Sunday, February 4, 2024




Sometimes, you just need to kick things to the side. You don’t want any gravel on the flagstone path, which you have created in your garden, and you make sure, every time birds are digging around, these pesky little rocks are removed. There is no guilt or second guessing about this, as you simply go and clean your path. While the seasons are changing and things are growing, you keep your eyes, and, perhaps, more importantly, your ears on the goal, you want to achieve. There is nothing wrong about having your specific objective – you want Embodied Language (EL) and not Disembodied Language (DL) – which you have selected, because you know, you can, and you will reach it. Whatever stands in the way, is going to get out of the way and it is your ability, which is going to make it happen.


You are way more resourceful, than you believed yourself to be and this discovery gives you courage. Besides, you want what you want and you aren’t happy, unless you have acquired what you want. There is no way to water down your purpose and you get there, no matter what price you need to pay. Basically, you surrender to the goal, which was always obfuscated by your DL, but which, with EL, shines like a bright beacon of light. Although you haven’t achieved it, you know where it is and you know what challenges must be faced, before you can have what you truly want. It is about honoring yourself and respecting yourself, that you are going to succeed.


Your experience and your ability to be happy with yourself, grateful to yourself, proud of yourself and satisfied with yourself, has nothing to do with being full of yourself. To the contrary, you are empty, and your emptiness is your treasure, since with EL, you no longer hang on to your language. Furthermore, your goal, to be yourself, is realized, because you recognize your own as well as anyone else’s DL.


Your skill, to differentiate between DL and EL, is not some ordinary judgment about your or someone else’s behavior, but it is a statement of fact, that DL rules everywhere and yet, you are aware of it, and, therefore, you are capable of not getting involved. While you don’t know this yet, you really need to have EL and to make this happen, your DL needs to stop. Neither you nor anyone else, is going to help you stop it. You have to do this on your own and if you fail, you must face the negative consequences, which are sure to follow. The lawfulness of behavior will haunt you to your grave. If you don’t step up to the plate and call a spade a spade and recognize your DL is something, which has to be stopped.


Your battle is to stop your own DL. Every part of you must be devoted to this and unless you totally dedicate yourself to this task, your DL is not going to stop. Surely, you have never managed to stop your DL, because you were never total in your approach. You tried to stop other people their DL, but hardly ever your own. In either case, you have failed and that is why you gave up trying. So, it is also a matter of accepting your previous defeat, which is going to determine, whether or not you will succeed.


I am not telling you what to do. I am saying what I know, what needs to happen, to have EL. You can’t ignore DL and your ability to have EL, depends on your honesty about each time, you are still acting out your conditioning history with DL. If you can’t do that, forget about having EL, it will not become available to you, as you are not acknowledging the enormous difference between your DL and EL.


Of course, it is also not a matter of letting someone else know about your DL. You need to let yourself know, by talking out loud, with yourself and by listening to yourself, while you speak and by saying what you want to and need to say to yourself. It will be self-evident when you have EL, as you will feel it. It is so different from your usual DL. If you doubt, whether you have DL or EL, you are still having DL. In EL, you don’t doubt, you have EL, you know it.


You are always absolutely certain when you engage in EL, because such is the beautiful nature of your Language Enlightenment (LE). It is, at this moment, unknown to you, that you can be so self-assured, as you will have acquired the language, which supports and enhances your confidence. You will not just sometimes have any EL, for only a few brief moments, but you are going to have EL for the rest of your life. To move forward, you not only sometimes have to accept change, but you will have to accept change always.         

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