Thursday, August 17, 2023




Unless you engage in Embodied Language (EL), you cannot express who you are. With Disembodied Language (DL), you can only say, who you believe to be, but that is not who you are. Therefore, only EL makes you feel satisfied and happy and continuing with your DL, implies that your language produces nothing but negativity for you. The fact, that you have never looked into this, is because you don’t listen to yourself while you speak. If you did, you would hear, your unnatural voice is wearing you out.


In DL, you endlessly wait for something positive to happen, but it never really happens, even though you believe, you are on the right path. Basically, in DL, good feelings, presumably, come later, however, you don’t even realize, your use of language makes you postpone and forget about who you really are. Unless you engage in EL, there can be no happiness.


Neither your DL nor your EL is a belief. You really either engage in one or the other and unless you accept this truth, you will unconsciously engage in DL, while still believing you engage in EL. We go on with our own self-imposed version of EL – which is DL – because we have never explored the immense difference between our DL and EL. In other words, you have never stopped your DL, so that you could continue with your EL. Unless, you do that, you are unable to recognize and enjoy, that your EL makes you still, as it immediately fulfills and nourishes you.  


In DL, people say nonsensical things like: nobody can make you feel inferior, unless you believe it. In EL, it is very clear to you, your self-confidence is not a belief, but depends on how you use language. Of course, you’ve had some EL, but you didn’t engage in it consciously, skillfully and continuously. Quite to the contrary, you only had EL, accidentally, briefly and unknowingly. It happened because it could happen, but it was gone as quickly as it came and you didn’t know how to get it back. Your inability to find back – with language – your own wellbeing, sets the stage for all sorts of mental health issues.


Normally, due to your habitual involvement in DL, you remain preoccupied with what you believe to be your language, your political, religious, cultural convictions, your so-called values or morals – which you describe, as thinking or your mind – but this common obsession with imaginary language, which, presumably, happens inside of your brain, keeps you fearful, stressed, frustrated, confused and worried.


Unless you manage to stop your DL – by speaking out loud with yourself, by listening to the sound of your own voice and by acknowledging, that you are always on the run – you cannot and will not engage in restful, peaceful, natural, effortless EL, which has always only positive consequences. One of the most astonishing outcomes of your EL is, that you will feel still – without any words or any language – because you have literally said everything, you wanted to say and what you were able to say. Like nothing else, your total verbal expression will invite your silence. This is your Language Enlightenment (LE) and unless you begin to talk about and listen to, who you really are, so that you can write and read about, your way of using your EL, it will be unable to continue, as you are unaware and ignore how you use your language.      


What I write about EL and LE is my own experience and you will have to rely on your own experience, to discover and explore your EL and your LE. Now that I have had so much EL, I was laughing at myself, as I was saying: now be quiet Maximus and rest. I need to say this to myself, because unless I do this, I don’t enjoy my silence and peacefulness. Of course, it is because I have had so much EL, I can now not only say this, but really experience this. It feels so good.

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