Wednesday, June 19, 2024

 Where Humor?


Where is the humor? Somewhere, anywhere or is it nowhere to be found? You can’t look for it and find it, but you can say it and hear it. Only if you say it, can you hear it. When someone else is saying it, it isn’t as much fun, as when you say it. Actually, you aren’t saying, because you are so used to someone else saying it. You don’t say it, because you believe, that you aren’t funny.


Where were you, when you were laughing and what were you saying? Once you laugh about yourself, not being funny enough, is no longer holding you back. You just need to find a place where you can talk out loud with yourself and laugh as much as you want. If you go that same place again and again, just to laugh, you begin to notice, just being in that place will make you laugh. It is so nice, inspiring and comfortable to have such a place, where you have always fun.


Language is a funny thing, because it is a place where can always enjoy yourself. It cannot be predicted, whether you will be laughing at the beginning or at the end of a sentence, but there comes a point, where suddenly it is funny. May be, you need to write two or three sentences or four, to let yourself know, that there is nothing to laugh about and tell yourself, that in the next sentence, you are going to say something funny. Surprisingly, that is where your laughter breaks through. You somehow predicted your laughter.


Avoid those places in your language, where you don’t feel like having any fun. You know exactly where those dreadful places are. If you stay in those places, you can’t laugh, so your language has to get going, to bring you somewhere else. Pick yourself up, where it wasn’t any fun and start saying or writing something. You can ask yourself, why you aren’t having any fun? Don’t stop asking until you have given a funny answer.


There are wonderful places, where you can be alone with yourself, because you create them with your words. Your being wants those words to continue. Don’t stop speaking or writing, just continue, otherwise you remain where you are. It is your language which keeps you in that happy place, where truth itself is revealed as your laughter. It doesn’t matter where you have been. Surely, you were, for a long time, in the wrong place with your language, because you didn’t and couldn’t laugh. What matters is that you are there or get there, where your humor happens.


Having fun by yourself and being able to laugh  about yourself, is where your life becomes more interesting. You were always so boring, sad, dull and frustrated, before you paid attention to the four dimensions of your language, but now you know where to get energy. Speaking, listening, writing and reading are the four realms, where the fun never stops, because this is where you can be totally yourself. Moreover, you can listen to yourself while you speak or you can read while you write. The fun part is, where you hear yourself laugh about what you say or where you read about your own intelligence and wisdom.  


With your own language, you get yourself back on track, as you notice, where you went off the rails. Rather than moving away from where and when that happened, you bring yourself there where you can say, what you need to do, to not let that happen again. You have fun, where, in the past, you were having nothing but problems and drama, which you now prevent with your own words. You know who you are, when your language describes where you are with yourself.


You can get to where you had always wanted to go with your language. Your effortless humor is about the place where you delight in your own self-knowledge. You know where you are going because you are in charge and you know your goal, which is always achieved. No more time and energy are wasted with not knowing where you are going and being in places, where there was nothing positive happening for you. Your correctly used words create the order, where you can live up to your potential and blossom.


In closing, here are a couple of where-jokes. Interviewer: where do you see yourself in five years?... Me: I would say my biggest weakness is listening… Where do atheists donate their money? Non-Prophet Organizations…Where do pirates get their hooks? The secondhand store... If all the dogs go to heaven, where do all cats go? To purrgatory...Where do suicide bombers go after they die? Everywhere...Where do you park your camel? The Camelot…Where is happiness made? At the satisfactory…Where does a spy sleep? Under covers…

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