Saturday, June 8, 2024



Everyone can hear it, everyone can see it, those in power, in Western Democratic countries, are increasingly placating autocratic countries and their despotic leaders. However, it should also be noticed, that these wolves, who are trying to hide in sheep’s clothing, attempt to use their influence, to seek legitimacy in the free world.


To survive, people have forever been placating, kiss ass and trying to appease or pacify bullies. It derives from Latin placatus, which means, soothed, calm, gentle, peaceful; placare, which means, to calm, appease, soothe; and, placere, which means, to please, to be acceptable, to be approved. Pleasure derives from plesen, which means, to please, to satisfy, to propitiate or to please, a deity, which means, to escape from  the vengeance of some imaginary higher power. Also, implacable from Latin implacabilis, which means, unappeasable. This greedy, ravenous, unquenchable quest for domination, is the pursuit of power, which still goes on today.


Our Disembodied Language (DL), which occurs twenty-four-seven, everywhere, around the world, has always existed, ever since human beings became verbal. Even when we didn’t have language, we used gestures and sounds, to show, we were dominant or subservient. We can – and should – compare the vocalizations of threat or safety, made by primates, with the sounds, which we produce, when we engage in DL or Embodied Language (EL), as these two different ways of dealing with our language, go all the way back, into the evolutionary history of our autonomic nervous system. However, it should also be noted, that placation only happens during DL, but never during EL. It is catastrophic, that we haven't paid attention to this difference. Only during ongoing EL, can we truly transcend our history of conditioning, as we are no longer placating anyone with stupid DL.


If I take a closer look, at the brutal societies, which are run by dictators – such as China, Syria, Iran,  Russia or North Korea – I find it very peculiar, these disgusting thugs, still hold fake elections, to, apparently, somehow, convince the population, they were chosen by them. In other words, no matter how powerful these monstruous people become, they still seek to be approved or accepted. Stated differently – as is always the case in DL – those who demand to be always placated by others, are themselves still placating others. While they may pretend to be emperors, they are, in reality, just beggars.  


There is a reason – which only becomes clear, if we have ongoing EL – why these dictators, still go through the ridiculous effort of holding sham elections, theatrical trials or forced confessions and why they pretend to have some semblance of fairness: those with DL, inevitably are always posturing to have EL. They are no different from anyone else with DL, which is: everyone. Since we haven’t acknowledged, the great difference between our DL and EL, we - in Western societies - all, inadvertently, believe, we have EL, because we are such democratic, enlightened, liberated, secular, educated people, but the unaddressed ugly reality is, that we all still engage, unconsciously, in dumb DL, in which placating is the name of the game.


To put it squarely, DL, our usual way of talking – in which speakers don’t listen to themselves while they speak but remain preoccupied with listening to or placating others or making others listen to or placate them – undermines the supposed superiority of Western democracies. I have said so before and I will say it again: EL is needed for Western democracies to survive, as EL is the language of the individual, while DL is the language of the group, which, historically, has always overruled the rights of the individual.


It is always with DL, that we wanted to become powerful, and we became coercive tyrants, but regardless of our importance, our needs were never met by our DL, as they could only be met by our EL. The very fact, that in our usual way of dealing with language – which is DL – we are always busy with others, signifies we are all pathetic placaters. Moreover, in DL we all know our place in the social hierarchy and, consequently, we placate those who are supposedly higher, and we despise those who are presumably lower.


Placating involves giving in to the other person’s position or demands. Yes, it always deals with others, so you never get to attend to yourself. It is, indeed, our usual, supposedly, normal, common, well-accepted, but unconscious way of talking – which I call DL – in which we can never really attend to ourselves, because we don’t listen to ourselves. No matter how much you are successfully placating others – on your way to the top of the social ladder – you are never at ease, comfortable or safe with them, because they are and remain a threat to you.


When you engage in DL, you are always sending a mixed meaning or message. In other words, it  absolutely doesn’t matter, whether you are, presumably, so powerful or, supposedly, so powerless or whether you consider yourself to be in control or view yourself as controlled by others, because you are always placating. You may say, subserviently, it really doesn’t matter, while, of course, it does matter or, you behave arrogantly, as if what you do doesn’t matter, but of course, your horrible, abusive, disrespectful behavior matters. You are never happy with DL. You can’t force others to love you, care about you or adore you. Phony success is all you get. Hilariously, those who are your friends, betray you and abandon you, as they are anxiously waiting to take your place. No matter how much you placate, it is your inevitable fate, that you will live a meaningless life, which is full of hate.      

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