Monday, June 5, 2023




There is such a thing as verbal deprivation and we are all, unknowingly, suffering from it. My vacation to Grass Valley, set the stage, to quit writing on my blog – for a couple of days – but now that I’m back again, I feel a great urge to express my Embodied Language (EL). I realize how important it is for me to continue writing and, if possible, speaking, about my EL, as I don’t want to deprive myself. Something important was lacking and this greatly motivates me to keep writing and posting my EL. I don’t put any effort in reaching anyone, as I write only for myself.   


There is already enough satisfaction for me, in the possibility, that someone might read my writing and understand it. I write, because I want to and need to, since my EL enables me to express my Language Enlightenment (LE). There’s something humoristic about my EL and my LE, which I have already explored, but I like to come back to it again. It’s funny, as I was so convinced, I was going to stop writing, but here I am, still feeling, as if I have so much more to say, which could only be said with humor as my focus.


There’s something funny to be said about the odd reality, that what is commonly presented as humor, isn’t funny. It is funny to say this, because those, who believe in what is presented to us as fun, get annoyed with my claim. Yes, I’m funnier than anyone else, I won the argument about who is the funniest, as I have again out-smarted everyone, by being such a smart-ass.


There’s a link between humor and intelligence, but there are multiple reasons, why this connection is never properly addressed. One of them is: we laugh too little and only more laughter, can make us aware about the true nature of this relationship. Another unaddressed reason is: we laugh so little, because, supposedly, only stupid things are funny. Although  philosophical remarks have been made, about the link between humor and intelligence, such cerebral expressions were always made by intellectuals, who didn’t know much about humor themselves. Those who knew and who know humor, have always felt,  these presumably psychologically-advanced people – who write serious papers and publish meaningless books about the important connection between humor and intelligence – actually have their heads stuck up their ass, as they stop all the laughter.


If anything, humor needs to be liberated from the limitations, put on it by nasty intellectuals, who, at all cost, want it to mean something. The simple fact that humor can and should be a thing in and of itself, is intolerable to those dry-bones, who want to explain humor. There never was or is a reason for why something is funny, it just is. In other words, there is no need for a joke and you’ll be fine having missed the punch-line, as there is none. The real deal of sophisticated humor, is to go beyond words, rather than to engage in some verbal masturbation.

Instead of being exhausted by the deafening flood of words, which – we must keep reminding and convincing ourselves and each other – are funny, we  feel rejuvenated, unburdened and relieved, as our words finally just don’t fucking matter anymore.  


The use of cuss-words is very significant, as we need all the help we can get, to get whatever it is off our chest, since we’ve been so deprived of laughter and so God-damn stuck with and hung-up on language for so long. It is about time, we get done with our habit of being imprisoned by our own language and have some fun. Actually, some fun isn’t enough. It is miserly to only want to have some fun, who even fucking cares, to only have a little bit of fun? We want a lot of fun, but to achieve that, we’ve got to dump our way of dealing with language whole-sale.


People like to unload their shit on each other, but they never get rid of their own verbal fixation. Freud spoke about oral and anal fixation, but I speak about your addiction to words. Don’t you realize, by now, how much you impair yourself from having a good time, by demanding to hear, read or speak, words, which, presumably, are specially for you? Language isn’t obligated to fit your needs. If you don’t do what it takes, your need for more humor will never be fulfilled. Stated differently, you aren’t going to laugh, unless you manage to make yourself laugh. Yes, you can and should make yourself laugh and your language isn’t as advanced as you believe it to be, if it interferes with your ability to enjoy yourself. Laughing, for you, is out of the question, as long as your words remain dreadful, while not realizing how depressing and frustrating your own language is.


Once you say it, your will get it – because you have dealt with it – you are done with your shit. Now, you can be funny at your own expense or at the expense of everyone, who tries to stop you. Fuck them, your laughter is more important and if it isn’t, no matter how you put it, you are screwed by the language of others. Even if they don’t say a single word, you know what they, presumably, are thinking, but you say it – as you can say it – and let them have it.                   

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