Thursday, June 6, 2024



Astonishingly, instead of honoring the dead, Biden disrespectfully and despicably boasted about killing Russians on D-Day. I can’t believe that this sick and disgusting moron is using this day, to promote his war on Russia, which was an alley during World War II, who has lost many lives, in beating back the Germans. The D-Day Memorial has nothing whatsoever to do with Russia. The only reason he mentions Russia in his phony, angry, dishonest speech, is to justify his aggressive, ludicrous, wasteful agenda. As he speaks, he imagines himself to be some kind of hero, but he is a total coward, who has yet to speak out against the rampant antisemitism his party has unleashed and keeps supporting.  


It may be a small detail, which may seem beside the point of this writing, but it is Biden’s greasy, old-fashioned straight hair, which, like Hitler’s mustache, particularly offends me. This mullet hairstyle truly characterizes the nasty man that is Joe Biden. He tries to hang on, at all costs, to his filthy hair, which presumably represents his virility. At a younger age, such a model occurs when two active haircuts exist at once, but at an older age, the hair in the front is gone and only some pathetic thin hair in the back is left. It should be noted that the few nasty locks, on the back of Biden’s scabby, uncomfortable scull, aren’t neck-length wisps, but chopped off tufts, which don’t add up to more than hundred hairs. However, without the purposeful haircut on the top, the back doesn’t qualify as a mullet. Thus, strictly speaking – which is what we are doing when we engage finally in Embodied Language (EL) – Biden is, basically, a pretentious, dumb, mullet-wanna-be, anxiously trying to immitate David Bowie. Surely, sluggish Biden is no Rod Stewart either. What historians have called the Hunnic look, can be described, as the haircut version of your mom saying: get your hair out of your face. With Biden, of course, there is no hair in his face and so, there is no business in the front, but only truncated fun in the back. Perhaps, it is Biden’s hidden wish, to look as charming as Patrick Swayze or as adventurous as young Kiefer Sutherland, which makes him hang on to his dull, little, stupid, ugly mullet. In the beginning of the mullet rage, somewhere in the 80’s, a lot of metal bands had mullets and Biden’s icky hair is a failed attempt, to emulate some of that strength. There appears to be a revival of sorts. People rediscovered the mullet, but I am sure, they are not inspired by Biden.


Going back to the disingenuous D-Day speech of Joe Biden, the battle between freedom and tyranny has, of course, nothing to do with the autocratic rule of his idiotic administration, but with the cessation of Disembodied Language (DL). What kind of a leader is Biden, that he can’t even tell people about the difference between DL and EL? With DL, we are always heading for the next war, but he doesn’t even seem to care, as he is only about his preposterous bluster. He can’t even read the script and starts mumbling. It is quite horrific to see this large crowd listening to this unintelligent fool.  


I wouldn’t have clapped, out of politeness, for this man, who calls himself the commander in chief of the United States. I have no respect for any of his lies and detest his DL, as much as I do anyone’s DL. Biden is as unconscious as anyone with DL, but he has great influence. He says, it is his highest honor, to salute the veterans, who are still alive and even adds, God loves you, but he has no love for his own country, let alone for those, who have given their lives for freedom.


I don’t see any appreciation for Joe Biden on the faces of these veterans. To the contrary, I feel their contempt for this clown, this freak, this jerk, who can barely read from the script, which was clearly written for him, not by him. Nothing of what Biden says is his own. He is the classic example of someone with DL, who wants others to listen to him – and gets angry if they don’t – but who doesn’t listen to himself. Biden is not, as he imagines himself to be, the leader of the free world, but he is a representative of our outdated DL, the way of talking, which has no more future. Biden is as exhausted as his DL.


Biden said, it was estimated 80% of the troops, who landed in Normandy, would be killed, but the men were brave, and they went into battle, to win this war. This is where his words sounded most hollow. Except for having a big mouth, he has never done anything heroic. That is why he is trying so hard to prove, he is, supposedly, on the right side of history, with his crazy policies.


Biden has a mouthful about the great resolve of these soldiers, who died to liberate Europe, but he is the wrong person, at the wrong place, at the wrong time. In the same way, that Europe is going down the drain, due to globalism, so is the United States. Under Joe Biden’s so-called democratic leadership, the freedom of speech has been squelched and anyone who disagrees with the so-called democrats, is called a fascist.


