Tuesday, February 20, 2024




Regardless of our denial and our ability to avoid, that we are underperforming during our usual way of talking, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to continue to pretend, as if any of our so-called interactions, conversations, debates, discussions, arguments, narratives or dialogues are working.


Although we fail, as a  group, as a tribe, as a race, as a political party, as a religion, as a community, as a town or as a country, it is much more important to acknowledge that we underperform on a personal level. Each of us experiences, individually, the fear, anxiety, stress, frustration and powerlessness of not having any control over our language. As a result, we become more and more demanding, uptight, rigid, coercive and insensitive in our behavior.


The meaning of underperform is easily recognized in finance. If an investment or asset fails to produce financial gain, we adjust as soon as possible, before we lose a lot of money. However, when it concerns our language, we don’t even seem to notice, that we could actually do much better, because we are all so used to and conditioned by our dissociative, unnatural, energy-draining Disembodied Language (DL).


DL is the language of underperformance, because it is our automatic, common way of talking, which undermines all our actions. The often-lamented difference between saying and doing, invariably, refers to our DL, in which we say one thing, but do something else, that is, if we do anything at all. In Embodied Language (EL), on the other hand, we do as we say, because in EL saying equals doing. In EL, we take action, we are pro-active, we are responsible and accountable.


Whether we admit it or not, in DL, we underperform, but in EL we succeed, as no energy is wasted, and all of our efforts are always paying off. Furthermore, our positivity in EL creates a surplus, while in DL we are faced, in one way or another, with deficits. Stated differently, our underperformance in DL is always subject to penalties, terminations or reductions in our business affairs as well as in our personal relationships.


Since we keep trying to effortfully, domineeringly, stressfully, strategically, manipulatively, ambitiously, arrogantly, shamefully, tenaciously turn around our presumed failure – our dreadful underperformance – we accept DL as normal and we consider EL as the exception to rule. This has been and continues to be our situation, because we have no understanding about the big difference between our DL and our EL.


Currently, there is no incentive whatsoever, to address, let alone, stop and replace our DL, which is normally going on everywhere, as it has always done. Our consistent underperformance, which is maintained by our unconscious DL, manifests as our conflicts, wars, struggles, problems, fears, doubts and as our negative emotions and experiences.


Oddly, while each of us individually feels unhappy, dissatisfied, frustrated, superstitiously-confused and eternally-distracted by and endlessly-preoccupied with meaningless nonsense, we never acknowledge or talk about these troubling experiences at the level of the group, we believe to belong to. In effect, we carry, individually, the burden of the group, we identify with. Consequently, we underperform, as a group, as long as we don’t do well, individually.


A person may underperform, due to injury, trauma, addiction, abuse, depression, etc., but everyone underperforms, because of our unaddressed DL. In that sense, our DL determines we are in the same boat. Hilariously, while everyone is like crazy trying to out-perform or out-compete everyone else, everyone is unconsciously underperforming. By contrast, when we engage in EL, we perform at out best and, yet, we aren’t trying to out-do each other or beat ourselves up. It is this whole nasty issue of pushing ourselves, to supposedly do better, which makes us underperform. In EL, we behave naturally, without pressure or compulsion. This is why we are more effective, confident and happier than before.  


Interestingly, in EL we are free, which means we are not setting any standards or goals for ourselves or for each other and that is why we do so well. To be a catalyst, in a group of underperforming students – I used to be a psychology instructor and know how this works – you should introduce them to EL and have them talk with and listen to themselves, then you will begin to notice, that it was because of DL, that they were underperforming. 

Sadly, as long as this difference hasn’t been properly addressed and therefore, was never even acknowledged, we keep talking, as if people have no motivation, no respect, no confidence, no awareness, no responsibility, no accountability, no pride or just a bad attitude, while in fact, these are the inevitable consequences of our DL.


With EL everyone is self-motivated, to do the best they can, as their own language will bring this about. We always speak about underperforming, to describe a situation, in which someone doesn’t the meet the expectations or performs at a satisfactorily level, according to someone else. Surely, our DL is the language of expectation and punishment if this expectation isn’t met. Besides, what is presumably satisfactorily to someone who only has DL, is never satisfactorily to anyone who knows how to have EL.


When we, with EL, become aware of what we want and don’t want, it is easy to satisfy ourselves, as this has nothing to do with fulfilling any expectations. To the contrary, EL is the let go of expectations, which allows us to say, experience, hear, understand, feel, recognize, do, approach and achieve, what we truly want. Whatever we will be doing, when we do what we want, is always done with the utmost care and diligence. If, however, it isn’t done in that way, this simply means, it is not what we want and we are just doing something what was expected from us, which we have come to expect from ourselves.


Thus, we, unknowingly, underperform, when we don’t want to do what we are doing. In terms of our language, we always underperform in DL, because we do not and cannot express ourselves accurately and effectively. We underperform, as we don’t listen to what we feel, while we speak, we dissociate and are not in touch with ourselves. Our effortless focus on our language can only come about with our EL, which transforms our mediocre underperformance into a marvelous experience of success, clarity, consistency, effectivity, satisfaction and happiness. Our EL expresses our Language Enlightenment (LE).     

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