Wednesday, June 5, 2024

 Tedious Humor,


Tonight, I will use my time at the microphone, to do my tedious kind of stand-up comedy. To make things even worse, I read it from paper, because I am just too lazy and disinterested to memorize this lousy text. However, it should be noted, I have written this myself and I do this, as I get a real kick out of it, to be as tedious and exhausting to others as possible.


I know, I get tedious, but that is what I enjoy, as that is how I am. I am way too thorough for those who are wishy-washy and always condemn me. Although I get into my language-thing, this isn’t politics. I may have tedious humor, but it definitely trumps politics. It appears, most people have lost touch with humor, as a non-political phenomenon, but I haven’t.


I’m not calling anyone any names, but you can fill in the blanks. My tedious humor, which for clarity’s sake, I keep calling tedious humor, is about what remains unsaid. It is astonishing, how what we say matters less and less and what we didn’t or couldn’t say matters more and more. We are living in very strange times, in which it is best to just say nothing, and to not scream and to be tedious in the extreme.


Although I speak a lot of words, I am well aware, I don’t say anything really meaningful, as that might make someone, who doesn’t quite get what I mean uncomfortable. Those who get what I mean, they experience the great comfort of using words to say nothing. What you would call my method – which, according to me, isn’t a method – is very tedious in its detail, as deals with listening to ourselves while we speak. It’s an artform to not get trapped, out of habit, by some familiar, boring, tedious narrative.


Nobody is served by hearing again what has already been said a million times. My exact analysis may be tedious, but my words are about a new use of our language, in which laughter will again be part of our everyday conversation. I know, that laughing about others has no longer any appeal, that is why I ask you politely, not to laugh about me, but yourself.  


While I continue to say what I’m saying, don’t worry and be my guest and interrupt me anytime, but try to give it shot and let some laughter about yourself – however, small or hesitant – back into your life again. Don’t have too high expectations and give yourself room to feel at ease. No need to have a full-blown belly laughter, just a simple smile is a good place to start. Carry on with what is possible and realistic. There’s not too much to laugh about, that’s okay. Being truthful pays off. Your laughter will increase, if you let it. Don’t push it, but wait for it.


Meanwhile, I’ll keep talking, so that you don’t have to feel as if you are being put on the spot. This is not a contest. I have experienced, privacy is actually very important in the beginning stages of laughter. You don’t want anyone else telling you what is funny and what is not, as you can tell yourself. What you find important, is best expressed by you. This issue, that someone else makes you laugh, has always prevented you from laughing about yourself. I’m not making you laugh, to create a new opportunity.  


I must wrap it up now and hope, you have made use of my words, to not be busy with me. I didn’t have anything to say and was only saying something, so that you could do your thing. I’m sure, it was worth it, as I didn’t hear anyone laugh, which means, you are experiencing something in silence. This is great progress towards the end-goal of laughing out loud. There’s only so much ground that can be covered in one trial. Keep on going, ignoring my tedious humor.   

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