Saturday, July 22, 2023




The difference between Disembodied Language (DL) and Embodied Language (EL) is like day and night. I’m not saying that DL compares to the day or that EL compares to the night. I’m also not saying that EL compares to the day or that DL compares to the night. I’m only using this metaphor to indicate a big difference. However, EL compares to DL, like heaven compares to hell. And, yes, I consider it to be a case of life and death, whether mankind is going to wake up to the big difference between DL and EL. I went through many twists and turns, before I acquired my clarity about all the ins and outs of these universal ways of dealing with language. Surely, these ups and downs were needed, to get where I am today. My Language Enlightenment (LE) has allowed me to compare and contrast my involvement in DL and EL.


We all know, but we never have any clear, prolonged and deliberate conversation about, the way in which DL and EL come and go. EL is only with us for a few moments and, most of the time, unknowingly, we are involved in DL. We huff and puff, we blame and complain, but the fact is that we don’t know how to have EL, that is why DL takes over, again and again. With DL, we simply cannot be in the here and now.


Nowadays, more and more people make a big deal about the environment, but, by and large, nobody really cares about the environment we create with our language, which sets the stage for how we deal with all our other behavior. We have dismally failed to have EL so often and so embarrassingly, that, by and by, we accepted DL as normal and we consider EL as unattainable. However, EL isn’t far and away, it’s possible for everyone and it’s nice and easy.


Every now and then, there is someone, who seems to be having a little bit more EL than others and he or she is getting some attention and recognition, but there is never any appreciation and validation of LE, so that our EL could continue through and through. As consequence of our ignorance about our LE, we have only been having EL with leaps and bounds.


It is, in DL, often repeated, that, supposedly, there are no absolutes, however, the difference between DL and EL is black and white. It is undeniable that EL only occurs if DL has stopped, therefore, it is always one or the other. Nobody has ever been down and out with EL, but everyone, in one way or another, always ends up black and blue, because of their DL.


With EL, we feel alive and well, pure and simple, as it will make us feel better and better and go above and beyond our superficial differences. Moreover, as we are going to discover and acknowledge our LE, our EL will become more and more important to us, while our DL will be basically dead and buried.  


Since we predominantly engage in DL, the so-called carrot and stick are not working, because without EL, there is no carrot. It is utterly useless and totally disgusting, that we keep trying to beat a dead horse. With DL, we are scattered all over the place, in bits and pieces and we don’t have the energy and the attention, needed to verbally describe to ourselves what is going on with us. During DL, there are no checks and balances, as listening to others is more important than listening to ourselves. There is no give and take in DL. We only reciprocate each other in EL, without which we continue to act out of fear. There is only wear and tear, but there are no pros and cons to DL, our usual way of dealing with language. Only in EL can we experience and express the natural law and order about our own behavior.                 

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