Monday, June 24, 2024

Continuation Humor,


Why laugh and then stop again? Why not continue? Who cares about one miserly joke? So what, you told or heard a couple of smartass jokes? After some so-called fun, we are back to the reality again, from which we have escaped and which has only gotten worse. If we can’t keep laughing, we might as well not laugh at all. Why wet our appetite, but never satisfy our unfulfilled need for continuation humor, which would finally have us laugh until we’ve had enough? With Disembodied Language (DL) we never truly laugh to our heart’s content.


The etymology of continuation is fascinatating. Continuation is the act or fact of continuing or prolonging, an extension in time or space. It derives from the Latin word continuationem (normative continuatio), a following of one thing after another, noun of action from past-participle stem of continuare, to join together, connect; make or be continuous, from continere (instransitive), to be uninterrupted, literally, to hang together or contain. To restrain (someone), control (oneself), behave (in a certain way) from Old French contein-, tonic stem of contenir, from Latin continere (transitive) to hold together, enclose, from con (together) + tenere (to hold, from root, ten, to stretch). Surprisingly, the ancient meaning of continuation seems to refer to our Embodied Langauge (EL).


Both the embodiment as well as the furtherance of our humor, are captured in one beautiful word. Our laughter will be continuous, when we can relax and experience our body as an extension in time and space. Continuation humor becomes possible, because we are no longer concerned with merely one event, one joke or a couple of jokes, but with an uninterrupted stream of humor, in which our EL will string together, and, therefore, contain our fun. Of course, we also need to control or contain ourselves and behave in a certain way; to survive and so, continuation humor is about self-regulation.


Certainly, our continuation humor, which requires our ongoing EL, is a continuation to our Language Enlightenment (LE). Every time we have some EL, we experience our LE, which is apparent whenever our EL is happening. Naturally, our EL only always happens when our DL has been stopped, therefore, our continuation humor is about the absence or the disappearance of our DL. Our DL – which includes our fantasy of inner language or mind – dissolves the moment, we listen to ourselves, while we speak, as we speak, in order to be able to hear ourselves.


Our continuation humor is a reliable result of our ability to speak out loud with ourselves, in precisely such a manner, that we enjoy the sound of our own voice. Thus, our ongoing EL, which I have previously also described as the language which creates space, is about a tangible awareness of our own vibration or our energy, the embodied sound we produce and experience. In other words, it is utmost sensitivity and refinement, that makes our continuation humor possible. Stated differently, unlike the fake-humor, we are used to with DL – in which one outrageous, overwhelming, coercive thing is said after another, which seems to suggest a sense of losing control – the continuous humor of EL is actually about self-control.


The continuation of our EL is such a delightful and refreshing thing, as it involves the expression of our continuation humor. We really need this new kind of humor to be able to withstand the constant pull of DL, which is going on everywhere around us. One of the important ways in which we begin to notice, our EL has stopped, and that we are caught up again in our conditioning history with DL, is that we are no longer having any fun. There is an enormous taboo on enjoying ourselves with our own language. In the lame humor of DL, it is always about the demanding language of others, but in EL, we laugh about our own language, as this produces continuous humor.


Since our continuous humor goes hand in hand with our ongoing EL, it is clear, our continuous humor is just another word for our LE, our intelligence or our ability to simply be ourselves with our language. The connectivity and inclusiveness of EL is phenomenal, whereas DL makes us feel scattered, depleted and all over the place. Certainly, continuous humor is an accumulative process, in which we contain as much energy as we are able to hold together, before we release it with our EL. Periods of silence, created by our EL – our own language – liberate us from our imaginary mind and so-called thoughts and from being constantly busy with the language of others, which is DL.


Our continuation humor, with our ongoing EL is an upward, positive, energizing continuation, but our unintelligent, boring, brutal humor, produced by our DL is clearly a downward, negative, energy-draining continuation. With DL we praise the latter, but with EL, we acquire the former, as we can recognize the devastating detrimental effects of getting humor so incredibly wrong. Yes, with our unconscious DL, we have always laughed for the wrong reason and that is why there was basically never any continuation of our laughter. If there was any laughter at all, it was gone before we could even enjoy it. The laughter of our DL has cost us enormously, as it always meant the promotion of the continuation of our problematic DL. In continuation humor we laugh for the right reasons.             

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