Thursday, July 6, 2023




Your confusion is understandable, because it is an indication of how you use your language. You use your language in an ineffective and unintelligent way. As long as you keep engaging in Disembodied Language (DL), you will continue to be confused. It is not evident to you, that how you use your words, creates the chaos, which is your life. If you read my writings, you notice the order of my words. I write and speak as I do, because I am not confused, as I  engage in Embodied Language (EL). The clarity of my language cannot be denied. Even if you only read what I say and never talk with me, you still get a sense, your conflict isn’t my world, but that my language positively affects you, because it is true.


Nowadays, most people have a Global Positional System (GPS) on their phone, so they can easily find their way, wherever they go, but before we had such technological devices it was useful – to avoid confusion while travelling – to look at the map and to write down some clear directions. EL is like the GPS for our happiness. You have absolutely no idea where you are going, with your life, if you don’t speak with and listen to yourself. There is only one way overcome your confusion, which is: stop taking directions from your DL, the punitive, coercive way of how you were taught, to deal with language.


There is no confusion at all, once you switch from DL to EL, but you must do this and nobody, not even the best psychologist or therapist, can do it for you. Many people, supposedly, are losing it when they are getting old. However, their so-called dementia, their confusion, was already happening during the many years, they were involved in DL. Old people often take many medications for their ailments. It is not uncommon for these medications and their side effects, to cause further confusion and uncertainty for these already struggling people. It was found that if dementia-patients listen to music, which they enjoyed while they were young, their social skills are temporarily miraculously restored. One can only imagine what would happen if, they were instructed  to listen to themselves while they speak. In EL, we produce with our voice, an energy, which stimulates our brain and nervous system like nothing else can.


If you are going to have EL, you will be, like me, one of the very few people, who - in the midst of all the suffering and confusion, which is created and maintained by our usual way of talking - has any clarity. However, those with EL can’t help those with DL and I or anyone else with EL, can’t teach you how to have EL, as you must let yourself know. It is clear, why you don’t want to talk with me, because that would dissolve your confusion and you don’t want that. You are attached, not to happiness, but to your confusion. Confusion is your cop-out, as you always have an excuse for not being responsible. Moreover, it is your rigid, fanatic, forceful, phony, bombastic certainty, which always covers up your confusion.  


With DL, you have nothing to offer to anybody, but your own confusion. Although I offer you my EL, my clarity isn’t going to do you any good. Most likely, it will make you feel disturbed, because you can’t miss  my disdain for your confusion. I don’t feel sorry for you, to the contrary, I make fun of you, as you make it seem, as if your DL is the real deal. Well it is not. You are missing out big time and, I predict, your defensive stance is going to increase your confusion.


I write like this, because you get more aggravated and more provoked by confusion, than by the most painful truths. You can pretend otherwise, but with DL, your life will continue to be a mess. You always demand to have your way, because, supposedly, you don’t doubt. Certainly, doubt and confusion aren’t synonymous. Doubt will make you pay attention to what asks your attention, but your confusion won’t let you that. Hilariously, your confusion dispels your doubt, but it is just a big, stinking, smoke screen.


Confusion comes from the Latin word confusio, which means a mingling, mixing, blending, disorder or consternation. In DL, there is a conflict between who you are and who you pretend to be with your language. It has nothing to do with any struggle between what you feel and think, as whatever you feel or think, are just your verbal expressions, which you have never even taken the time to listen to. The  useful things, you are able to say to yourself, if you speak with an effortless, natural, resonant voice, are totally different from all the garbage you spout with your mouth, when you try to sound strong, happy, friendly, certain, holy, funny or interesting. Indeed,  DL and EL never mingle, that is, only if your DL stops, can your EL begin. We are conditioned to have DL, so even if you stop your EL, you will notice, your DL takes over again, but there is no need for any confusion or despair, as the two never mix.


Regardless, of how long or how short you will be able to continue with your EL, it will always be blissful, peaceful, relaxing, relieving, revealing, comical, interesting and energizing. How can that be? If you continue to have EL and speak with the sound of your wellbeing, you will realize and can’t miss that this is made possible by your Language Enlightenment (LE), your natural way of being, which is now properly expressed with your own language. Your confusion was never about your own language, but always about the language of others.         

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