Saturday, August 12, 2023




You can feel the immense difference between your Disembodied Language (DL) and your Embodied Language (EL) and if you would pay attention to this experience, you know you have always known about this difference, but you have never spoken about it clearly. Of course, you can only talk about the great difference between your DL and your EL, with your EL. In other words, you have to step out of your DL, before you can have EL and understand your DL.


Although your conditioning history makes it seem as if you can’t stop your DL, you know you can stop it and you need to trust your own knowledge, which was never supported or reinforced during your DL. Letting yourself know that you know – by speaking out loud alone with yourself, by instructing yourself and listening to the sound of your voice – is the only way to take back your language. Unless you do this, you will do – unknowingly and mechanically – the  opposite, by repeatedly telling yourself, that your language isn’t yours and that you don’t know how to stop your DL, let alone, how to engage in EL.


When you fear that things may go wrong, they will go wrong and you know this, because you already have had some EL. You have never acted on what you know, as you didn’t continue with your EL. The few, haphazard, lucky moments, you had some EL, happened because – even though you do this every day, with your DL – you cannot deny who you are. In fact, it is your natural way of being that is giving you hell, as you don’t have the language to express it.


When you take time to explore, admit and know the difference between your DL and EL, it becomes very clear, you were lying to yourself, about not knowing how to have EL. Surely, you were not lying because you enjoyed lying so much, but because you were punished for speaking the truth. Indeed, every time you were somehow able to have some EL, you were dismissed, abandoned and ridiculed. Moreover, you were abused, by those, who took advantage of your openness. Discovery of your EL, always goes hand in hand with recovery from your coerced, unconscious, effortful, superficial, unnatural involvement in DL.


While you already know what you know – in spite of the fact, that you don’t have the EL, to let yourself know that your experience is true – you don’t and can’t rely on it, because such specific knowledge, which is self-knowledge, is a taboo in DL. Obviously, your knowledge that you already know, goes against your cultural conditioning and if you try to let others know, they will, inadvertently, tell you, you don’t know, but they know and you should do as they do.


As long as you keep trying, to let others know what you know, it appears as if you don’t know, because they don’t want to know what you know, as they don’t dare to go against their conditioning. When you engage in EL – all by yourself – and begin to trust and act on your own experience, rather than do what you have been told, you gather courage to remain alone, because you stop trying to let others know what you know. In other words, it is because of your EL, that you are finally able to benefit from what you know. In DL, by contrast, your knowledge always put you in danger, as it depended on others.


Scientific knowledge and cultural superstition have always been at odds with each other. We cannot act on what we know, because our mechanical habits wouldn’t let us. It is unequivocally true, there is no language anywhere to be found inside of us and thus, what we call our mind or thinking, only refers to how we talk, listen, write or read. In DL, we don’t accept this and we basically, stubbornly and stupidly keep telling each other, that the earth is flat.


I write on this blog, because I speak with myself and I know what I know. I don’t struggle, to get approval for my DL-EL thesis from some academic committee, as my self-knowledge, is totally different from all other knowledge. I know what I know, I am able to know what I know and I can act on what I know, by writing this text, because I engage in EL, instead of DL. I am so happy, my EL has made me leave behind and has liberated me from, the phony, competitive, harsh world of academia and science of which I was a part for so many years. I have studied and I have taught Psychology, but nobody was interested in EL.


When we engage in EL, we know that we engage in EL, but when we engage in DL, we don’t know, that we engage in it, as we are overtaken by our history of conditioning. In science, a big deal is made about not being biased, but since everyone, unknowingly, keeps engaging in DL, nobody is able to address and talk about the bias of our way of using language. All attempts that were made to do this have failed, as we have never addressed the difference between DL and EL, although we have always known it. As long as we don’t listen to ourselves, while we speak, we can’t really observe and know, as we keep telling ourselves and each other utter nonsense. It is very problematic, that even our sciences continue to perpetuate our DL. I should receive a Ph.D. for my work, as everything I say is rock-solid. What I know makes a lot of psychological-psychiatric knowledge irrelevant, as it is literally based on hear-say. Most of what we believe to know has come about due to our involvement in DL. What we can come to know with EL is only for those, who have the integrity, courage and dedication to know themselves.     

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