Saturday, February 20, 2016

November 28, 2013

November 28, 2013

Dear reader, 

This writing is for you. I have a message to convey and I want you to get it. I do not write these words because it is 2pm and I cannot sleep. I do not write to read these words myself, although I do, of course, read them. I write these words to you and when you read them, you should find something is happening to you. These words are written to change you. I want to change you. I can change you. I am allowed to change you. I have changed myself with these words. Since theyhave had this effect on me, they are likely to have this effect on you. I woke up for this. I do not complain. I enjoy this. I enjoy reading these words that I am writing. 

My message is that there is such a thing as real communication. It is important to separate real communication from that which is not communication. What is not communication has many different faces, but real communication is always only one thing. Said differently, SVB is simple and clear, but NVB is complicated and confusing. The idea of diversity has made us believe that there are many different ways to communicate. This is completely wrong. There is only one way in which to communicate. That we do not adhere to this means that we are not communicating. SVB has nothing to do with someone being different from someone else. In NVB people pretend to be communicating by emphasizing how different they are or by pretending how much the same they are. 

In SVB there is neither an emphasis on being the same nor on being different. In SVB we are what we are, but in NVB we are not what we are, we can’t be who we are and we are always trying to be or to become something we are not. In SVB there is being, in NVB there is trying to be. Once you have SVB there is no need to understand any of this. When you communicate who you are, you know that you do so and others will know it too, although they may resist, deny or become envious. NVB communicators can’t stand SVB communicators, because they know they are going to be exposed by them. This SVB knowledge always somehow seeps through and is expressed and received in one way or another. In fact, it is impossible to maintain NVB. And, preventing SVB is like trying to achieve the impossible. NVB communicators know very well that they are failing.

The constant failure of communication, NVB, is a troublesome business, we rather not address. SVB never addresses it directly, it doesn’t need to. NVB talkers blame and hate SVB communicators, because they avoid NVB communicators altogether. SVB never meets NVB, because it goes in an opposite direction. That is how it should be. There is no argument between NVB people and SVB people, because SVB people will decline. SVB people refuse to become NVB people. It is not in the nature of things. It is also in the nature of things for NVB people to become SVB people. Only SVB people can influence NVB people, but NVB people can’t really influence SVB people at all. 

Their frustration is very apparent.Since they dominate or make the so-called communication impossible, NVB people assume that they are right. Just because they can dominate and coerce, does not mean that they are right.In SVB nobody dominates anybody. Presence of domination signifies NVB and absence signifies SVB. It is their belief that they dominate communication, not the reality, which NVB communicators find important. If they would focus on whether or not they really had any influence on others, they would find out that they don’t. Since they do not like to hear this, NVB communicators are satisfied with the assumption that they dominate the communication. The reality is that SVB communicators can’t be touched by any NVB communicators. NVB communicators have nothing to touch SVB communicators with because they have another history of reinforcement. They may be able to destroy or prevent SVB, but the essence of SVB keeps eluding them. They are strongly against SVB, because, secretively, they want it and privately they need it too. 

So, although SVB is easily pushed aside and wiped off the table, it does not go away and it does not leave anyone alone. Once we have SVB, we realize what bothered us, because in SVB we transcend our troubles. In NVB we recreate our troubles, which cannot be decreased. Again, in NVB, any decrease in our troubles is just our imagination. Likewise, in NVB our so-called power is a fantasy, not a reality. The queen is not a queen and the celebrity is not a celebrity. The fame, the so-called influence people have due to their money, armies, education, culture and ability to shape the news, is all make belief. Reality is still there and the fact that it is not attended to doesn’t make any difference. Inevitably, our way of communicating at some point has to catche up with reality. Even if it only happens very briefly, when that happens, NVB transforms into SVB.

Glimpses of reality remind us that there is such a thing as the kind of communication which accurately describes this reality. Such descriptions changes our false beliefs by exposing them. There is nothing to be changed about NVB. Making a clear distinction between SVB and NVB is enough to get people to change. You know that these words are not written to make you stop thinking. You know that these words are not written to prevent you from being and expressing yourself. You know that these words encourage you and are on your side. These words do not hold back, that is why they can reach you. These words affect what you think because they are meant to do that. It does not matter how they affect you exactly. We will talk about that later. 

That words affect you is important. Surely words always do that, but these words are different in how they affect you. They are different because you will stop reading, if you do not notice the difference that they make. You might say they take you to a deeper level. Yes, dear reader, you exist and you are real and these words can bring you and keep you in touch with yourself.  In SVB you will be able to communicate your reality as it is, continuously, skillfully, deliberately and joyfully. The reason you have not done that is because you are used to NVB. Everyone is used to NVB. We are conditioned by NVB to have more NVB. SVB re-conditions us. In SVB we learn new ways of expressing ourselves. These new ways, as you can read, are verbal as well as non- verbal. In NVB words lose meaning, but in SVB they become meaningful. SVB is communication, but NVB is the absence of communication. Any search for meaning always signifies the absence of communication.            

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