Sunday, August 18, 2024



After you have read these few simple words, you are either going to waste the rest of your life with more of the same of your old, stupid, phony, stressful, troublesome Disembodied Language (DL) or you are going to enjoy, who you really are – your Language Enlightenment (LE) – because you have become capable of having ongoing, always new Embodied Language (EL).


Once if had figured out, I could have EL instead of DL, I was, again and again, wondering, why the rest of the world didn’t want to have EL? I never found any answer to that bothersome question, which disappeared from my life. Once you have EL, you are at your best and you no longer worry about the rest. You are no longer interested or involved in the rest of all these awful, boring, dreadful stories, which people tell themselves and each other. You will not be telling your own story either, because you have better, more important things to do with your EL. Sure enough, you leave the rest of all your own old, conflicted, unfinished, chaotic, meaningless stories alone. You take no ordinary break, once you have EL instead of DL, because you can now truly rest in your own language.


With your ongoing EL, you have no problem recognizing the seduction and manipulation of DL, which leaves you hanging. Supposedly, it takes more than outrageous cliff-hangers to win the ratings wars. There is always a struggle for attention going on in DL and the audience isn’t given any rest. We all know cliffhangers usually turn out to be disappointments, but we fell again for it. Moreover, you want to know the rest of the story, because you were conditioned to be a consumer of amusement. The so-called ending of an episode of a drama leaves the audience in suspense. The story or the situation is uncertain, and the outcome is in doubt. All of this is typical DL stuff, but you’ll be fine if you rest a little bit.


Although, initially, you can only have some EL for a little while, it will be clear, you need that rest from your usual way of talking, which is DL. Once you are able to have more EL, you will be shocked, to find out, how worn out you are from DL. You really need that rest. The institutionalization of those, who were said to have mental disorders, was a haphazard attempt, to provide this much needed rest and the deinstitutionalization made us forget about our need for rest, to calm down and have EL instead of DL.


In my opinion, we need asylums more then ever in the twenty-first century. However, with our EL, we cannot avoid the realistic notion that our so-called humanitarianism, understanding and therapeutics were always still based on DL, as the difference between DL and EL was never fully acknowledged. We definitely need a refuge from an unforgiving world – in which DL rules – a place where those, who are worn down and disturbed by life’s tribulations, can escape, rest, reassess and start afresh again with EL.


When someone has died, we say: may he or she rest in peace. This says it all, how we deal with our need for rest. With DL, we postpone it until we die, because with DL, we can’t rest, as we are literally restless. The only rest we will ever have, is the rest we can experience during our lives. There is no rest in death. Due to DL, we believe that numbing ourselves, in one way or another, equals rest. Of course, it doesn’t, but since we don’t know how to truly rest with EL, we can’t help but fall victim for the promise of rest in religion, drugs, alcohol, art, music, amusement, knowledge, meditation, wealth, power, politics and medicine. Nothing comes close, to the rest we can only achieve with our EL, as it is the rest of who we are, when we experience our LE.               

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