Tuesday, August 13, 2024



Fodder is food for domestic animals, especially, coarse food for horses, cows, sheep and pigs. However, fodder is also what the Democratic main-stream media feeds to people, who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). It is disastrous, that media and education have been overtaken by Left-wing politics, which pushes anti-Americanism, antisemitism, weirdness and chaos. There’s something inherently childish, perverted and stupid about fodder, which is best described by the charm of endearing child actors, who later become tabloid fodder once they grow up. Fodder is about some form of abuse, which is presented as lost innocence.


Our habitual, accepted, common, automatic, unnatural, unintelligent way of talking – which I call Disembodied Language (DL) – in which we don’t listen to ourselves, while we speak, is superficial, meaningless fodder, because we don’t listen to ourselves while we speak. No, it doesn’t feed anyone, DL is horseshit. The other day, I was riding my bicycle at the park, where there are stations, from which people can get a little plastic bag, to pick up their dogshit and throw it in the garbage. However, I saw some people on horses, who laid piles of shit, which are ten times as big as dogshit, but nobody picks that up. Supposedly, horseshit is okay!?


This constant scoring of political points, by the Left and the Right, is fodder, that obfuscates the issues, which are never properly addressed, let alone solved. People say, it is politics as usual and they casually call politics a blood sport, but they never realize, it is always more of the same destructive DL. Since we don’t know anything yet, about the great difference between DL and Embodied Language (EL), there is no understanding at all, about what politics would be with ongoing EL. However, this is the only real future of mankind.


Have you heard about cannon-fodder? It is an informal, derogatory term for combatants, who are regarded or treated by the government or by the military command as expendable, in the face of enemy fire. The term is generally used in situations where combatants are forced to fight against hopeless odds – with foreknowledge that they will suffer extremely high casualties – in an effort to achieve a strategic goal. For example, trench warfare in Word War I. Also, the term is used pejoratively, to differentiate infantry, that is, those who actively engage in warfare combat and other forces – such as artillery, air force or navy – to distinguish expendable low-grade inexperienced combatants from the more military valuable veterans. In DL, everyone is cannon fodder, as the only objective, is to dominate and win the battle for attention, which is the essence of DL.   


During our repetitive, humorless, meaningless,  profoundly troublesome DL, people are treated as things, which are only useful for a stated purpose. In the struggle for survival, in which everyone wants to be important or famous, we feed off of each other and politicians are always good fodder for comedians, who, supposedly, make jokes about them. Anyone with EL, never laughs at these phony jokes. Humor with EL is based on laughter about our stupid DL, that is, in EL, we laugh about ourselves. Yes, in EL, we no longer fear or try to protect or defend, our overrated cherished dreams. In EL, we laugh together about our grandiose childish fantasies, which are now fodder for public entertainment.  


The kind of fodder, people gossip about at the water cooler or in the locker room, is always DL, but there is an underlying attempt at EL. People want to talk and connect, but don’t know how else to do it, then with their usual fodder. We are made to believe DL is okay, when in fact, it prevents us from having EL and, therefore, it is absolutely not okay. Somewhere, somehow, we all know, we that could have – and really need to have – real conversation, instead of our usual fodder, but our DL-conditioning is too strong.  


I was walking by the second hand book store. In the windows were all the pathetic books, which were written by people, who ambitiously had wanted to publish a book and become famous. I was glad not be one of them, because I didn’t want this writing to be fodder. My work is not for sale and EL cannot be bought. You cannot and you do not need to buy into my message. As long as you still assume, you have to believe in or have faith in, what I or what someone else  says or writes, you are merely a consumer and as such, you are always being used as fodder.

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