Saturday, July 15, 2023




Anyone who talks with me and who has Embodied Language (EL) with me, will experience freedom. We know, that we are engaging in EL, but you, who only reads this, you don’t talk with me, you don’t know freedom, as you don’t know EL. In this writing, you are my special audience, as I have singled you out. 


This writing is for those, who claim to know about freedom, but who, according to me, don’t know anything about freedom and, therefore, are the enemies of freedom. Although you read this writing,  I didn’t write it for you, but for myself. Yes, I’ve written this for myself, because you can’t talk with me. I can talk with you, but you can’t talk with me.  


I am not talking in this writing. I am just writing and you are only reading. If we would talk, we would produce a sound, which can be heard, but, as you read this writing, nothing is said or heard. All that  happens is: you read and interpret these words in the way you are capable of, due to your knowledge of the English language. My words aren’t difficult to understand, but they are easily dismissed. Such is always the case with words, which are embodied, which are spoken or written in freedom, in EL.


During Disembodied Language (DL), the speakers always complain, that the listeners aren’t listening. In EL, this is never the case. If you would be quiet and let me talk, you could actually hear my EL, but you can’t be receptive towards me, since you are insensitive towards the sound of your own voice. Only if you become convinced, with words, such as these, that you can only get in touch with your own voice, by listening to the sound of someone like me – who is listening to his or her own voice – will you overcome your resistance of listening to yourself.


Naturally, if you don’t have a speaking or a hearing problem, you can hear yourself speak, but you don’t do this, as you were conditioned to listen to others, not to yourself. Thus, listening to yourself, while you speak, out loud, alone with yourself, goes against everything you’ve been taught and that is a big deal. Unless someone like me, who truly knows about EL, initiates you into this amazing process of listening to yourself while you speak, you are not going to do it.


While you read my words, you begin to consider the importance of what is becoming clear to you, as you know very well, you don’t listen to yourself. Actually,  you fear listening to yourself and you dread telling yourself about what is really going on with you. In fact, you are stuck with your DL, which you impose on yourself, on others and on me, but, since I know what is going on, with me, your DL isn’t gaining any traction. You don’t need to engage in EL with me, in order to know, that I don’t participate in your DL.


Other people, also don’t want your DL and, if you would pay attention, you would notice, you don’t want it yourself either, as that is why you don’t want to listen to yourself. You keep on trying to get rid of your stressful, angry, anxious, paranoia, depressing, boring, monotonous DL, by throwing your verbal diarrhea on others, but you can’t stop your own DL.


I can tell you, in a few words, what you need to do to stop your DL. As I was saying – just kidding, I am not saying anything, remember, you are not talking with me and you are only reading this – you keep going with your DL to others. This is what everyone does, but DL cannot be stopped in this way, as only the illusion is created that DL has been stopped by dominating, manipulating and distracting others.


What you need to do, is to admit, to yourself, you’ve been shooting yourself in the foot, by trying to blame your DL on others. Only if you admit that, will you be ready to listen to your own DL. Surely, you don’t like to hear yourself for the same reason, as others don’t want to listen to you. The simple truth of listening to yourself is this: you suck. No matter how much attention you get, by demanding it, this always wears you out. So, by talking with yourself, you must acknowledge, that your own DL definitely always has an energy-draining effect on yourself. Of course, you don’t want that and that is when your DL stops. Your DL only stops, if you realize what you are doing to yourself totally isn’t what you want.  


This writing isn’t helping you, in that, it doesn’t and can’t stop your automatic, compulsive involvement in DL. However, it may make you a little aware about something that is happening, which you’ve never put into words. Moreover, there is work to be done, by you. I wrote these words for myself, as it is the only way to get through to you, but, quite frankly, I don’t care what you do. For all I care, you can go to hell with your DL. Actually, that is exactly what you do and I am not responsible for it. Your tendency is always to blame others for your DL, but you yourself are to be blamed. You know that blaming yourself doesn’t work and is worse than blaming others, but feeling embarrassed about doing something stupid, unconsciously, for the fifth-million time, which you really don’t want to do, is quite a different matter.


Once you recognize, your repeated involvement in DL is why you hate yourself, you begin to love yourself, accept yourself and know yourself. Right now, you don’t do any of that and that’s why you want others to love you, to accept you and to know, appreciate and validate you. Since I already have EL, I want you to understand, that I don’t love you, I don’t accept you, as I know you better, than you know yourself.


There’s nothing about you and your superficiality, which is of any interest to me. I let you be, because I can let you be, because I am myself. Being myself is so delightful and relaxing. In this writing, I put you in your place. Although I am still negatively affected by your DL and don't claim to have any magic powers, every time you project your ugly DL on me, you know, that you didn’t do yourself a big favor. To the contrary, you keep creating your own hell. I know this so well, as I have done so myself, for a long time. EL is such a great gift, because it allows us to understand, why we did what we did, do what we do and stop doing what we don’t want to do. I don’t punish you, by writing this, but you punish yourself. I don’t shame you, but you shame yourself. I don’t embarrass you, as you embarrass yourself. I am not responsible for you, but for myself and, to me, being responsible isn’t something I have to be, but I want to be.  


Being responsible is like a punishment to you, but you have remained irresponsible because of that. Being hard on yourself doesn’t work. Only once you stop doing that, do you begin to mourn your wasted life. Your efforts haven't resulted into you being at peace with yourself, feeling secure, satisfied, happy and comfortable. It really is a big deal, that none of your beliefs are true. However, your life still goes on, even after you have abandoned them. Your trauma doesn’t last forever and it isn’t – as you believed – the defining issue of your life. Freedom is created by how you use your own language. You know what you want to say or write and you will say or write it.                                               

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