Wednesday, June 5, 2024

 Terribly Funny,


I am terribly funny. The fact, that you don’t believe me, simply indicates, you aren’t serious enough about what I say. I go on, on my own, in spite of your inability to laugh with me. You can’t laugh about my humor, as you still cannot laugh about yourself. It is obvious, you demand to laugh about others, to avoid laughing about yourself. Actually, it is more fun to laugh about yourself, than to laugh about others. You only get to laughing about yourself, once you realize that laughing about others is very boring.


I hope this text makes you terribly upset. I have faith, it doesn’t hurt you, as I’m getting terribly close to you. I can be terribly annoying, but that is – fortunate for you – where my humor is. It is a good thing, my humor makes you feel terribly guilty, you can’t laugh. Since any inner language doesn’t exist, I am sure, you don’t terribly mind, to read something, which isn’t terribly difficult to understand. These words aren’t as terribly absurd as you make them out to be, because I point out the difference between Disembodied Language (DL) and Embodied Language (EL) and I let you know, how terribly you have suffered with your DL. Unless this is terribly clear, you will go on, being terribly wrong about your life.


When you recognize the immense difference between your DL and your EL, you will not only be terribly amused, but you will acknowledge,  your DL has been terribly costly to you. Your DL has drained the very life out of you and you are  like a broken record. Do you still rather prefer not to know, how terribly handicapped you are, because of your DL? I am absolutely sure, that everyone continues with DL, because they were terribly punished and humiliated by others. This is why they punish and humiliate themselves.   


You may feel a little jerked around by my words, but you never really laugh. Although you have become used to laughing about others, with me, you don’t laugh, as it should be evident, my  humor doesn’t do anything for you. It isn’t your fault. No comedian has ever properly addressed the relevance of laughing about yourself. Even if they have occasionally tried, it would go terribly wrong and then they quickly backed off, as they were always terribly afraid to get into your shit.


The real problem is not, that you can’t laugh at yourself – of course, you can – but that you, as you are doing right now, refuse to laugh about yourself. I get it, you just don’t want to admit, what a terrible idiot you are and have always been. It is quite a realization. Don’t take it too personal. It is very common for anyone who has DL all the time, to act terribly stupid. Besides, in DL, laughing about ourselves is demonized and considered as a sign of weakness, when in fact, it is a sign, that you too, can be terribly funny.


Basically, you just don’t allow yourself to laugh, because you want to make it seem as if you are   so strong, so powerful, so certain, so in control, so on top of it, but this phony, arrogant act has terribly affected you. Neither I nor you made it that way, it is just the way everyone in DL deals with themselves. Supposedly, it is only funny, it can only be funny, if humor is about someone else, if someone else is the fool. Well, everyone is terribly wrong about that. These DL-stand-up comedians aren’t real truth-tellers. They have always let you off the hook, because they were so terribly afraid to displease you. Forget about someone else being funny. They terribly want you to accept them and that isn’t funny at all.


People who go into the funny-business have one thing in common: they have an inferiority complex and try to compensate for it by trying to make others laugh. Yes, that is what you’ve always been laughing about, it’s terribly brutal. Therefore, it would be an act of kindness, if you stopped laughing about others and started to laugh about yourself, if you would finally take your head out of your terribly stinking ass and get to the real laughter. This stand-up comedy – because of our mechanical involvement in DL –  is a form of publicly accepted verbal abuse. You justify it, I know, but there are consequences to laughing about others, which you rather deny.


You will only be able to whole-heartedly laugh about yourself, if you come clean about your exploitive laughter about others. Naturally, this is a terribly painful matter, as it involves your need to forget about yourself, to be entertained and kept busy with bullshit. Your amusement is successful only if it distracts you. Laughing at yourself would never do that. To the contrary, laughing about yourself brings you to who you have always been. In the end, it all comes down to the supremacy of the consumer. Do you like to continue to be sold on humor, which takes you away from yourself or are you ready to pay the price for humor about yourself? I don’t ask you to buy my humor. I know, I am not terribly funny, because I am not trying to sell you anything.     

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