Sunday, February 18, 2024




There is an enormous difference between repeating something with our Disembodied Language (DL) or repeating something with our Embodied Language (EL). With the former, you are getting deeper and deeper in trouble, but with the latter, you liberate yourself, you renew yourself, and, yes, will you stop repeating. Only those who continue to have DL, are always unknowingly repeating themselves, while they are making it seem as if they are so modern and advanced. They always repeat the same struggle, conflict, misery and tragedy and their problems keep accumulating and escalating. 


Anyone, who truly recovers from his or her dreadful history of conditioning with DL, will have to say, out loud, to him or herself, as many times as necessary, everything, he or she has believed, he or she was thinking, while he or she was still engaging in DL. It can be compared with having a bad dream. Upon waking up, you continue to feel upset, confused or frightened about what you dreamed about. Unless you say repeatedly to yourself, it was just a dream, a nightmare, you continue to feel troubled, ashamed, sad, frustrated or even obsessed about your dream.


The word repetition comes from Latin, repetitio or  repetitionem, a repeating, repetere, doing or saying things again. Later, in old French, repeter, say what another has said; actions or events recurring or done again; do over again; do, make or perform again. Reputation, as in, upon repetition, I swear; also representative; repertory, Latin, repertorium, index, list, inventory, catalogue; repertus, reperire, to find, get or invent; parire or paerere, to produce, bring forth, procure; repertoire, list of performances an actor or company can stage. Of course, in EL, we repeat not what another has said, but what we say. Thus, we produce and create our own reality. As I have said and written many times, EL is the correct way of using our language, but our DL is incorrect, as it perpetuates the falsehood, that our language occurs inside of our body, as thinking in our head.


There is truth to the fact, that if you keep repeating – with DL – the same propaganda, someone is going to believe it, especially, because they don’t know anything about the difference between DL and EL. However, once they have found out about this difference, this doesn’t mean, that the conditioning history with DL has all of a sudden ended, as it is the beginning of becoming conscious about this history. Each time we consciously repeat to ourselves – with our ongoing EL – our conditioning history with our DL, we are reconditioning ourselves, into freedom.


Due to our habitual, mechanical DL, an unhealthy process of de-conditioning has occurred. This can be compared to an elderly person, who doesn’t walk anymore, but sits in a chair all day. Our muscles will inevitably atrophy, due to our sedentary lifestyle. Surely, such a decline can perhaps be prevented or at least somewhat reversed, if we exercise again, which would then involve a process re-conditioning. Obviously, doing a regular fitness routine, to retain or regain muscle strength, would involve repetition. 


During the transition, from being a nonverbal baby, to becoming a fully verbal human being, our first words – Mama or Papa - were celebrated by others, but, the older we get, the less reinforcement our verbal behavior receives. We were conditioned, to have DL, not EL – because nobody knew about the difference between the two, as there never really was anyone, to socially reinforce our EL –  and we could only retain our access to our EL, by means of automatic or self-reinforcement. Only if we would listen to and enjoy the sound of our voice, while we speak – in the same way, as a guitar-player enjoys to hear the sound, he or she produces, while he or she is strumming some chords on his or her instrument – do we attain the ability or skill to continue with EL.     


In every religion people repeat their scriptures, but they do not know, they repeat their DL. Unless they knowingly stop repeating their DL, they are never able to have any ongoing EL. Sometimes, they stop their DL, accidentally, but never skillfully, consciously and continuously and so, whenever their DL stops, they accidentally, momentarily step out of their repetition. They fabricate many superstitious ideas around this issue of having stopped their DL, but the repetition of these assumptions never results in truly stopping their DL. Only if we get clear about the difference between DL and EL, can we stop our DL reliably. We stop our DL only, when we realize, we want to go on with our EL. This natural preference happens by itself, as we will effortlessly choose what is best for us.    

It is necessary, enjoyable, intriguing and so relaxing to repeat to yourself, that it is really true, that you can stop your DL, that you can go on with your EL and that you can experience your Language Enlightenment (LE). It is really needed to let yourself know again and again, to counteract your own conditioning history with DL. Each time, when you say and hear what you appear to be thinking, you find out that thinking dissolves, because it was an imaginary product of your DL, in which you could not say what you wanted to say. Each time you say what you can say, you let yourself know, you are enlightened because your language makes you happy and full of delightful energy.    

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