Wednesday, February 7, 2024




Even though I have done everything, I have somehow achieved I can now enjoy doing nothing so much. I occasionally sing a song, play something on my ukulele or come up with a different text to an existing tune. I also like to walk along the stream or do yoga, tai chi or some other exercises to relax and strengthen my muscles and keep my body healthy, but I usually don't do anything at all. Even though I'm writing this, I'm not doing anything for it, as it just happens. I might as well have sat here, on my comfortable chair, completely still, which I often do.


I just read a ridiculous article in the New York Times. It was written by an idiot, whose name I don't want to mention, because he's a moron, who has nothing of substance to say. In the piece about the situation in the Middle East, he compared the various parties in the conflict to insects. Wow, what a great find that is. Now we all understand what is going on. Not so. What strikes me about this stupid story is the arrogant explanation or interpretation of what is, presumably, really happening, according to this foolish jerk. If we were to believe him, it works precisely, as he writes. In other words, it is not just the way it is – barbaric religious fanatics have slaughtered a bunch of innocent people – but,  there is another, a deeper, hidden meaning, that we can only come to know, by meekly joining with his tedious language. That's how it works in the Israel-Jew-hating, left-wing media, specifically, in the NJT.


Talking doesn't disturb my silence. I looked on You Tube at a video, I recently posted and read some statements by Krishnamurti. This anti-guru guru, talked about emptying our consciousness. He stated that thinking, mind and memory are all in the past, which we carry with us. I don't believe in thinking. According to me, there is no mind, because there is no language in us. It only seems that way, because we talk about it in that way. That is why we pretend, there are words and sentences inside our heads, but, of course, that cannot be the case. There was never any language inside of any of us. This was merely a disastrous illusion created and maintained by our Disembodied Language (DL), our usual mode of speech, which sets the stage for how we deal with our language, and, in turn, all our other behavior.


It is remarkable, that even someone as enlightened as Jiddu Krishnamurti – who had long conversations with the famous physicist David Bohm – was never able to recognize the obvious, incontrovertible, still completely ignored, unaddressed fact that, there is absolutely no language inside the human body.


Embodied Language (EL) is like waking up from a bad dream. All those so-called enlightened ones, masters or spiritual leaders - including Gurdjieff, Osho, the Dalai Lama, Deepak Chopra, Sadguru, Ramana Maharshi, Eckhart Tolle, Nisargadatta Maharaj, you name them – believe, we have a mind and, therefore, they assume there is language in us and we could, covertly, have an inner conversation with ourselves. Everyone falls for that nonsense and repeats that monumental impossibility, because we have continued to forcefully talk about things in that manner, since time immemorial, with our DL.


The fact which keeps astonishing me, because of my EL, is that words have never existed inside, but only outside of me. However, this crucially important fact, doesn't get any attention anywhere else than here on this blog, because I can write about it. Also, on my You Tube videos, I can and dare to speak about mankind’s biggest blunder, with crystal clarity. We are dealing here with the innocent, spontaneous, natural child, who sees what he sees – in my case, hears, what he hears – who blurts out: the emperor has no clothes on. All things considered, this should mean, that I should be recognized and revered by others as a genius, since no one – absolutely no one – ever talks about this. Only someone like me, who is not concerned with anything, a nobody, who is doing nothing other than having EL, listening while he is speaking, and writing about how that works.


Anyone who reads this, can and must understand - once and for all - there are only bones, veins, nerves and organs inside of our body and in our heads, there are, of course, only brains and neurotransmitters. I am 100% right, there have never been any thoughts, theories, ideas, concepts, associations or memories inside of us. Yes, there was never any language inside of us. You need to say, to hear it and to believe it. I repeat this, because it needs to be repeated, before it dawns on you, how far-reaching this conclusion – which we have yet to talk about – is. People say, I'm making a big fuss about nothing. And that's true, ha, ha.


My silence is very different from that so-called silence, which people only imagine, because they believe – religiously and unconsciously– they can experience peace, if they let go of their non-existent thoughts or their fantasized minds. All of this total nonsense continues by the concept of meditation or mindfulness. The fact remains, that everyone continued with DL and never understood, that only our EL is based on the reality, that our language - like these words - is always audible, visible and readable, because it is said and written. Again, there is no inner language and, therefore, there is no psyche, ego or inner self.


