselves, again that our, considered normal, habitual DL, could not previously be regarded as the evil, it truly is.


With DL, we always pretend to accept, it is okay, we feel bad about ourselves. Of course, this is not the case at all, but that does not alter the fact, that in DL we constantly act as if, all the struggle, conflict and chaos, does not bother us and is even valuable or meaningful. In other words, DL always prevented us from truly being ourselves. All that is needed, is to let ourselves know this – with our EL – which can only take place after we have stopped our DL.


We step out of our conditioning at once, because of our new language use. Even though this does not suddenly eliminate our tendency to engage in DL for good, we are immediately convinced, that we can, at any time, with our EL, free ourselves from our sad and troublesome past. By the way, EL is not a choice, as it is our only option. Being who we are is not a choice. 


As long as we muddle through with our DL, we are still occupied with the illusion, that we make or have to make choices, because it is always an involuntary thing, that, supposedly, we must choose between a rock and a hard place, but we can never get to the optimal situation. 


With DL, without being aware of it, we are always avoiding, distracting from, fighting with, debating with, confronting, getting hyped up about, getting carried away by and being in denial of danger. Only when we have our own EL, will this fearful disaster finally come to an end. With our EL, we speak in a totally different manner, as it the language of our safety, relaxation and wellbeing.


Stopping our own DL is only possible because we have already taken note - even if only temporarily - of our own EL. However, this has nothing to do with consciousness, self-confidence or self-knowledge, but with the simple ability to accurately distinguish between our own DL and our own EL.


All our nice words, our beliefs and our previous knowledge mean nothing, because it comes down to whether we can identify the immense difference between our own DL and our own EL. This ability does not depend on whether we have read books, prayed or meditated, did rituals, taken courses, attended lectures or workshops, listened to authorities or had any preparatory experiences.


Anyone can make the transition from DL to EL as he or she is, right now. Denying that possibility was the only reason we could not experience this before. So, in EL, there is no obstacle in the way of any belief, ideology, theory or perception, because everything has changed in one fell swoop, because of our new manner of dealing with language. Our EL is the only way to express our true nature, which was always already the case, but which we – with DL – could not explain and, therefore, could not respond to.


There is no denying, that our ongoing EL is the realization of our Language Enlightenment (LE), which is now being revealed to us, because we talk about it, listen to it, write about it – to ourselves – and, therefore, we also read what we tell ourselves and have written about our LE. Our attention for our own EL means our freedom as an individual. A new era dawns on us with this psychosonic manner.               

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