Sunday, June 30, 2024

 You Are Joe Biden,


When you finally begin to speak with yourself and listen to your voice, your obsession with power will fall apart. Your ambition to dominate others prevented you from recognizing that you engage, almost permanently, in Disembodied Language (DL), in which language takes you further and further away from yourself. Now, with your ongoing Embodied Language (EL), in which you continue to listen to yourself while you speak, you no longer hide behind the mask, which you were wearing because of how you sounded. Yes, with EL, you sound very different.  


When it comes to your DL, you are as stubborn as Joe Biden – or as Karine Jean-Pierre, who told us repeatedly, the president has been very clear – because, behind the façade of your DL, you feel humiliated and devoid of confidence. Stepping down from your long, tragic history of conditioning with DL is as hard as stepping down from the presidency. Nobody needs to tell you it is difficult, necessary and inevitable, as EL is undeniably clear. You know, it could only occur, after you have stopped your own DL.


Neither Jill Biden, Hunter Biden, the democrats or the media, are to be blamed for the obvious fact, that Joe Biden – like everyone else, also people on the right, for that matter – keeps engaging in DL. Nobody is going to force anyone, to stop their DL, as we all can only do this ourselves. This change is about our individual freedom. Our power is irrelevant. We either live a meaningful life with ongoing EL or we live a meaningless life with unconscious DL.


We are all anxiously trying to stay in the race for power with our DL and only when we switch to EL, do we step down from our delusional way of dealing with language, which made us believe in inner language, our so-called mind. The real let-go of power, is the realization, there never were any words or thoughts inside of us. Due to our automatic involvement in DL, we have been merely imagining about this mental stuff, which doesn’t exist. Our insensitive way of talking, DL, caused the psychosis of hearing our inner voice.  


Joe Biden’s terrible performance at the debate with Donald Trump is not the real issue, but the fact, that we were, as a country, and, perhaps, as the whole of mankind, for a brief moment – like when we were watching the solar eclipse – on the same page. What we were watching and hearing, was what happens, when our outdated effortful DL comes to its abrupt end. Joe Biden’s meandering, incoherent speech and difficult to understand mumbling, clearly tells him – and let’s check in with his mouthy press-secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, to get absolutely clear about this – to give it up. Yes, if Joe Biden steps down from the being the celebrated candidate for the democratic party, it will be because he, for once in his life, decided himself.


Regardless of whether Joe Biden is going to step down, I want to make a prediction. If it happens – which is, at this point very likely – I predict, he will experience a remarkable recovery, because he would be able to have energizing EL instead of energy-draining DL. Moreover, if Joe Biden does, what anyone will have to do, when they can no longer continue with their DL-bullshit, he doesn’t do it for his country, but for himself. With EL, we don’t ask, but we simply say to ourselves, in clear and simple words, what we can do for ourselves, once we have stopped being busy with others. In effect, it is not what Joe Biden can do for his country, but what he can do for himself, which, might actually make him the biggest future advocate for EL. Thus, it all ends well, as the world is saved from Joe Biden.


If Joe Biden decides a change of course, he will be a blessing to his family and to America. I am very grateful to Karine Jean-Pierre for being so clear and for clarifying that Joe Biden has been very clear from the very beginning. What more can we - the people - ask for? It can’t get any clearer than that. This is the clarity, which we all so badly need. Those who still make it seem as if things aren’t clear, don’t know what they are talking about. It should be stated, for clarity’s sake, that people just don’t see what they are seeing, they don’t hear what they are hearing, they don’t know what they say they know and, actually, they are not, who they believe to be.


Yes, it is a real problem, that with DL, nothing is what it appears to be. Unfortunately - or fortunately, depending on how you see it - we cannot spin our way out of our usual DL. I’ve heard, I don’t know if it is just gossip, the democratic party came up with a new catchy acronym, CRAZY, for the new candidate. It stands for Clarity, Reality, Assumption, Zoo and, Yes, it is a total mess. The vice president said in one of her lucid moments: the only way forward, is by being here, because if we miss this moment, we are going nowhere. She is right. Going forward requires, we must be where we are and start there. Who better to guide us through these democratic dark times than Kamala Harris? She boldly took the lead, by saying: we are no longer where we have been and we have no other option, than staying with the facts, as we know them. We can count on the great clarity of Kamala Harris, who is clear about the need for clarity itself, which is sadly mostly overlooked by everyone, who isn’t as clear as she is. This is where Gavin Newsom comes in, as he can also really tell us as it is.


According to Gavin Newsome – who, as we all know, has solved the homeless crisis, by simply saying, that he owns it – people on the left are clear, but people on the right are unclear. Only the left can set the record straight. Obviously, crooked isn’t straight, but saying so, is the first step in this process of straightening the truth. It isn’t such a big stretch to acknowledge, that the truth needs to be stretched, otherwise it will no longer be accepted as true. Researchers have found ample evidence of this everywhere they looked. For the most part, they didn’t even need to look, because nowadays made-up truth is seen as the very essence of individualism and this is what the future of our nation is going to be like, with Californian-La-La-Land-Philosophy.


Right-wing extremists have to be silenced, for left-wing clarity to prevail. Therefore, freedom of speech must, at all cost, be abolished and anyone opposing this new-age of clarity shall be judged by a committee of card-readers, psychics and astrologers. We need these truth-tellers, as we have completely lost touch with ourselves, being endlessly busy with this bottomless pit called humanity. Our concern with world-peace is going to pay off with clarity, that is provided by those who say they have it. Yes, it is evident, only those, who say they are clear, are clear. It should be accepted and understood, as the ultimate truth, only our way of talking gives us to the clarity, we wished to have. It is not the intensity of our longing, but it is the feedback, we receive by our talking, which is making it possible for us to really listen. That being said, communication is no longer necessary, as what is said doesn’t need to be listened to by others, because we listen to ourselves in EL.            

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