Thursday, June 20, 2024

 Discovery Humor,


Due to our usual Disembodied Language (DL), we can’t help, but believe, that humor is always about making others laugh, but once we are able to have Embodied Language (EL) – after we have acknowledged the difference between our DL and EL – we discover, that our humor is not about others, but about ourselves. Moreover, our discovery humor is real humor and what we believed to be humor with DL, was boring nonsense.  


You will be very excited about your discovery and exploration of the humor, which is only about you. Such EL-humor always works, and, suddenly, everything is funny to you. During DL, humor is a nerve-wrecking, noisy, hyped-up, dumb affair, in which the so-called comedian is full of anxiety, stress and frustration, because he or she is always worried about whether the audience will laugh and find it funny. Such fear doesn’t exist in discovery humor, in which you enjoy how every word fits with your wellbeing.


Anyone who reads this may believe, that I am just making things up, but that belief indicates the habit, we all have, to engage in DL, in which we fabricate all sorts of bullshit, because we are not and we cannot be in touch with ourselves. So, in absence of being genuine and at ease, we fantasize weird shit and pretend that it is funny. However, I have ongoing EL and, in this writing, I discover my own humor. I am the one, who is having fun. I don’t care about your inability to have fun, because I am not responsible for you.


I know my discovery humor will get to you, in a way no other so-called humor has ever affected you. With the DL-humor, you are used to and have come to expect, you are overwhelmed by the verbal garbage someone is loudly spouting, but in my EL everything is cool, calm and gentle. Actually, you don’t even feel addressed, as it is not about you. You feel quite annoyed, because in discovery humor, you are not important. I am not important either and that is why it is funny.


Instead of feeling yanked around by sentences,  there is the discovery, that our language makes us disappear. Our old DL-tendency, to hang on to words, is laughable, as it no longer works. I am into discovery humor, because describing how I let go of my language is a great delight. I am sure you will overcome your discomfort, in the same way I did, by admitting, in your usual DL, you are always hanging on to your misery.


Supposedly, these words have to have the same meaning that you want to hear or read, but you know, they don’t and if you would read this out loud, you would hear yourself say what I wrote. I don’t claim to be sharing my discovery humor with you, as it cannot be shared, but you can have your own discovery humor, and then, we can both laugh together about our own humor.


Discovery humor is new, but our habit, to have DL, prevents us from being new. I have stopped my DL and these words derive from my ongoing EL, that is why they are so funny. This is another important aspect of discovery humor. With DL, we cannot laugh about logic, but in our EL, we discover, that our reasoning or our intelligence is the royal path to laughter. Perhaps, you have noticed, how – during DL – your phony laughter makes your rational tendency disappear? Well, in discovery humor – with EL – you feel that your rational tendency is your greatest asset.


During your ongoing EL, you inevitably stumble upon your Language Enlightenment (LE), which is the perplexing discovery of your own humor. During your imprisoning, negative, unconscious, energy-draining, stupid, effortful, unnatural DL, you always discounted your own reasoning, as a source of laughter. In essence, DL has convinced you, that you are only funny, if others find you funny, but your EL tells a very different story. In your EL, you will discover, that you are funny, because you find yourself funny, in exactly the same way, as I find myself funny, in this writing.      

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