When Biden coughs and holds his hand in front of his mouth (?), it is a clear sign, that he knows he is not really with it, he is just lying, he is only saying what he is supposed to say and wants it to be over with already. There is absolutely nothing inspiring, uniting or passionate about his tiring, meaningless speech. Surely, Biden doesn’t have his heart in the right place, as he is a frustrated, dissatisfied, ruthless, old man. It is all on full display in the faces of his audience. Across from him are equally old, dignified men, who fought honorably and see through his act.


Of course, he is calling out some of the heroes and makes it seem as if mentioning their names  makes him more believable, but it creates the opposite effect. It is painful to hear him pull off this fake-emotional, speech-bullshit. The tone of his voice says it all: everything is inauthentic. Only the doubtful wrinkles in his forehead, his squinting, distrustful eyes and the ugly, mean lines of negativity around his mouth, are real.


I want to feel what Biden is saying, but all I hear is someone, who hasn’t had real feelings for a long time, who only pretends to be passionate or animated. He basically sounds exactly how he always sounds like. I hear in his voice, he is not convinced of what he is saying, he knows it  yet, he continues, like everyone who has DL. In DL, we continue to lie even though we know it, because we don’t know how to stop it. The only way to stop it is to listen to ourselves while we speak. Biden doesn’t want to hear himself. All he really cares about, is that others hear him and see him as someone who is great, instead of the ignominy and imposter that he truly is.


Biden is talking out of his ass, when he says, our democracy is only as strong as all of us make it together. He repeatedly demonizes half the country, by calling them extremists, fascists and racists, because they want him to close the border, they don’t want to be gas-lighted and don’t like him to keep playing the race-card. I see it this way: conservatives and republicans no longer want to put up with the left’s DL. Of course, people on the right, don’t know this is  happening, but this is how it is. Regardless of whether we are willing to admit it or not, able to talk about it or not or are aware about it or not, what we are faced with is the difference between DL and EL and, as long as we don’t acknowledge this difference, DL will win again.


Biden is absolutely unbelievable, when he says that freedom is worth dying for. He may try to sound serious, but we all know, that these days less and less people are willing to enlist in the army. Moreover, his woke administration has defunded the military and the police. Surely, recruitment is at an all-time low and policing is  almost impossible if the prosecutors don’t do their job and prosecute the criminals. Many police officers have left blue states and moved to red states, leaving left-wing sanctuary cities that attract the illegal migrants in total chaos.


According to Biden, by liberating Europe from the Nazi’s, democracies have given proof, that liberty is stronger than any tyranny. However, he doesn’t put his money where his mouth is. He insists on the unbreakable unity of the allies, but this is pure fantasy, as under his leadership, the world is more divided than ever before. He talks about having the same purpose, but how can we have the same purpose with DL? It is impossible. He keeps touching his noose, as he speaks, which shows, he is not really with it.


Biden talks about NATO, as the greatest alliance in the history of men, but America has always paid the bill and is hated by everyone, who is in favor of Hamas and Pro-Palestine. He betrayed Israel and the American people, and he blatantly panders for votes. Moreover, Biden talks about expanding NATO and is all macho about being strong together. Everyone claps, as he declares to be against isolationism, but what he doesn’t say, is he might be leading us into World War III.


Biden says nothing about peace-negotiations between Russia and Ukraine. Instead, he wants the United States and Europe, to poor more money down the drain of Zelensky, who is at the D-Day memorial with one goal only: to get more money and weapons. Biden talks gloatingly about the loses of Russian troops, but there are almost no men left in Ukraine anymore to fight. However, all of this preposterous war-mongering bravado is totally out of touch with the D-Day memorial.  Biden sounds creepy, when he screams, we will not walk away and declares his unconditional support for Ukraine. Presumably, he is all about uniting the forces of democracy, but it is clear, he tells people, we must be willing to go to war. I hear nothing peaceful or realistic in this man.   


In this writing, I criticize Biden, who, apparently, isn’t afraid, to escalate the proxy war, which the United States is currently fighting with Russia. I  read US missiles, used by the Ukraine army may soon be landing on Russian soil, which could be the start of a nuclear war. I find it sad and very concerning, Biden abuses this D-Day memorial for idiotic posturing and sabre-rattling, instead of speaking about peace. I find it peculiar, that he talks a great deal about the fight for freedom and democracy, but doesn’t say a word about Israel’s war with Hamas. He didn’t mention the elephant in the room for political expediency.    

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