Wednesday, February 14, 2024




Whenever we are talking about what we are supposedly thinking, we are, without realizing this, always only just talking about our way of talking. This is not some word game, but this is a very serious issue. Since there are no thoughts, words, sentences, concepts, theories, pictures, narratives or ideas, inside of our heads, but only, approximately, 86 billion neurons and 40 different kinds of neurotransmitters, it should be clear to anyone – who has a rudimentary notion of neuroscience – that whatever we say about our so-called mind, is merely just that: talk. Thus, when we stop talking about our mind, there simply is no mind.


In the same way, that we can all agree, the world is round, not flat, and 2+2=4, not 5 or 3, we should all  be able to agree with each other, it is due to our usual, accepted, unconscious, effortful, negative, unnatural Disembodied Language (DL), we never talk about the far-reaching, profoundly problematic implications and consequences of the irrefutable fact, that our language doesn’t exist inside of us.


When someone is cancelled from a social media platform, it is not because of what that person is thinking, but because of what he or she was saying and what other people don’t want us to hear or because of what he or she was writing and what others don’t want us to read. I read somewhere, that Kevin Newsome, the governor of California, was saying that Trump is dominating the narrative, but aren’t all politicians always trying to do exactly the same? Newsome urged his fellow Democrats to become more aggressive and he even insisted, that the Democrats are justified to do so, as they have all the facts on their side. What is described here is the battle for attention, which is the main characteristic of DL, our adversarial way of talking, which creates and exploits the illusion of thinking, inner language, so-called private speech or our overrated mind.


Only when someone is talking, can we hear what someone is saying and only when something is written, can we read what someone has written. Moreover, only when we say something ourselves, can we hear ourselves and only if we have written something – to or for ourselves – can we read and understand what we have written about ourselves. Certainly, we can also write and read about what we as well as others have said or written and, thus, we can instruct ourselves or each other, about how our language – that is, how our way of talking – either sets the stage for desirable or undesirable behavior.


Due to our almost permanent, automatic, reactive, unintelligent involvement in DL, our way of talking is such, that the gigantic difference between our DL and our Embodied Language (EL) is never properly addressed. Surely, we have tried to address it, but we never succeeded, as it was impossible for us to talk with DL about our DL. Whenever we did that, as the example of the windbag Kevin Newsom illustrates, our DL got even more insidious, and, obviously, this led to all the chaos and conflict in our world today. Certainly, we have created the reality as it is, with the way in which we are talking with each other.


There is only going to be any significant progress in human relationship, when we begin to talk with EL about our DL, as only such a way of talking will allow us to stop our DL, because we can finally recognize and fully acknowledge, how terribly destructive and problematic our DL is. However, as of yet, we cannot and do not stop our DL, as we haven’t acquired the EL, that is necessary to address it, let alone, stop it.


I am the only one, who can talk about DL, because I have the EL to do it. When you listen to my You Tube videos – just type my name Maximus Peperkamp and you will find it – you can’t miss the undeniable truth, that my lively, sensitive, funny, energizing, insightful, positive, knowledgeable, surprising way of talking is completely different from your boring, draining, demanding, scripted, dominating, dumb, bombastic, coercive, pretentious way of talking.


Whenever you are truly excited about something, you just can’t stop talking about it. This is why I talk about my EL every day. Anyone, who would know about the enormous difference between their own DL and their EL, would also be as excited as I am and they wouldn’t want stop talking about their EL either, because it is so valuable and so meaningful.


I want the reader to know, with this writing, it is crucially important to stop doing what you consider to be your duty and to start talking. However, you need to talk with yourself, instead of with others. It is only when you listen to yourself, while you speak, that you realize, you were forcing yourself to do all sort of things, which you didn’t even want to do, but you did them anyway, as you are used to acting out of your conditioning with DL. In DL, we are told to stop talking and to do our duty, but in EL, begin to talk with ourselves and we begin to realize, that we want to do something else than what we were told.


When you will have EL instead of DL, you will say to yourself: now you are talking. In EL, you will be able to say things, which you were never able to say to others. Furthermore, you can say whatever you want to say and are capable of saying, to yourself. Your EL makes you quiet, peaceful and joyful. Whatever confused, worried, stressed, depressing, frustrated, irritable or distracting thoughts you believed to be having, will be totally gone. As your EL continues, talking with yourself makes you happy and, of course, you want to talk with others in the way you talk with yourself.


If you have read my text this far and you still seem to be thinking, that you are thinking, I want you to say it out loud, to yourself and to listen to how you sound. Now ask yourself, do you like to hear that? I bet you don’t like it and you shouldn’t, because you are listening to your dreadful, distrustful, defensive, fearful, arrogant, repetitive, hostile, miserable DL. I am not making this up and neither are you. If you can agree with me – just for this once – your DL will stop and then, your EL will be possible. If you let your EL continue, you will begin to sense your Language Enlightenment (LE), which is expressed by your EL.


You will be joking and having so much fun talking out loud with yourself, because you’re finally talking sense to yourself. Yes, this is more important than talking with others and again being stuck in your DL, because this is how you will acquire your EL. It is because you stop listening to what others are saying and it is because you are speaking – with yourself – that you can hear, experience and enjoy yourself talking. It isn’t weird to talk out loud with yourself, but it is the very basis of your sanity. And, you need to say it, to hear it: that’s why I’m talking to you.        

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