Sunday, July 9, 2023




The absolute certainty, that one has Embodied Language (EL), is so very beautiful, mysterious and enjoyable. To be certain about one’s language isn’t the case in Disembodied Language (DL), although everyone keeps pretending and endlessly arguing, they are right. What one will be able to say, write, perceive, create and verbalize in EL, is truly baffling, as one knows, this would never be possible with DL.  


In EL, one is finally alone and uninhibited with one’s language and, therefore, capable of putting words together, in the way, one finds fitting. Foremostly, this has to do, with the sound of one’s voice, but also with the pace and the rhythm of one’s speech, of one’s writing, of the time it takes, to address matters, which can only be addressed, if one is patient, dedicated, conscious and playful.


We constantly experiment in EL, because we never take our language for granted. The latter refers to our conditioning history with DL, which, basically,  taught us to never pay attention to our language, because, supposedly, as people say: it is what it is.


Our language is what it can and should be in EL, as in DL, we are, unknowingly, underperforming.  We could all do better than that, but, strikingly, each and every attempt at improving our DL – and there have been many – was doomed to fail. Since we weren’t able to switch, reliably and diligently, from DL to EL – and experience, for ourselves, we really want EL, not DL – we have been unable to change any of our problematic behaviors and replace them with productive, effective and satisfying behaviors, with which we want to continue, because we have again and again experienced beneficial outcomes.   


Astonishingly, nobody in the field of psychology, of which I was a part for so many years, picked up on the importance of what I have been talking and writing about. However, now that I have given up trying to let others know about EL, I acknowledge, that my perspective about the so-called spread of EL, has always been wrong. Over the years, I’ve had to remind my myself, a million times, my EL is only for me and it really is. If you are going to have your discovery and exploration of EL, you will come to the same conclusion. I hope, you won’t be as troubled by it, as I have been, but I can’t guarantee, as it is all up to you or rather, it is going to be your history of conditioning, which is going to determine how you are going to deal with the epiphany, you are bound to have, when you for the first time stop your own DL and are able to carry on with your EL.


Most likely, you aren’t going to be able to deal with your certainty of having EL any better than I have, because in the more than forty years that I’ve been trying to let others know about EL, there is, to my knowledge – besides my lovely wife – only just one person, who pursues it as thoroughly as I do. This is my dear Dutch friend AnnaMieke, who, after many years, got back in touch with me again, to continue the delightful conversation, we were already having some twenty-five years ago, when I was still living in the Netherlands. I keep telling everyone, in all my writings, I look forward to talking with people about EL, but that’s all I can do. Looking back on all my interactions with people, it was almost always the case, I initiated these conversations. I have, at long last, given up on doing that. AnnaMieke is so dear to me, because she caused me to give up my teaching.


Sure enough, I was able to let go of my relentless enthusiasm and energy, to let others know about EL, because just one person, AnnaMieke, really wanted to know about and explore EL, for herself. Miraculously, our delightful connection resulted in our conceptualization (with our EL) of our Language Enlightenment (LE). We are two enlightened human beings, whose language began to work for, instead of against them. We have both stumbled on this  certainty: in DL – our usual way of dealing with language – our language always works against us.


Of course, AnnaMieke speaks and writes about EL in a different way than I do. Anyone, who finds EL, will speak or write about it in their own unique way and anyone with EL knows, with perfect certainty, it is EL and not some esoteric, poetic, spiritual nonsense. In DL, we are ignorant and unconscious, about the sad fact that our own language is utterly self-defeating, as we erroneously, but fanatically, believe to have a mind, thoughts and covert private-speech, but in EL, we are cured from that illusion. Moreover, our LE, which is revealed by our EL, is properly articulated.


AnnaMieke and I will tell everyone, who wants to hear and know about it, that they are enlightened, but you don’t know about it yet, because of how you were taught to use your language. We have encouraged each other, to believe in the certainty,  our DL could not and, therefore, never did express our natural selves. It is very strange to us, that everywhere, around the world, helpless, hopeless,   fearful people, day in day out, engage in DL, which can’t express, who they really are. Obviously, this creates tremendous problems and hence we have created our society, our culture, our reality, in the way it is. AnnaMieke and I are the living proof of the certainty, all our problems can come to an end, if we change from DL to EL. This is not our belief, but the truth of our lives. Come and join our conversation,  Sunday at 4:30am Pacific Standard Time (PST) on skype. My skypename is limbicease and I chose that name, because our limbic system, will only be able to calm down, due to a new way of talking, in which we hear and follow the sound of our own wellbeing.               

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