Since we continue to distort our effortless voice during our effortful DL, the auditory illusion is created and maintained, that we would be kind, intelligent, empathetic, open, strong, confident, fearless and positive, but this is just an act. We have never had EL to our heart's content with each other, because we have never been able to say, what we really wanted and could say. This is how our illusion of fake-inner language is maintained. To this day, we have mandatorily, involuntarily, unconsciously continued with our violent practice of DL.


I can have ongoing EL and, consequently, I have no thoughts and I have no business with any so-called mind, because it simply does not exist. All I do is talk, listen, write and read, but even if I do that, it is only at the moment, that I say something, that I hear something, that I write something or that I read something. So, I never think anything at all. Let that rotten corps of the old philosopher Rene Descartes – who once so firmly and authoritatively stated, I-think-therefore-am – roll in his grave. However, like him, I have also been conditioned, by the same dumb illusion, that there is language inside of me, although I have known for a long time, this is not true and cannot even be true.


The persistent belief, that we can have any language within us, amounts to the same utter nonsense, that people all over the world have been forced to accept as their so-called religion or their sacred experience of spirituality. The notion, that there can be such a thing as a god or a higher power, is, of course, no more true, than that we can have an inner behavior initiating, behavior regulating self or an inaudible conversation, private speech or covert self-talk.


From what I have described in great detail, so far, it appears that our belief in inner language is a big lie, which inevitably results in all kinds of other lies, such as wizards, ghosts, spirits, angels, elves, aliens, but also, of course, astrologers, clairvoyants, priests, preachers, therapists, snake-oil-salespeople, drug-dealers, politicians and other deceitful people.  


Since I know all of this, I say, it is very important, we should no longer concern ourselves with all these untruths, which, due to our unconscious, coerced, use of language, were propagated, as if they were true. There are many negative consequences of our superstition, which, however, in reality is nothing more, than our common everyday way of speaking.


For me, this writing this is a form of doing nothing. I remember, that in the practice of Zazen, which is an anti-language, Japanese version of meditation, the point is to do, by doing nothing, so - without any understanding of the difference between DL and EL – to be able to sit in meditation, but without doing anything else, with your so-called monkey-mind. It is, perhaps, now clear to the reader, this is a form of trying to lift yourself up by your shoelaces. It does not work. In Zazen, the only thing you can do – in terms of language – is capitulate. Surely, this Zen nonsense or any other form of meditation or prayer has nothing to do with the real transformation, which will only take place, after we have stopped our DL and continue to speak and write with our EL.


This writing, as well as the
 speaking with myself, which 
you can hear on my You 
Tube videos, is something 
I feel very happy about. 
Bringing my attention to
 my language is something 
delightful, which continues 
to fascinate me. I have called it 
my Language Enlightenment (LE),
 because with my EL – which can
 be read and heard by others - 
I find myself in an awakened
 state of being. I am in no way
 tied to anything I have said 
or written and I can stop 
speaking or writing, at any
 time, if I wish.


You can already experience, by reading this text or by watching and listening to my videos, that I am actually talking about something so completely different, than what people usually talk about. If you were to talk to me, this would become even more apparent, but I hear nothing from you, and no one responds to my blog. This illustrates exactly the situation you are in, with regard to your EL. You are punitively conditioned, imprisoned by, preoccupied with and mechanically, obsessed with your own DL and with the DL of others.


Only someone like me – who, very objectively, after many experiments, has acquired true knowledge with his own EL – will want to talk with me, because for others I am simply not relevant. I have struggled with this issue for a long time, but today it appears, I have resigned myself, to no longer make any effort to reach others. I am feeling very proud about this, because it was such a problem, which, finally, I no longer have. Everything is fine the way it is and, as far as I'm concerned, nothing needs to change.


I'm about to go to sleep soon. I already feel sleep coming over me, but I still want to fill this page with some more meaningless words, which arise from my silence. I have nothing to say, that is why, as soon as I close my eyes, I immediately fall asleep. My sleep is so good in recent times, because all my days are calm and steady. It is a wonderful time of doing nothing. The days follow without any sense of time. Yes, I have gotten a bit older, and I will die one day, but for now, I enjoy what I have achieved, while I continue to poke fun at the sad madness, everyone with DL has continued to believe in.

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