Friday, June 28, 2024

 Good Bye,


Interestingly, on the evening of old, disgusting, fool Joe Biden completely losing the debate to Donald Trump, it has now become crystal clear to me, why I chose not to continue my skype conversations with my former Dutch friend AnnaMieke. Although I feel grateful for having been able to enjoy my Embodied Language (EL) and my Language Enlightenment (LE), with her, I read in her writing today, that she has not just turned against me, but she has, actually, always, secretively, been against me. AnnaMieke is a classic example of a bleeding-heart liberal, who supposedly only wants to feel good, but who is turned off by the unavoidable rational consequences of her own EL.


While I have abundantly endorsed AnnaMieke in the past, in many of my writings and on my You Tube videos, I hereby completely withdraw my support for her. Anyone, who claims to be able to talk about EL – which is called Luisterend Spreken in the Netherlands – is full of shit for not being open and square with me. While I have always been the one, who, out of necessity, has stopped any conversation with anyone, who misjudged my passion for EL, for the Disembodied Language (DL), which I abhor, I now reject AnnaMieke, as well as so many others, as they wish to continue with mushy, esoteric, blablabla.   


As I have repeatedly stated, the DL/EL distinction touches every aspect of our lives, including politics. Since I have immigrated to the United States in 1999, I have made the irrefutable link between, on the one hand, DL-and-the-Left, and, on the other hand, EL-and-the-Right. It is absolutely clear to me, that the continuation of DL, deals with Left-wing politics, while freedom-loving Right-wingers are in principle, more open to EL than people on the Left. Since I used to be very liberal myself in the past, it has been a real journey for me to acknowledge this, but America has finally opened my eyes politically.  


You can hear my songs and talks on:

You Tube: Maximus Peperkamp

You Tube: maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw


If you wish to talk with me, you can reach me:

Skype: limbicease


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