Saturday, July 15, 2023




When you watch and listen to the so-called news, everyone is constantly talking about whether people are, so to speak, telling the truth or whether they are knowingly lying and want it in print. People accuse each other of spreading and perpetuating lies. It is also sometimes said that an animal does not need words because it does not intend to lie. This implies a condemnation of language as such.


Lies are constantly told by everywhere. No matter how fast the lie, the truth will catch up with her. We should believe, that sooner or later, the lie, which is apparently feminine, will eventually be caught and everything will supposedly work itself out, when the truth is finally revealed or when we get to have a taste of our own medicine. What a joke.


I believe, so many stupid books are written, because it validates our lies in print. It is much more difficult to lie in conversation than on paper. However, it is clear that all of us, unknowingly, day in and day out, because of the unconscious, automatic way in which we use our language, have continued to regard written language as more important than spoken language. Without ever noticing, it is constantly made to appear as if what was written by a writer would be the same as what someone says, but, although we all believe that, of course it is not so.


The written lie, too, is perpetuated 
in the name of freedom of speech 
and freedom of the press. It is, so
 to speak – just kidding – in a 
democratic society, a fundamental right, 
to express our feelings and our 
thoughts. In the name of superstitious
 tradition, it is assumed that a 
nonverbal process (feelings) 
and a verbal process (thoughts), 
at the same time, take place inside
 of us. And, yes, those so-called 
feelings, it is said, are very often
 in conflict with what we, in our 
head, in our thoughts, would say 
to ourselves. This utter nonsense
has been going on since time
immemorial and this is said, 
claimed and therefore also 
written and read everywhere. 
We have no choice, but to write
 about how we speak and – even 
though everyone pretends 
otherwise – our speaking 
has never changed because 
of what was written. 


We can continue to believe it, but it is and remains a gigantic lie, we started to speak differently because of what was written. Surely, the only way speaking can change is through a different way of speaking. Censorship is a much-discussed topic in the media, because it is erroneously and fanatically assumed, that one should not speak about what was written. However, we are never free, as long as our so-called freedom means, we can or may speak about what was written. We are only really free, if we can and are allowed to talk about talking with ourselves.


If someone is silent in all languages, that silence has nothing to do with writing and reading. We can all continue to pretend, that someone, who does not send a letter or a text, says nothing and, therefore, does not speak, but the reality is: there is nothing to read. When that person finally writes something again, then we get to know or understand what was written, but not what was said or heard.


With Disembodied Language (DL), we can’t help but  pretend to know. We may say: honesty is the best policy, but that is of course a big lie. One achieves absolutely nothing in the world by telling the truth, because one will dissolve in anonymity. The word anonymity comes from the Greek word anonymia, which literally means nameless or unnamed. Only during our Embodied Language (EL) do we realize the opulence, beauty and blessing of our true identity. Language Enlightenment (LE) is not for those who still want to become famous or known if necessary. For them, DL is merely a means to an end. Having a predetermined goal gets in the way of real conversation and is always a lie. In EL we can speak freely and discover what we want to say.


Because we, as speakers, have been caught up in the struggle for the listener's attention, the basis of our everyday, accepted language use is based on what is essentially a threatening situation. We manage to rescue ourselves from this negative circumstance with our acted lies, but in this way we continue, unconsciously, to deal with a language in which we always fight, flee and dissociate. Furthermore, in the progression of DL, who we are never becomes clear.


That we, because of DL, have not yet discovered, we can speak of ourselves differently than we have been accustomed to, makes us lie. There is, of course, no language in our head and there are no sentences or words to be found anywhere in our brain. Everyone should fully accept this obvious truth. Moreover, there is no me, inside of me, who has an inner dialogue with himself. All of this nonsense is a lie, which was inevitably based on our conditioning history with DL. However, in EL every form of duality dissolves. We stop asking ourselves questions and as a result, we stop telling lies.

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