Thursday, August 31, 2023




I've always wanted to talk about Embodied Language (EL), even when I wasn't aware of the difference between Disembodied Language (DL) and EL. I believe this is the same for everyone. The impulse to have EL comes from our Language Enlightenment (LE), which – likewise – is already the case, even though we could not yet have EL. The sporadic, fleeting, amazing moments when, despite our conditioning with DL, we could have EL for a little while, without actually really knowing it, are confusing, frustrating, and frightening, because we have no idea how we could fit it in our lives. In other words, the enormous importance of our natural handling of language has never fully dawned on us.


Even if no one reads this or comes to talk with me, with his or her EL, about his or her LE, this is always possible. If I've managed to break through my own conditioning with DL, anyone can do it. I am living proof anyone can have EL. I've never really cared that everyone always seems to be stuck with their DL, because I've always known this isn't true at all.


As soon as the right circumstances arise - which are created by someone like me, who knows the great difference between DL and EL - suddenly everyone has EL, effortlessly and naturally, even though one has always had DL.  All conflicts, chaos and misery evoked, repeated and maintained by DL disappear like snow in the sun when it is possible to have EL.


Verbalizing, making expressive, 
saying, writing, admitting 
and knowing our true nature,
 is something that always 
happens immediately and 
thus never gradually. Even
 though we were totally 
oblivious for a long time 
– having been talked into,
 literally, with compulsive 
DL, that it was of no 
consequence – the possibility
 of discussing our LE with 
EL has always challenged 
and haunted us.


Since we – without realizing this and without ever investigating or clarifying this ourselves – day after day, we put up with imposed language, we have continued to suppress our nature. Consequently, accepting and acting on what is true for us, is an insurmountable problem. Although we make many frantic efforts to do so, we never succeed in having EL, until we have stopped our own DL. So everyone always gives up talking with EL, because we've been overtaken by our conditioning history with DL.


I'm reminded of an old saying: Though the lie is swift, the truth catches up with it. Of course, the lie has always been something that had to do with our  use of language. It has nothing to do, of course, with whether the lie is narrowly feminine or masculine, for the lie, like the two mutually exclusive ways in which we deal with our language, is universal.


The truth only emerges with EL and that so-called finding out of the lie, is the realization that DL is something completely different from EL. It is true that the realization of this difference immediately characterizes the switch from DL to EL. It is and remains an undeniable fact for the time being that people, everywhere around the world, continue to engage in DL unconsciously and are ignorant of the difference between DL and EL. Discovering the lies which are perpetuated by DL, is the most important subject of all mankind, because this and this alone determines whether we will live in peace and truth.


Another remarkable saying is: honesty the lasts the longest. Lying is short term, so to speak, to get something done quickly, but trust and sustainability are – so it is believed – more long term. Uprightness, is always postponed to later and the truth, open communication - or EL - is being put on the back burner, because, supposedly, it takes more time to build such sincere, authentic relationship. However, trustworthiness has nothing to do with time, of course, because people have been struggling with DL for centuries. So, with DL, the truth never comes to light and we endlessly avoid the great challenge to find out for ourselves how things really work.


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