Thursday, June 8, 2023




Hardly anyone laughs, because, apparently, the motivation is lacking. The reason for this is, that laughter is generally understood just to be another group-event. Presumably, if we don’t all laugh about something – together – it wasn’t really funny. Real  laughter, however, isn’t determined by consensus. As a matter of fact, those who laugh, that is, those who can laugh, always do so, because they don’t conform to what is expected. To laugh, is to be free.


Surely, this whole issue of what we call motivation is ridiculous. We don’t laugh, because there are forces acting within us, which initiate our behavior. There is no such a thing, as an inner self, which decides or regulates our behavior. Your laughter isn’t caused by an inner social stimulus. Regardless of what the cause of behavior may be, it is always inextricably having to do with how we talk about it, and thus, it is a matter of how we deal with our language.


Motivation comes from Latin, motivus, which means moving. However, in our common, unconscious way of using language – in Disembodied Language (DL) – we don’t move at all, as we are hopelessly stuck, with our heads up our own or someone else’s ass. Only if we become aware of the sound of our voice, while we speak, are we, quite literally, moved again.  In other words, our motivation for a healthy, happy, peaceful way of life is absent, as long as we don’t listen to ourselves while we speak. Thus, Embodied Language (EL) is the language of our motivation.  


Our wrong notion about laughter – which derives from our involvement in DL – goes against anyone being able to have fun on their own. DL smothers not only our individual ability to laugh at ourselves, but it also makes us less and less motivated. This is  the paradox of life: we dutifully, but, unconsciously, do what we do and have to do, but we aren’t really motivated, as our DL obfuscates what is going on. With me, this nonsense ends, as I can laugh alone.


I have great fun – without anyone else – because I am enlightened. More precisely, my humor derives from my Language Enlightenment (LE), which is the joy of being the master of one’s own language. Of course, I could say, you simply don’t get my kind of humor, but that wouldn’t be correct, as you know damn well what I’m talking about. You are jealous, I’m having fun, while you aren’t, because I know how to have fun and you don’t. You would like to shut me up, because I laugh at you, but you can’t laugh about yourself, while I can. Besides, what you consider to be humor, isn’t anything I’m even able to produce, because I don’t need you to have fun. To the contrary, I’m fine by myself, but you always need someone else to facilitate your so-called humor, which, in my opinion, is merely a hype, a belief, an assumption of having some fun.  


My go-it-alone approach – to stand-up-comedy – is the real deal, because I am true to how I feel. In other words, I am in touch with my own, but also with your emotions. By the way, emotion comes from Latin, emotus, past particle of emovere, to move away or movere, to move. It may be quite a jump, to get into your EL, but you’ll feel a lot better and you’ll be surprised, how it motivates you to do what is truly beneficial: to laugh. Although you don’t know this, DL always makes you feel terrible and it also makes other people feel horrible as well. It is so good, to deliberately move away from anyone’s DL, so you can move on to better things, to your EL.


I am not going to stand here, pretending I’m having fun, that’s not how I roll. Why is it, you can’t stand,  I don’t pretend? You should praise me, as you are too much of a coward, to do what I do. I get it, why you hate my humor, because it reveals how phony you are. Since my attempts at trying to be like you have always failed, I laugh about myself and I also laugh about you, trying to be someone you are not. I find it funny. You could also laugh with me, if you gave yourself the chance to laugh about yourself.


Laughing at yourself isn’t as bad as it sounds. You are incapable of laughing about yourself, for the same reason, everyone else is incapable of having fun. All of you are in the same predicament. Anyone who laughs about him or herself, doesn’t act, as if he or she is part of some group. Don’t you forget, that historically or, perhaps, I should say, hysterically or hilariously, those who laugh alone, have always been declared insane, by those who can’t laugh. My humor is about coming to terms with that tragedy.  


The thing with humor-as-you-know-and-expect-it, is that it is too noisy, to allow you to get in touch with yourself. The screaming, cussing and restlessness of how – according to your DL – humor is supposed to be, is a big smoke-screen, which prevents you from recognizing, that you can’t laugh about yourself. Like preaching to the choir, it is a form of ass-kissing, to make you feel at ease about being a tight-ass, but you never feel at ease, as you are only getting more angry, as long as you don’t laugh about yourself.


To summarize your dreadful situation: all your ideas about humor do not only prevent you from laughing about yourself, it also de-motivates you and doesn’t allow you to have any peace of mind. DL makes you jump on the band-wagon of what is fashionable, but you keep falling off, because you are pushed off, by those, who claim to be funny. They may give you the impression of having a good time, but they are never the funny happy-go-lucky people they appear to be, as they will stop you from feeling, who you are, so that they can keep getting all your attention.


The act of the stand-up-comedian – to make us all laugh together – depends on the audience’s level of self-denial. Have another drink, smoke some more pot, pop a different color pill or use more drugs, so you can claim, you have laughed your ass off, but the miserable reality of your DL always comes back to haunt you. I know, my talent, skill, personality and intelligence, makes you laugh against your will. I can’t help it, but I’m funny in that specific manner, because I happen to know what it is like to be like you and that is why I seem to get under your skin.

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