Tuesday, August 27, 2024

I am speaking,


I am speaking, because I listen to myself, while I speak and, therefore, I am able to have ongoing Embodied Language (EL). Kamala-la-land Harris wasn’t speaking, because she wasn’t listening to herself and, consequently, she demanded to be listened to. She smilingly, seemingly politely, charmingly, supposedly, assertively, said, the president wanted people to remain calm, but she wasn’t calm, as she was clearly, arrogantly, agitated, that she was interrupted by someone, who had a different opinion and she couldn’t handle such a confrontation, and, that is why, she authoritatively said, in a hostile, insidious manner, during her totally failed debate with Mike Pense, Mr. Vice President, I’m speaking, I’m speaking, I’m speaking, while she was not speaking, but acting, as she only knew how to coerce, intimidate, dominate, manipulate and humiliate the other speaker, with her dumb, superficial, phony Disembodied Language (DL).


What is really so incredibly cringeworthy, about our presidential vote-less candidate, LalaKamala, is that she says everything, with a big smile, showing her white teeth. Moreover, the ugly wrinkles in the neck, of this rapidly aging, vindictive cougar, won’t go away, no matter how much the plastic surgery experts may try to stretch it. And, since she has no policies to comment on, there are only her suits, that we can talk about. We have all seen the crooked shawls, she is wearing, to bring attention to her neck, which clearly is the worst part of her declining physique. It is fashion, these days for failed women, to do that, to rub everyone’s face in their worst body-part, by accentuating this disgusting, mostly hated body-part, with the drabby, femininity-denying clothes they are wearing. Kalamitala Harris wears the most stupid, clunky outfits, that have ever been worn by anyone in public office. It is clear, she is, presumably, dressed for battle, but it is the battle she is going to lose, because her despicable, inauthentic DL is being exposed.


What people, who are used to having DL, don’t and can’t understand, is that the DL of others, is always just as stupid as their own. I am talking, I will use anyone who is famous - I am just getting started - and my EL implies the end of everyone’s DL. In that sense, we might actually all be fortunate, whether Communistala wins or loses, because her idiotic DL illustrates something to us, from which we might eventually learn, although it may be the hard way. Like angry Joe Biden, this bullying apparatchick, absolutely hates and will punish everyone, who justifiably questions her so-called authority. In DL, people always claim to be in charge of others, as they fail to be in charge of their own behavior. Their acting out is visible, audible and is continuously leaking. The perfect picture they try to create is totally false.


There can be no doubt, that it is, of course, her leaking, stinking, soiled diaper, which makes Bravadomala say ridiculous, uncomfortable, insulting things, like, if you don’t mind letting me finish – to Mike Pence – then we can have a conversation. Although I have no love for Mike Pence, I admire him for his ability, to treat this psycho-bitch so very kindly and maturely. I hope we will retain our freedom of speech, so I can continue to enjoy saying that, because I have to admit, I really enjoy writing about the DL of K.H.   


Like everyone else with DL, Kakamala speaks, but doesn’t say anything. She is just performing. If we are to believe, what the fake-news media writes and says about her latest annoyance, we must admire her for her ability, to turn efforts to rattle her, to her advantage. Supposedly, the Pro-Palestinian protesters were really caught off guard, lost for words and in awe of her great communication skills, when she responded to their accusation, with a gentle smile and calmly stated, I am speaking now. However, it didn’t work, as the crowd roared, Kamala you can’t hide, we won’t vote for genocide, and then, she quickly added, much like an angry parent, who had enough of a child that was acting out, you know what, if you want Donald Trump to win, then you say that, otherwise I’m speaking. The crowd roared again, but Kampainalia showed her true colors, as she clenched her jaws and stared them down in silence. Her theatrical flair was the talk of the day, because, supposedly, she had demonstrated, she could turn efforts, to undermine her, into a political weapon. This was a perfect demonstration of the mechanics of DL. Surely, nobody should ever take anything she says personal and everyone, especially her, insists – with DL – while they attack others, that personal attacks are absolutely unacceptable.


Anyone who is dominating someone else in DL, hates to be interrupted, because it means, they are losing power. It has nothing to do with finishing a sentence or having a conversation. It has to do with winning the battle for attention of the audience. Only a speaker, who manages to forcefully get the attention, supposedly, has something important to say. This struggle for attention, which is the basis of DL, which is our ordinary, habitual way of talking, is the cause of everything that is wrong in this world. It is interesting how she deflected and drowned out the protesters, by quickly blaming Trump, by accusing him of supporting Project 2025, which he doesn’t and by saying, it’s a plan to weaken America’s middle class. As her Fascistic, Communist, Marxist, Anti-Semitic, gas-lighted, weird and crazy fans were screaming Ka-ma-la, Ka-ma-la, she added, it’s all good, it’s all good, I am here because we believe in democracy, everyone’s voice matters, but I’m speaking now, I’m speaking now, but her voice doesn’t matter to her. She wants to be adored and listened to, but she has nothing to say except some slogans, as she has no connection with who she truly is. If she would listen to herself, while she speaks, she would hate what she is hearing. There would be no cackling, but tears of sadness. I am talking, because this is the sad truth about K.H. and everyone, who still engages in DL.  

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