Tuesday, March 15, 2016

May 15, 2014

May 15, 2014

Written by Maximus Peperkamp, M.S. Verbal Behaviorist

Dear Reader, 

This writer has the impression as if he returned to himself after he had been gone for a while. Something difficult and tedious has been completed. It was not enjoyable and quite exhausting. It took a lot of energy. The writer feels that somehow he had lost contact with himself and temporarily didn’t know anymore where he was going. Interestingly, with this writing he re-establishes contact with himself. 

When one knows what Noxious Verbal Behavior (NVB) is, one is bound to feel more troubled by it when one experiences it. This is a form of classical condition in which a conditioned stimulus elicits a response. It is only in retrospect, however, that one realizes that NVB caused one’s Negative Private Self-Talk (NPST). One notices this when one finds one is in doubt and is feeling restless and uncertain. Also, one experiences a decrease in energy, feelings of depletion and stagnation.
These subjective private experiences, when they cannot be expressed in public speech, are bound to be misunderstood as being caused by the individual, who experiences them. For as long as this happens, the individual remains under the spell of his or her in NPST. Only when such individuals articulate their NPST as this writer does, in his writing, or publicly, by talking about it, is it possible to recognize that these negative experiences were in fact caused by NVB public speech. Thus, it is only when one returns to Sound Verbal Behavior (SVB) that one realizes one was gone for a while. 

This writer is not very satisfied with this writing. It doesn’t seem to explain anything really important. May be when it is read by him tomorrow that he would appreciate it, but for now there doesn’t seem to be much meaning to this explanation. In any case, this is important enough to be written at this moment and time will tell.       

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